package package transform import collection.mutable.Buffer abstract class Statics extends Transform with ast.TreeDSL { import global._ class StaticsTransformer extends Transformer { /** finds the static ctor DefDef tree within the template if it exists. */ def findStaticCtor(template: Template): Option[Tree] = template.body find { case defdef @ DefDef(_, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, _, _, _, _) => defdef.symbol.hasStaticFlag case _ => false } /** changes the template for the class so that it contains a static constructor with symbol fields inits, * augments an existing static ctor if one already existed. */ def addStaticInits(template: Template, newStaticInits: Buffer[Tree], localTyper: analyzer.Typer): Template = { if (newStaticInits.isEmpty) template else { val newCtor = findStaticCtor(template) match { // in case there already were static ctors - augment existing ones // currently, however, static ctors aren't being generated anywhere else case Some(ctor @ DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_)) => // modify existing static ctor deriveDefDef(ctor) { case block @ Block(stats, expr) => // need to add inits to existing block treeCopy.Block(block, newStaticInits.toList ::: stats, expr) case term: TermTree => // need to create a new block with inits and the old term treeCopy.Block(term, newStaticInits.toList, term) } case _ => // create new static ctor val staticCtorSym = currentClass.newStaticConstructor(template.pos) val rhs = Block(newStaticInits.toList, Literal(Constant(()))) localTyper.typedPos(template.pos)(DefDef(staticCtorSym, rhs)) } deriveTemplate(template)(newCtor :: _) } } } }