/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL * @author David Bernard, Manohar Jonnalagedda */ package scala.tools.nsc package doc import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable import reporters.Reporter import util.NoPosition import io.{ File, Directory } import DocParser.Parsed /** A documentation processor controls the process of generating Scala * documentation, which is as follows. * * * A simplified compiler instance (with only the front-end phases enabled) * * is created, and additional ''sourceless'' comments are registered. * * Documentable files are compiled, thereby filling the compiler's symbol table. * * A documentation model is extracted from the post-compilation symbol table. * * A generator is used to transform the model into the correct final format (HTML). * * A processor contains a single compiler instantiated from the processor's * `settings`. Each call to `document` uses the same compiler instance with * the same symbol table. In particular, this implies that the scaladoc site * obtained from a call to `run` will contain documentation about files compiled * during previous calls to the same processor's `run` method. * * @param reporter The reporter to which both documentation and compilation errors will be reported. * @param settings The settings to be used by the documenter and compiler for generating documentation. * * @author Gilles Dubochet */ class DocFactory(val reporter: Reporter, val settings: doc.Settings) { processor => /** The unique compiler instance used by this processor and constructed from its `settings`. */ object compiler extends Global(settings, reporter) with interactive.RangePositions { override protected def computeInternalPhases() { phasesSet += syntaxAnalyzer phasesSet += analyzer.namerFactory phasesSet += analyzer.packageObjects phasesSet += analyzer.typerFactory phasesSet += superAccessors phasesSet += pickler phasesSet += refChecks } override def forScaladoc = true } /** Creates a scaladoc site for all symbols defined in this call's `files`, * as well as those defined in `files` of previous calls to the same processor. * @param files The list of paths (relative to the compiler's source path, * or absolute) of files to document. */ def makeUniverse(files: List[String]): Option[Universe] = { assert(settings.docformat.value == "html") new compiler.Run() compile files if (reporter.hasErrors) return None val extraTemplatesToDocument: Set[compiler.Symbol] = { if (settings.docUncompilable.isDefault) Set() else { val uncompilable = new { val global: compiler.type = compiler val settings = processor.settings } with Uncompilable { } compiler.docComments ++= uncompilable.comments docdbg("" + uncompilable) uncompilable.templates } } val modelFactory = ( new { override val global: compiler.type = compiler } with model.ModelFactory(compiler, settings) with model.comment.CommentFactory with model.TreeFactory { override def templateShouldDocument(sym: compiler.Symbol) = extraTemplatesToDocument(sym) || super.templateShouldDocument(sym) } ) modelFactory.makeModel match { case Some(madeModel) => println("model contains " + modelFactory.templatesCount + " documentable templates") Some(madeModel) case None => println("no documentable class found in compilation units") None } } object NoCompilerRunException extends ControlThrowable { } val documentError: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = { case NoCompilerRunException => reporter.info(null, "No documentation generated with unsucessful compiler run", false) case _: ClassNotFoundException => () } /** Generate document(s) for all `files` containing scaladoc documenataion. * @param files The list of paths (relative to the compiler's source path, or absolute) of files to document. */ def document(files: List[String]) { def generate() = { import doclet._ val docletClass = Class.forName(settings.docgenerator.value) // default is html.Doclet val docletInstance = docletClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[Generator] docletInstance match { case universer: Universer => val universe = makeUniverse(files) getOrElse { throw NoCompilerRunException } universer setUniverse universe docletInstance match { case indexer: Indexer => indexer setIndex model.IndexModelFactory.makeIndex(universe) case _ => () } case _ => () } docletInstance.generate } try generate() catch documentError } private[doc] def docdbg(msg: String) { if (settings.Ydocdebug.value) println(msg) } }