/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package settings /** A Settings abstraction boiled out of the original highly mutable Settings * class with the intention of creating an ImmutableSettings which can be used * interchangeably. Except of course without the mutants. */ trait AbsSettings extends scala.reflect.internal.settings.AbsSettings { type Setting <: AbsSetting // Fix to the concrete Setting type type ResultOfTryToSet // List[String] in mutable, (Settings, List[String]) in immutable def errorFn: String => Unit protected def allSettings: scala.collection.Set[Setting] // settings minus internal usage settings def visibleSettings = allSettings filterNot (_.isInternalOnly) // only settings which differ from default def userSetSettings = visibleSettings filterNot (_.isDefault) // an argument list which (should) be usable to recreate the Settings def recreateArgs = userSetSettings.toList flatMap (_.unparse) // checks both name and any available abbreviations def lookupSetting(cmd: String): Option[Setting] = allSettings find (_ respondsTo cmd) // two AbsSettings objects are equal if their visible settings are equal. override def hashCode() = visibleSettings.size // going for cheap override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case s: AbsSettings => this.userSetSettings == s.userSetSettings case _ => false } override def toString() = { val uss = userSetSettings val indent = if (uss.nonEmpty) " " * 2 else "" uss.mkString(f"Settings {%n$indent", f"%n$indent", f"%n}%n") } def toConciseString = userSetSettings.mkString("(", " ", ")") def checkDependencies = visibleSettings filterNot (_.isDefault) forall (setting => setting.dependencies forall { case (dep, value) => (Option(dep.value) exists (_.toString == value)) || { errorFn("incomplete option %s (requires %s)".format(setting.name, dep.name)) false } }) trait AbsSetting extends Ordered[Setting] with AbsSettingValue { def name: String def helpDescription: String def unparse: List[String] // A list of Strings which can recreate this setting. /* For tools which need to populate lists of available choices */ def choices : List[String] = Nil /** In mutable Settings, these return the same object with a var set. * In immutable, of course they will return a new object, which means * we can't use "this.type", at least not in a non-casty manner, which * is unfortunate because we lose type information without it. * * ...but now they're this.type because of #3462. The immutable * side doesn't exist yet anyway. */ def withAbbreviation(name: String): this.type def withHelpSyntax(help: String): this.type def withDeprecationMessage(msg: String): this.type def helpSyntax: String = name def deprecationMessage: Option[String] = None def abbreviations: List[String] = Nil def dependencies: List[(Setting, String)] = Nil def respondsTo(label: String) = (name == label) || (abbreviations contains label) /** If the setting should not appear in help output, etc. */ private var internalSetting = false def isInternalOnly = internalSetting def internalOnly(): this.type = { internalSetting = true this } /** Issue error and return */ def errorAndValue[T](msg: String, x: T): T = { errorFn(msg) ; x } /** After correct Setting has been selected, tryToSet is called with the * remainder of the command line. It consumes any applicable arguments and * returns the unconsumed ones. */ protected[nsc] def tryToSet(args: List[String]): Option[ResultOfTryToSet] /** Commands which can take lists of arguments in form -Xfoo:bar,baz override * this method and accept them as a list. It returns List[String] for * consistency with tryToSet, and should return its incoming arguments * unmodified on failure, and Nil on success. */ protected[nsc] def tryToSetColon(args: List[String]): Option[ResultOfTryToSet] = errorAndValue("'%s' does not accept multiple arguments" format name, None) /** Attempt to set from a properties file style property value. * Currently used by Eclipse SDT only. * !!! Needs test. */ def tryToSetFromPropertyValue(s: String): Unit = tryToSet(s :: Nil) /** These categorizations are so the help output shows -X and -P among * the standard options and -Y among the advanced options. */ def isAdvanced = name match { case "-Y" => true ; case "-X" => false ; case _ => name startsWith "-X" } def isPrivate = name match { case "-Y" => false ; case _ => name startsWith "-Y" } def isStandard = !isAdvanced && !isPrivate def isForDebug = name endsWith "-debug" // by convention, i.e. -Ytyper-debug def isDeprecated = deprecationMessage.isDefined def compare(that: Setting): Int = name compare that.name /** Equality tries to sidestep all the drama and define it simply and * in one place: two AbsSetting objects are equal if their names and * values compare equal. */ override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case x: AbsSettings#AbsSetting => (name == x.name) && (value == x.value) case _ => false } override def hashCode() = name.hashCode + value.hashCode override def toString() = name + " = " + (if (value == "") "\"\"" else value) } trait InternalSetting extends AbsSetting { override def isInternalOnly = true } }