/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package typechecker import scala.language.implicitConversions /** A generic means of breaking down types into their subcomponents. * Types are decomposed top down, and recognizable substructure is * dispatched via self-apparently named methods. Those methods can * be overridden for custom behavior, but only the abstract methods * require implementations, each of which must create some unknown * "Node" type from its inputs. * * - wrapProduct create Node from a product of Nodes * - wrapSequence create Node from a sequence of Nodes * - wrapAtom create Node from an arbitrary value * * This is a work in progress. */ trait DestructureTypes { val global: Global import global._ import definitions.{ NothingClass, AnyClass } trait DestructureType[Node] extends (Type => Node) { def withLabel(node: Node, label: String): Node def withType(node: Node, typeName: String): Node def wrapEmpty: Node def wrapPoly(in: Node, out: Node): Node def wrapMono(in: Node, out: Node): Node def wrapProduct(nodes: List[Node]): Node def wrapSequence(nodes: List[Node]): Node def wrapAtom[U](value: U): Node private implicit def liftToTerm(name: String): TermName = newTermName(name) private val openSymbols = scala.collection.mutable.Set[Symbol]() private def nodeList[T](elems: List[T], mkNode: T => Node): Node = if (elems.isEmpty) wrapEmpty else list(elems map mkNode) private def scopeMemberList(elems: List[Symbol]): Node = nodeList(elems, wrapAtom) private def typeList(elems: List[Type]): Node = nodeList(elems, this) private def symbolList(elems: List[Symbol]): Node = nodeList(elems, wrapSymbolInfo) private def treeList(elems: List[Tree]): Node = nodeList(elems, wrapTree) private def annotationList(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): Node = nodeList(annots, annotation) private def assocsNode(ann: AnnotationInfo): Node = { val (names, args) = ann.assocs.toIndexedSeq.unzip if (names.isEmpty) wrapEmpty else node("assocs", nodeList(names.indices.toList, (i: Int) => atom(names(i).toString, args(i)))) } private def typeTypeName(tp: Type) = tp match { case mt @ MethodType(_, _) if mt.isImplicit => "ImplicitMethodType" case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => typeRefType(sym) case _ => tp.kind } def wrapTree(tree: Tree): Node = withType( tree match { case x: NameTree => atom(x.name.toString, x) case _ => wrapAtom(tree) }, tree.productPrefix ) def wrapSymbol(label: String, sym: Symbol): Node = { if (sym eq NoSymbol) wrapEmpty else atom(label, sym) } def wrapInfo(sym: Symbol) = sym.info match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => typeBounds(lo, hi) case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => polyFunction(tparams, restpe) case _ => wrapEmpty } def wrapSymbolInfo(sym: Symbol): Node = { if ((sym eq NoSymbol) || openSymbols(sym)) wrapEmpty else { openSymbols += sym try product(symbolType(sym), wrapAtom(sym.defString)) finally openSymbols -= sym } } def list(nodes: List[Node]): Node = wrapSequence(nodes) def product(tp: Type, nodes: Node*): Node = product(typeTypeName(tp), nodes: _*) def product(typeName: String, nodes: Node*): Node = ( nodes.toList filterNot (_ == wrapEmpty) match { case Nil => wrapEmpty case xs => withType(wrapProduct(xs), typeName) } ) def atom[U](label: String, value: U): Node = node(label, wrapAtom(value)) def constant(label: String, const: Constant): Node = atom(label, const) def scope(decls: Scope): Node = node("decls", scopeMemberList(decls.toList)) def const[T](named: (String, T)): Node = constant(named._1, Constant(named._2)) def resultType(restpe: Type): Node = this("resultType", restpe) def typeParams(tps: List[Symbol]): Node = node("typeParams", symbolList(tps)) def valueParams(params: List[Symbol]): Node = node("params", symbolList(params)) def typeArgs(tps: List[Type]): Node = node("args", typeList(tps)) def parentList(tps: List[Type]): Node = node("parents", typeList(tps)) def polyFunction(tparams: List[Symbol], restpe: Type): Node = wrapPoly(typeParams(tparams), resultType(restpe)) def monoFunction(params: List[Symbol], restpe: Type): Node = wrapMono(valueParams(params), resultType(restpe)) def