package package typechecker import symtab.Flags._ import import import scala.reflect.ReflectionUtils import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.compat.Platform.EOL import scala.reflect.makro.runtime.{Context => MacroContext} import scala.reflect.runtime.Mirror import util.Statistics._ /** * Code to deal with macros, namely with: * * Compilation of macro definitions * * Expansion of macro applications * * Say we have in a class C: * * def foo[T](xs: List[T]): T = macro fooBar * * Then fooBar needs to point to a static method of the following form: * * def fooBar[T: c.TypeTag] * (c: scala.reflect.makro.Context) * (xs: c.Expr[List[T]]) * : c.mirror.Tree = { * ... * } * * Then, if foo is called in[Int](elems), where qual: D, * the macro application is expanded to a reflective invocation of fooBar with parameters * * (simpleMacroContext{ type PrefixType = D; val prefix = qual }) * (Expr(elems)) * (TypeTag(Int)) */ trait Macros { self: Analyzer => import global._ import definitions._ val macroDebug = settings.Ymacrodebug.value val macroCopypaste = settings.Ymacrocopypaste.value val macroTrace = when macroDebug val globalMacroCache = collection.mutable.Map[Any, Any]() val perRunMacroCache = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, collection.mutable.Map[Any, Any]] /** A list of compatible macro implementation signatures. * * In the example above: * (c: scala.reflect.makro.Context)(xs: c.Expr[List[T]]): c.Expr[T] * * @param macroDef The macro definition symbol * @param tparams The type parameters of the macro definition * @param vparamss The value parameters of the macro definition * @param retTpe The return type of the macro definition */ private def macroImplSigs(macroDef: Symbol, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], retTpe: Type): (List[List[List[Symbol]]], Type) = { // had to move method's body to an object because of the recursive dependencies between sigma and param object SigGenerator { val hasThis = macroDef.owner.isClass val ownerTpe = macroDef.owner match { case owner if owner.isModuleClass => new UniqueThisType(macroDef.owner) case owner if owner.isClass => macroDef.owner.tpe case _ => NoType } val hasTparams = !tparams.isEmpty def sigma(tpe: Type): Type = { class SigmaTypeMap extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => val pre1 = pre match { case ThisType(sym) if sym == macroDef.owner => SingleType(SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, paramsCtx(0)), MacroContextPrefix), ExprValue) case SingleType(NoPrefix, sym) => mfind(vparamss)(_.symbol == sym) match { case Some(macroDefParam) => SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, param(macroDefParam)), ExprValue) case _ => pre } case _ => pre } val args1 = args map mapOver TypeRef(pre1, sym, args1) case _ => mapOver(tp) } } new SigmaTypeMap() apply tpe } def makeParam(name: Name, pos: Position, tpe: Type, flags: Long = 0L) = macroDef.newValueParameter(name, pos, flags) setInfo tpe val ctxParam = makeParam(nme.macroContext, macroDef.pos, MacroContextClass.tpe, SYNTHETIC) def implType(isType: Boolean, origTpe: Type): Type = if (isRepeatedParamType(origTpe)) appliedType( RepeatedParamClass.typeConstructor, List(implType(isType, sigma(origTpe.typeArgs.head)))) else { val tsym = getMember(MacroContextClass, if (isType) tpnme.TypeTag else tpnme.Expr) typeRef(singleType(NoPrefix, ctxParam), tsym, List(sigma(origTpe))) } val paramCache = collection.mutable.Map[Symbol, Symbol]() def param(tree: Tree): Symbol = paramCache.getOrElseUpdate(tree.symbol, { // [Eugene] deskolemization became necessary once I implemented inference of macro def return type // please, verify this solution, but for now I'll leave it here - cargo cult for the win val sym = tree.symbol.deSkolemize val sigParam = makeParam(, sym.pos, implType(sym.isType, sym.tpe)) if (sym.isSynthetic) sigParam.flags |= SYNTHETIC sigParam }) val paramsCtx = List(ctxParam) val paramsThis = List(makeParam(nme.macroThis, macroDef.pos, implType(false, ownerTpe), SYNTHETIC)) val paramsTparams = tparams map param val paramssParams = mmap(vparamss)(param) var paramsss = List[List[List[Symbol]]]() // tparams are no longer part of a signature, they get into macro implementations via context bounds // if (hasTparams && hasThis) paramsss :+= paramsCtx :: paramsThis :: paramsTparams :: paramssParams // if (hasTparams) paramsss :+= paramsCtx :: paramsTparams :: paramssParams // _this params are no longer part of a signature, its gets into macro implementations via Context.prefix // if (hasThis) paramsss :+= paramsCtx :: paramsThis :: paramssParams paramsss :+= paramsCtx :: paramssParams val tsym = getMember(MacroContextClass, tpnme.Expr) val implRetTpe = typeRef(singleType(NoPrefix, ctxParam), tsym, List(sigma(retTpe))) } import SigGenerator._ macroTrace("generating macroImplSigs for: ")(macroDef) macroTrace("tparams are: ")(tparams) macroTrace("vparamss are: ")(vparamss) macroTrace("retTpe is: ")(retTpe) macroTrace("macroImplSigs are: ")(paramsss, implRetTpe) } private def transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss: List[List[Symbol]], transform: (Symbol, Symbol) => Option[Symbol]): List[List[Symbol]] = { if (paramss.length == 0) return paramss val wannabe = if (paramss.head.length == 1) paramss.head.head else NoSymbol val contextParam = if (wannabe != NoSymbol && wannabe.tpe <:< definitions.MacroContextClass.tpe) wannabe else NoSymbol val lastParamList0 = paramss.lastOption getOrElse Nil val lastParamList = lastParamList0 flatMap (param => param.tpe match { case TypeRef(SingleType(NoPrefix, contextParam), sym, List(tparam)) => var wannabe = sym while (wannabe.isAliasType) wannabe = if (wannabe != definitions.TypeTagClass) List(param) else transform(param, tparam.typeSymbol) map (_ :: Nil) getOrElse Nil case _ => List(param) }) var result = paramss.dropRight(1) :+ lastParamList if (lastParamList0.isEmpty ^ lastParamList.isEmpty) { result = result dropRight 1 } result } /** As specified above, body of a macro definition must reference its implementation. * This function verifies that the body indeed refers to a method, and that * the referenced macro implementation is compatible with the given macro definition. * * This means that macro implementation (fooBar in example above) must: * 1) Refer to a statically accessible, non-overloaded method. * 2) Have the right parameter lists as outlined in the SIP / in the doc comment of this class. * * @return typechecked rhs of the given macro definition */ def typedMacroBody(typer: Typer, ddef: DefDef): Tree = { import typer.context if (macroDebug) println("typechecking macro def %s at %s".format(ddef.symbol, ddef.pos)) if (!typer.checkFeature(ddef.pos, MacrosFeature, immediate = true)) { ddef.symbol setFlag IS_ERROR return EmptyTree } implicit class AugmentedString(s: String) { def abbreviateCoreAliases: String = { // hack! var result = s result = result.replace("c.mirror.TypeTag", "c.TypeTag") result = result.replace("c.mirror.Expr", "c.Expr") result } } var hasErrors = false def reportError(pos: Position, msg: String) = { hasErrors = true context.error(pos, msg) } val macroDef = ddef.symbol val defpos = macroDef.pos val implpos = ddef.rhs.pos assert(macroDef.isTermMacro, ddef) def invalidBodyError() = reportError(defpos, "macro body has wrong shape:" + "\n required: macro ." + "\n or : macro ") def validatePreTyper(rhs: Tree): Unit = rhs match { // we do allow macro invocations inside macro bodies // personally I don't mind if pre-typer tree is a macro invocation // that later resolves to a valid reference to a macro implementation // however, I don't think that invalidBodyError() should hint at that // let this be an Easter Egg :) case Apply(_, _) => ; case TypeApply(_, _) => ; case Super(_, _) => ; case This(_) => ; case Ident(_) => ; case Select(_, _) => ; case _ => invalidBodyError() } def validatePostTyper(rhs1: Tree): Unit = { def loop(tree: