/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2009 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ // $Id$ package scala.tools.nsc package typechecker import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import symtab.Flags._ /** This trait ... * * @author Martin Odersky * @version 1.0 */ trait EtaExpansion { self: Analyzer => import global._ object etaExpansion { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[ValDef], Tree, List[Tree])] = tree match { case Function(vparams, Apply(fn, args)) if (List.forall2(vparams, args) { case (vparam, Ident(name)) => vparam.name == name case _ => false }) => Some((vparams, fn, args)) case _ => None } } /**

* Expand partial function applications of type type. *

   *  p.f(es_1)...(es_n)
   *     ==>  {
   *            private synthetic val eta$f   = p.f   // if p is not stable
   *            ...
   *            private synthetic val eta$e_i = e_i    // if e_i is not stable
   *            ...
   *            (ps_1 => ... => ps_m => eta$f([es_1])...([es_m])(ps_1)...(ps_m))
   *          }

* tree is already attributed *

*/ def etaExpand(unit : CompilationUnit, tree: Tree): Tree = { val tpe = tree.tpe val symbolHash = "" var cnt = 0 // for NoPosition def freshName(pos : util.Position, n : Int) = { cnt += 1 newTermName(unit.fresh.newName(pos, "eta$" + (cnt - 1) + "$")) // Note - the comment below made more sense before I ripped inIDE out - // I leave it in to give context to the todo: at the bottom. // Martin to Sean: I removed the // else if (n == 0) branch and changed `n' in the line above to `(cnt - 1)' // this was necessary because otherwise curried eta-expansions would get the same // symbol. An example which failes test/files/run/Course-2002-02.scala // todo: review and get rid of the `n' argument (which is unused right now). } // { cnt = cnt + 1; newTermName("eta$" + cnt) } val defs = new ListBuffer[Tree] /** Append to defs value definitions for all non-stable * subexpressions of the function application tree. * * @param tree ... * @return ... */ def liftoutPrefix(tree: Tree): Tree = { def liftout(tree: Tree): Tree = if (treeInfo.isPureExpr(tree)) tree else { val vname: Name = freshName(tree.pos, 0) defs += atPos(tree.pos) { ValDef(Modifiers(SYNTHETIC), vname, TypeTree(), tree) } Ident(vname) setPos tree.pos.focus } val tree1 = tree match { // a partial application using named arguments has the following form: // { val qual$1 = qual // val x$1 = arg1 // [...] // val x$n = argn // qual$1.fun(x$1, ..)..(.., x$n) } // Eta-expansion has to be performed on `fun' case Block(stats, fun) => defs ++= stats liftoutPrefix(fun) case Apply(fn, args) => treeCopy.Apply(tree, liftoutPrefix(fn), args mapConserve (liftout)) setType null case TypeApply(fn, args) => treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, liftoutPrefix(fn), args) setType null case Select(qual, name) => treeCopy.Select(tree, liftout(qual), name) setSymbol NoSymbol setType null case Ident(name) => tree } if (tree1 ne tree) tree1 setPos tree1.pos.makeTransparent tree1 } /** Eta-expand lifted tree. * * @param tree ... * @param tpe ... * @return ... */ def expand(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree = tpe match { case mt: ImplicitMethodType => tree case MethodType(paramSyms, restpe) => val params = paramSyms map (sym => ValDef(Modifiers(SYNTHETIC | PARAM), sym.name, TypeTree(sym.tpe) , EmptyTree)) atPos(tree.pos.makeTransparent) { Function(params, expand(Apply(tree, params map gen.paramToArg), restpe)) } case _ => tree } val tree1 = liftoutPrefix(tree) atPos(tree.pos)(Block(defs.toList, expand(tree1, tpe))) } }