/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package io import java.io.{ FileInputStream, InputStream, IOException } import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, CharBuffer} import java.nio.channels.{ ReadableByteChannel, Channels } import java.nio.charset.{CharsetDecoder, CoderResult} import scala.tools.nsc.reporters._ /** This class implements methods to read and decode source files. */ class SourceReader(decoder: CharsetDecoder, reporter: Reporter) { import SourceReader.{decode, flush} //######################################################################## // Private Fields /** The input byte buffer (small enough to fit in cache) */ private val bytes: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0x4000) /** The output character buffer */ private var chars: CharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0x4000) private def reportEncodingError(filename:String) = { reporter.error(scala.reflect.internal.util.NoPosition, "IO error while decoding "+filename+" with "+decoder.charset()+"\n"+ "Please try specifying another one using the -encoding option") } /** Reads the specified file. */ def read(file: JFile): Array[Char] = { val c = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel try read(c) catch { case e: Exception => reportEncodingError("" + file) ; Array() } finally c.close() } /** Reads the specified file. */ def read(file: AbstractFile): Array[Char] = { try file match { case p: PlainFile => read(p.file) case z: ZipArchive#Entry => read(Channels.newChannel(z.input)) case _ => read(ByteBuffer.wrap(file.toByteArray)) } catch { case e: Exception => reportEncodingError("" + file) ; Array() } } /** Reads the specified byte channel. */ protected def read(input: ReadableByteChannel): Array[Char] = { val decoder: CharsetDecoder = this.decoder.reset() val bytes: ByteBuffer = this.bytes; bytes.clear() var chars: CharBuffer = this.chars; chars.clear() var endOfInput = false while (!endOfInput ) { endOfInput = input.read(bytes) < 0 bytes.flip() chars = decode(decoder, bytes, chars, endOfInput) } terminate(flush(decoder, chars)) } /** Reads the specified byte buffer. */ protected def read(bytes: ByteBuffer): Array[Char] = { val decoder: CharsetDecoder = this.decoder.reset() val chars: CharBuffer = this.chars; chars.clear() terminate(flush(decoder, decode(decoder, bytes, chars, endOfInput = true))) } //######################################################################## // Private Methods /** * Sets the specified char buffer as the new output buffer and * reads and returns its content. */ private def terminate(chars: CharBuffer): Array[Char] = { val result = new Array[Char](chars.length()) chars.get(result) this.chars = chars result } } object SourceReader { /** * Decodes the content of the specified byte buffer with the * specified decoder into the specified char buffer, allocating * bigger ones if necessary, then compacts the byte buffer and * returns the last allocated char buffer. The "endOfInput" * argument indicates whether the byte buffer contains the last * chunk of the input file. */ def decode(decoder: CharsetDecoder, bytes: ByteBuffer, chars: CharBuffer, endOfInput: Boolean): CharBuffer = { val result: CoderResult = decoder.decode(bytes, chars, endOfInput) if (result.isUnderflow()) { bytes.compact() chars } else { if (result.isError()) throw new IOException(result.toString()) assert(result.isOverflow()) decode(decoder, bytes, increaseCapacity(chars), endOfInput) } } /** * Flushes the specified decoder into the specified char buffer, * allocating bigger ones if necessary and then flips and returns * the last allocated char buffer. */ def flush(decoder: CharsetDecoder, chars: CharBuffer): CharBuffer = { val result: CoderResult = decoder.flush(chars) if (result.isUnderflow()) { chars.flip() chars } else { if (result.isError()) throw new IOException(result.toString()) assert(result.isOverflow()) flush(decoder, increaseCapacity(chars)) } } /** * Flips the specified buffer and returns a new one with the same * content but with an increased capacity. */ private def increaseCapacity(buffer: CharBuffer): CharBuffer = { buffer.flip() val capacity = 2 * buffer.capacity() CharBuffer.allocate(capacity).put(buffer) } }