Tree): Unit = { def errorNotStatic() = reportError(implpos, "macro implementation must be in statically accessible object") def ensureRoot(sym: Symbol) = if (!sym.isModule && !sym.isModuleClass) errorNotStatic() def ensureModule(sym: Symbol) = if (!sym.isModule) errorNotStatic() tree match { case TypeApply(fun, _) => loop(fun) case Super(qual, _) => ensureRoot(macroDef.owner) loop(qual) case This(_) => ensureRoot(tree.symbol) case Select(qual, name) if name.isTypeName => loop(qual) case Select(qual, name) if name.isTermName => if (tree.symbol != rhs1.symbol) ensureModule(tree.symbol) loop(qual) case Ident(name) if name.isTypeName => ; case Ident(name) if name.isTermName => if (tree.symbol != rhs1.symbol) ensureModule(tree.symbol) case _ => invalidBodyError() } } loop(rhs1) } val rhs = ddef.rhs validatePreTyper(rhs) if (hasErrors) macroTrace("macro def failed to satisfy trivial preconditions: ")(macroDef) // we use typed1 instead of typed, because otherwise adapt is going to mess us up // if adapt sees ., it will want to perform eta-expansion and will fail // unfortunately, this means that we have to manually trigger macro expansion // because it's adapt which is responsible for automatic expansion during typechecking def typecheckRhs(rhs: Tree): Tree = { try { val prevNumErrors = reporter.ERROR.count // [Eugene] funnily enough, the isErroneous check is not enough var rhs1 = if (hasErrors) EmptyTree else typer.typed1(rhs, EXPRmode, WildcardType) def typecheckedWithErrors = (rhs1 exists (_.isErroneous)) || reporter.ERROR.count != prevNumErrors def rhsNeedsMacroExpansion = rhs1.symbol != null && rhs1.symbol.isTermMacro && !rhs1.symbol.isErroneous while (!typecheckedWithErrors && rhsNeedsMacroExpansion) { rhs1 = macroExpand1(typer, rhs1) match { case Success(expanded) => try { val typechecked = typer.typed1(expanded, EXPRmode, WildcardType) if (macroDebug) { println("typechecked1:") println(typechecked) println(showRaw(typechecked)) } typechecked } finally { openMacros = openMacros.tail } case Delay(result) => result case Fallback(fallback) => typer.typed1(fallback, EXPRmode, WildcardType) case Other(result) => result } } rhs1 } catch { case ex: TypeError => typer.reportTypeError(context, rhs.pos, ex) typer.infer.setError(rhs) } } val prevNumErrors = reporter.ERROR.count // funnily enough, the isErroneous check is not enough var rhs1 = typecheckRhs(rhs) def typecheckedWithErrors = (rhs1 exists (_.isErroneous)) || reporter.ERROR.count != prevNumErrors hasErrors = hasErrors || typecheckedWithErrors if (typecheckedWithErrors) macroTrace("body of a macro def failed to typecheck: ")(ddef) val macroImpl = rhs1.symbol macroDef withAnnotation AnnotationInfo(MacroImplAnnotation.tpe, List(rhs1), Nil) if (!hasErrors) { if (macroImpl == null) { invalidBodyError() } else { if (!macroImpl.isMethod) invalidBodyError() if (macroImpl.isOverloaded) reportError(implpos, "macro implementation cannot be overloaded") if (!macroImpl.typeParams.isEmpty && (!rhs1.isInstanceOf[TypeApply])) reportError(implpos, "macro implementation reference needs type arguments") if (!hasErrors) validatePostTyper(rhs1) } if (hasErrors) macroTrace("macro def failed to satisfy trivial preconditions: ")(macroDef) } if (!hasErrors) { def checkCompatibility(reqparamss: List[List[Symbol]], actparamss: List[List[Symbol]], reqres: Type, actres: Type): List[String] = { var hasErrors = false var errors = List[String]() def compatibilityError(msg: String) { hasErrors = true errors :+= msg } val flatreqparams = reqparamss.flatten val flatactparams = actparamss.flatten val tparams = macroImpl.typeParams val tvars = tparams map freshVar def lengthMsg(which: String, extra: Symbol) = "parameter lists have different length, "+which+" extra parameter "+extra.defString if (actparamss.length != reqparamss.length) compatibilityError("number of parameter sections differ") if (!hasErrors) { try { for ((rparams, aparams) <- reqparamss zip actparamss) { if (rparams.length < aparams.length) compatibilityError(lengthMsg("found", aparams(rparams.length))) if (aparams.length < rparams.length) compatibilityError(lengthMsg("required", rparams(aparams.length)).abbreviateCoreAliases) } // if the implementation signature is already deemed to be incompatible, we bail out // otherwise, high-order type magic employed below might crash in weird ways if (!hasErrors) { for ((rparams, aparams) <- reqparamss zip actparamss) { for ((rparam, aparam) <- rparams zip aparams) { def isRepeated(param: Symbol) = param.tpe.typeSymbol == RepeatedParamClass if ( != && !rparam.isSynthetic) { val rparam1 = rparam val aparam1 = aparam compatibilityError("parameter names differ: "" != " } if (isRepeated(rparam) && !isRepeated(aparam)) compatibilityError("types incompatible for parameter "": corresponding is not a vararg parameter") if (!isRepeated(rparam) && isRepeated(aparam)) compatibilityError("types incompatible for parameter "": corresponding is not a vararg parameter") if (!hasErrors) { var atpe = aparam.tpe.substSym(flatactparams, flatreqparams).instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars) // strip the { type PrefixType = ... } refinement off the Context or otherwise we get compatibility errors atpe = atpe match { case RefinedType(List(tpe), Scope(sym)) if tpe == MacroContextClass.tpe && sym.allOverriddenSymbols.contains(MacroContextPrefixType) => tpe case _ => atpe } val ok = if (macroDebug) withTypesExplained(rparam.tpe <:< atpe) else rparam.tpe <:< atpe if (!ok) { compatibilityError("type mismatch for parameter "": "+rparam.tpe.toString.abbreviateCoreAliases+" does not conform to "+atpe) } } } } } if (!hasErrors) { val atpe = actres.substSym(flatactparams, flatreqparams).instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars) val ok = if (macroDebug) withTypesExplained(atpe <:< reqres) else atpe <:< reqres if (!ok) { compatibilityError("type mismatch for return type : "+reqres.toString.abbreviateCoreAliases+" does not conform to "+(if (ddef.tpt.tpe != null) atpe.toString else atpe.toString.abbreviateCoreAliases)) } } if (!hasErrors) { val targs = solvedTypes(tvars, tparams, tparams map varianceInType(actres), false, lubDepth(flatactparams map (_.tpe)) max lubDepth(flatreqparams map (_.tpe))) val boundsOk = typer.silent(_.infer.checkBounds(ddef, NoPrefix, NoSymbol, tparams, targs, "")) boundsOk match { case SilentResultValue(true) => ; case SilentResultValue(false) | SilentTypeError(_) => val bounds = tparams map (tp =>, targs).bounds) compatibilityError("type arguments " + targs.mkString("[", ",", "]") + " do not conform to " + tparams.head.owner + "'s type parameter bounds " + (tparams map (_.defString)).mkString("[", ",", "]")) } } } catch { case ex: NoInstance => compatibilityError( "type parameters "+(tparams map (_.defString) mkString ", ")+" cannot be instantiated\n"+ ex.getMessage) } } errors.toList } var actparamss = macroImpl.paramss actparamss = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(actparamss, (param, tparam) => None) val rettpe = if (!ddef.tpt.isEmpty) typer.typedType(ddef.tpt).tpe else computeMacroDefTypeFromMacroImpl(ddef, macroDef, macroImpl) val (reqparamsss0, reqres0) = macroImplSigs(macroDef, ddef.tparams, ddef.vparamss, rettpe) var reqparamsss = reqparamsss0 // prohibit implicit params on macro implementations // we don't have to do this, but it appears to be more clear than allowing them val implicitParams = actparamss.flatten filter (_.isImplicit) if (implicitParams.length > 0) { reportError(implicitParams.head.pos, "macro implementations cannot have implicit parameters other than TypeTag evidences") macroTrace("macro def failed to satisfy trivial preconditions: ")(macroDef) } if (!hasErrors) { val reqres = reqres0 val actres = macroImpl.tpe.finalResultType def showMeth(pss: List[List[Symbol]], restpe: Type, abbreviate: Boolean) = { var argsPart = (pss map (ps => ps map (_.defString) mkString ("(", ", ", ")"))).mkString if (abbreviate) argsPart = argsPart.abbreviateCoreAliases var retPart = restpe.toString if (abbreviate || ddef.tpt.tpe == null) retPart = retPart.abbreviateCoreAliases argsPart + ": " + retPart } def compatibilityError(addendum: String) = reportError(implpos, "macro implementation has wrong shape:"+ "\n required: "+showMeth(reqparamsss.head, reqres, true) + (reqparamsss.tail map (paramss => "\n or : "+showMeth(paramss, reqres, true)) mkString "")+ "\n found : "+showMeth(actparamss, actres, false)+ "\n"+addendum) macroTrace("considering " + reqparamsss.length + " possibilities of compatible macro impl signatures for macro def: ")( val results = reqparamsss map (checkCompatibility(_, actparamss, reqres, actres)) if (macroDebug) (reqparamsss zip results) foreach { case (reqparamss, result) => println("%s %s".format(if (result.isEmpty) "[ OK ]" else "[FAILED]", reqparamss)) result foreach (errorMsg => println(" " + errorMsg)) } if (results forall (!_.isEmpty)) { var index = reqparamsss indexWhere (_.length == actparamss.length) if (index == -1) index = 0 val mostRelevantMessage = results(index).head compatibilityError(mostRelevantMessage) } else { assert((results filter (_.isEmpty)).length == 1, results) if (macroDebug) (reqparamsss zip results) filter (_._2.isEmpty) foreach { case (reqparamss, result) => println("typechecked macro impl as: " + reqparamss) } } } } // if this macro definition is erroneous, then there's no sense in expanding its usages // in the previous prototype macro implementations were magically generated from macro definitions // so macro definitions and its usages couldn't be compiled in the same compilation run // however, now definitions and implementations are decoupled, so it's everything is possible // hence, we now use IS_ERROR flag to serve as an indicator that given macro definition is broken if (hasErrors) { macroDef setFlag IS_ERROR } rhs1 } def computeMacroDefTypeFromMacroImpl(macroDdef: DefDef, macroDef: Symbol, macroImpl: Symbol): Type = { // get return type from method type def unwrapRet(tpe: Type): Type = { def loop(tpe: Type) = tpe match { case NullaryMethodType(ret) => ret case mtpe @ MethodType(_, ret) => unwrapRet(ret) case _ => tpe } tpe match { case PolyType(_, tpe) => loop(tpe) case _ => loop(tpe) } } var metaType = unwrapRet(macroImpl.tpe) // downgrade from metalevel-0 to metalevel-1 def inferRuntimeType(metaType: Type): Type = metaType match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if == tpnme.Expr && args.length == 1 => args.head case _ => AnyClass.tpe } var runtimeType = inferRuntimeType(metaType) // transform type parameters of a macro implementation into type parameters of a macro definition runtimeType = runtimeType map { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => // [Eugene] not sure which of these deSkolemizes are necessary // sym.paramPos is unreliable (see another case below) val tparams = macroImpl.typeParams map (_.deSkolemize) val paramPos = tparams indexOf sym.deSkolemize val sym1 = if (paramPos == -1) sym else { val ann = macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation) ann match { case Some(ann) => val TypeApply(_, implRefTargs) = ann.args(0) val implRefTarg = implRefTargs(paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol implRefTarg case None => sym } } TypeRef(pre, sym1, args) case tpe => tpe } // as stated in the spec, before being matched to macroimpl, type and value parameters of macrodef // undergo a special transformation, sigma, that adapts them to the different metalevel macroimpl lives in // as a result, we need to reverse this transformation when inferring macrodef ret from macroimpl ret def unsigma(tpe: Type): Type = { // unfortunately, we cannot dereference ``paramss'', because we're in the middle of inferring a type for ``macroDef'' // val defParamss = macroDef.paramss val defParamss = mmap(macroDdef.vparamss)(_.symbol) var implParamss = macroImpl.paramss