nullaryFunction(restpe: Type): Node = wrapMono(wrapEmpty, this(restpe)) def prefix(pre: Type): Node = pre match { case NoPrefix => wrapEmpty case _ => this("pre", pre) } def typeBounds(lo0: Type, hi0: Type): Node = { val lo = if ((lo0 eq WildcardType) || (lo0.typeSymbol eq NothingClass)) wrapEmpty else this("lo", lo0) val hi = if ((hi0 eq WildcardType) || (hi0.typeSymbol eq AnyClass)) wrapEmpty else this("hi", hi0) product("TypeBounds", lo, hi) } def annotation(ann: AnnotationInfo): Node = product( "AnnotationInfo", this("atp", ann.atp), node("args", treeList(ann.args)), assocsNode(ann) ) def typeConstraint(constr: TypeConstraint): Node = product( "TypeConstraint", node("lo", typeList(constr.loBounds)), node("hi", typeList(constr.hiBounds)), this("inst", constr.inst) ) def annotatedType(annotations: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying: Type) = product( "AnnotatedType", node("annotations", annotationList(annotations)), this("underlying", underlying) ) /** This imposes additional structure beyond that which is visible in * the case class hierarchy. In particular, (too) many different constructs * are encoded in TypeRefs; here they are partitioned somewhat before * being dispatched. * * For example, a typical type parameter is encoded as TypeRef(NoPrefix, sym, Nil) * with its upper and lower bounds stored in the info of the symbol. Viewing the * TypeRef naively we are treated to both too much information (useless prefix, usually * empty args) and too little (bounds hidden behind indirection.) So drop the prefix * and promote the bounds. */ def typeRef(tp: TypeRef) = { val TypeRef(pre, sym, args) = tp // Filtered down to elements with "interesting" content product( tp, if (sym.isDefinedInPackage) wrapEmpty else prefix(pre), wrapSymbolInfo(sym), typeArgs(args), if (tp ne tp.normalize) this("normalize", tp.normalize) else wrapEmpty ) } def symbolType(sym: Symbol) = ( if (sym.isRefinementClass) "Refinement" else if (sym.isAliasType) "Alias" else if (sym.isTypeSkolem) "TypeSkolem" else if (sym.isTypeParameter) "TypeParam" else if (sym.isAbstractType) "AbstractType" else if (sym.isType) "TypeSymbol" else "TermSymbol" ) def typeRefType(sym: Symbol) = ( if (sym.isRefinementClass) "RefinementTypeRef" else if (sym.isAliasType) "AliasTypeRef" else if (sym.isTypeSkolem) "SkolemTypeRef" else if (sym.isTypeParameter) "TypeParamTypeRef" else if (sym.isAbstractType) "AbstractTypeRef" else "TypeRef" ) + ( if (sym.isFBounded) "(F-Bounded)" else "" ) def node(label: String, node: Node): Node = withLabel(node, label) def apply(label: String, tp: Type): Node = withLabel(this(tp), label) def apply(tp: Type): Node = tp match { case AntiPolyType(pre, targs) => product(tp, prefix(pre), typeArgs(targs)) case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) => product(tp, parentList(parents), scope(decls), wrapAtom(clazz)) case ConstantType(const) => product(tp, constant("value", const)) case DeBruijnIndex(level, index, args) => product(tp, const("level" -> level), const("index" -> index), typeArgs(args)) case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => product(tp, prefix(pre), node("alts", typeList(alts map pre.memberType))) case RefinedType(parents, decls) => product(tp, parentList(parents), scope(decls)) case SingleType(pre, sym) => product(tp, prefix(pre), wrapAtom(sym)) case SuperType(thistp, supertp) => product(tp, this("this", thistp), this("super", supertp)) case ThisType(clazz) => product(tp, wrapAtom(clazz)) case TypeVar(inst, constr) => product(tp, this("inst", inst), typeConstraint(constr)) case AnnotatedType(annotations, underlying, _) => annotatedType(annotations, underlying) case ExistentialType(tparams, underlying) => polyFunction(tparams, underlying) case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => polyFunction(tparams, restpe) case MethodType(params, restpe) => monoFunction(params, restpe) case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => nullaryFunction(restpe) case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => typeBounds(lo, hi) case tr @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => typeRef(tr) case _ => wrapAtom(tp) // XXX see what this is } } }