implParamss = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(implParamss, (param, tparam) => None) val implCtxParam = if (implParamss.length > 0 && implParamss(0).length > 0) implParamss(0)(0) else null def implParamToDefParam(implParam: Symbol): Symbol = { val indices = (((implParamss drop 1).zipWithIndex) map { case (implParams, index) => (index, implParams indexOf implParam) } filter (_._2 != -1)).headOption val defParam = indices flatMap { case (plistIndex, pIndex) => if (defParamss.length <= plistIndex) None else if (defParamss(plistIndex).length <= pIndex) None else Some(defParamss(plistIndex)(pIndex)) } defParam.orNull } class UnsigmaTypeMap extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => val pre1 = pre match { case SingleType(SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, param), prefix), value) if param == implCtxParam && prefix == MacroContextPrefix && value == ExprValue => ThisType(macroDef.owner) case SingleType(SingleType(NoPrefix, param), value) if implParamToDefParam(param) != null && value == ExprValue => val macroDefParam = implParamToDefParam(param) SingleType(NoPrefix, macroDefParam) case _ => pre } val args1 = args map mapOver TypeRef(pre1, sym, args1) case _ => mapOver(tp) } } new UnsigmaTypeMap() apply tpe } runtimeType = unsigma(runtimeType) runtimeType } /** Primary mirror that is used to resolve and run macro implementations. * Loads classes from -Xmacro-primary-classpath, or from -cp if the option is not specified. */ private lazy val primaryMirror: Mirror = { if (global.forMSIL) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scala reflection not available on this platform") val libraryClassLoader = { if (settings.XmacroPrimaryClasspath.value != "") { if (macroDebug) println("primary macro mirror: initializing from -Xmacro-primary-classpath: %s".format(settings.XmacroPrimaryClasspath.value)) val classpath = toURLs(settings.XmacroFallbackClasspath.value) ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(classpath, self.getClass.getClassLoader) } else { if (macroDebug) println("primary macro mirror: initializing from -cp: %s".format(global.classPath.asURLs)) val classpath = global.classPath.asURLs var loader: ClassLoader = ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(classpath, self.getClass.getClassLoader) // [Eugene] a heuristic to detect REPL if (global.settings.exposeEmptyPackage.value) { import val virtualDirectory = global.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get loader = new AbstractFileClassLoader(virtualDirectory, loader) {} } loader } } new Mirror(libraryClassLoader) { override def toString = "" } } /** Fallback mirror that is used to resolve and run macro implementations. * Loads classes from -Xmacro-fallback-classpath aka "macro fallback classpath". */ private lazy val fallbackMirror: Mirror = { if (global.forMSIL) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scala reflection not available on this platform") val fallbackClassLoader = { if (macroDebug) println("fallback macro mirror: initializing from -Xmacro-fallback-classpath: %s".format(settings.XmacroFallbackClasspath.value)) val classpath = toURLs(settings.XmacroFallbackClasspath.value) ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(classpath, self.getClass.getClassLoader) } new Mirror(fallbackClassLoader) { override def toString = "" } } /** Produces a function that can be used to invoke macro implementation for a given macro definition: * 1) Looks up macro implementation symbol in this universe. * 2) Loads its enclosing class from the primary mirror. * 3) Loads the companion of that enclosing class from the primary mirror. * 4) Resolves macro implementation within the loaded companion. * 5) If 2-4 fails, repeats them for the fallback mirror. * * @return Some(runtime) if macro implementation can be loaded successfully from either of the mirrors, * None otherwise. */ private type MacroRuntime = List[Any] => Any private val macroRuntimesCache = perRunCaches.newWeakMap[Symbol, Option[MacroRuntime]] private def macroRuntime(macroDef: Symbol): Option[MacroRuntime] = macroRuntimesCache.getOrElseUpdate(macroDef, { val runtime = { macroTrace("looking for macro implementation: ")(macroDef) macroTrace("macroDef is annotated with: ")(macroDef.annotations) val ann = macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation) if (ann == None) { macroTrace("@macroImpl annotation is missing (this means that macro definition failed to typecheck)")(macroDef) return None } val macroImpl = ann.get.args(0).symbol if (macroImpl == NoSymbol) { macroTrace("@macroImpl annotation is malformed (this means that macro definition failed to typecheck)")(macroDef) return None } if (macroDebug) println("resolved implementation %s at %s".format(macroImpl, macroImpl.pos)) if (macroImpl.isErroneous) { macroTrace("macro implementation is erroneous (this means that either macro body or macro implementation signature failed to typecheck)")(macroDef) return None } def loadMacroImpl(macroMirror: Mirror): Option[(Object, macroMirror.Symbol)] = { try { // this logic relies on the assumptions that were valid for the old macro prototype // namely that macro implementations can only be defined in top-level classes and modules // with the new prototype that materialized in a SIP, macros need to be statically accessible, which is different // for example, a macro def could be defined in a trait that is implemented by an object // there are some more clever cases when seemingly non-static method ends up being statically accessible // however, the code below doesn't account for these guys, because it'd take a look of time to get it right // for now I leave it as a todo and move along to more the important stuff macroTrace("loading implementation class from %s: ".format(macroMirror))(macroImpl.owner.fullName) macroTrace("classloader is: ")("%s of type %s".format(macroMirror.classLoader, if (macroMirror.classLoader != null) macroMirror.classLoader.getClass.toString else "primordial classloader")) def inferClasspath(cl: ClassLoader) = cl match { case cl: => "[" + (cl.getURLs mkString ",") + "]" case null => "[" + + "]" case _ => "" } macroTrace("classpath is: ")(inferClasspath(macroMirror.classLoader)) // [Eugene] relies on the fact that macro implementations can only be defined in static classes // [Martin to Eugene] There's similar logic buried in Symbol#flatname. Maybe we can refactor? def classfile(sym: Symbol): String = { def recur(sym: Symbol): String = sym match { case sym if sym.owner.isPackageClass => val suffix = if (sym.isModuleClass) "$" else "" sym.fullName + suffix case sym => val separator = if (sym.owner.isModuleClass) "" else "$" recur(sym.owner) + separator + sym.javaSimpleName.toString } if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule) recur(sym) else recur(sym.enclClass) } // [Eugene] this doesn't work for inner classes // neither does macroImpl.owner.javaClassName, so I had to roll my own implementation //val receiverName = macroImpl.owner.fullName val implClassName = classfile(macroImpl.owner) val implClassSymbol: macroMirror.Symbol = macroMirror.symbolForName(implClassName) if (macroDebug) { println("implClassSymbol is: " + implClassSymbol.fullNameString) if (implClassSymbol != macroMirror.NoSymbol) { val implClass = macroMirror.classToJava(implClassSymbol) val implSource = implClass.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource println("implClass is %s from %s".format(implClass, implSource)) println("implClassLoader is %s with classpath %s".format(implClass.getClassLoader, inferClasspath(implClass.getClassLoader))) } } val implObjSymbol = implClassSymbol.companionModule macroTrace("implObjSymbol is: ")(implObjSymbol.fullNameString) if (implObjSymbol == macroMirror.NoSymbol) None else { // yet another reflection method that doesn't work for inner classes //val receiver = macroMirror.companionInstance(receiverClass) val implObj = try { val implObjClass = java.lang.Class.forName(implClassName, true, macroMirror.classLoader) implObjClass getField "MODULE$" get null } catch { case ex: NoSuchFieldException => macroTrace("exception when loading implObj: ")(ex); null case ex: NoClassDefFoundError => macroTrace("exception when loading implObj: ")(ex); null case ex: ClassNotFoundException => macroTrace("exception when loading implObj: ")(ex); null } if (implObj == null) None else { val implMethSymbol = if (macroDebug) { println("implMethSymbol is: " + implMethSymbol.fullNameString) println("jimplMethSymbol is: " + macroMirror.methodToJava(implMethSymbol)) } if (implMethSymbol == macroMirror.NoSymbol) None else { if (macroDebug) println("successfully loaded macro impl as (%s, %s)".format(implObj, implMethSymbol)) Some((implObj, implMethSymbol)) } } } } catch { case ex: ClassNotFoundException => macroTrace("implementation class failed to load: ")(ex.toString) None } } val primary = loadMacroImpl(primaryMirror) primary match { case Some((implObj, implMethSymbol)) => def runtime(args: List[Any]) = primaryMirror.invoke(implObj, implMethSymbol)(args: _*).asInstanceOf[Any] Some(runtime _) case None => if (settings.XmacroFallbackClasspath.value != "") { if (macroDebug) println("trying to load macro implementation from the fallback mirror: %s".format(settings.XmacroFallbackClasspath.value)) val fallback = loadMacroImpl(fallbackMirror) fallback match { case Some((implObj, implMethSymbol)) => def runtime(args: List[Any]) = fallbackMirror.invoke(implObj, implMethSymbol)(args: _*).asInstanceOf[Any] Some(runtime _) case None => None } } else { None } } } if (runtime == None) macroDef setFlag IS_ERROR runtime }) /** Should become private again once we're done with migrating typetag generation from implicits */ def macroContext(typer: Typer, prefixTree: Tree, expandeeTree: Tree): MacroContext { val mirror: global.type } = new { val mirror: global.type = global val callsiteTyper: mirror.analyzer.Typer = typer.asInstanceOf[global.analyzer.Typer] // todo. infer precise typetag for this Expr, namely the PrefixType member of the Context refinement val prefix = Expr(prefixTree)(TypeTag.Nothing) val expandee = expandeeTree } with MacroContext { override def toString = "MacroContext(%s@%s +%d)".format(, expandee.pos, enclosingMacros.length - 1 /* exclude myself */) } /** Calculate the arguments to pass to a macro implementation when expanding the provided tree. * * This includes inferring the exact type and instance of the macro context to pass, and also * allowing for missing parameter sections in macro implementation (see ``macroImplParamsss'' for more info). * * @return list of runtime objects to pass to the implementation obtained by ``macroRuntime'' */ private def macroArgs(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): Option[List[Any]] = { val macroDef = expandee.symbol val runtime = macroRuntime(macroDef) if (runtime == None) return None var prefixTree: Tree = EmptyTree var typeArgs = List[Tree]() val exprArgs = new ListBuffer[List[Expr[_]]] def collectMacroArgs(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match { case Apply(fn, args) => // todo. infer precise typetag for this Expr, namely the declared type of the corresponding macro impl argument exprArgs.prepend(args map (Expr(_)(TypeTag.Nothing))) collectMacroArgs(fn) case TypeApply(fn, args) => typeArgs = args collectMacroArgs(fn) case Select(qual, name) => prefixTree = qual case _ => } collectMacroArgs(expandee) val context = expandee.attachmentOpt[MacroAttachment].flatMap(_.context).getOrElse(macroContext(typer, prefixTree, expandee)) var argss: List[List[Any]] = List(context) :: exprArgs.toList macroTrace("argss: ")(argss) val ann = macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation).getOrElse(throw new Error("assertion failed. %s: %s".format(macroDef, macroDef.annotations))) val macroImpl = ann.args(0).symbol var paramss = macroImpl.paramss val tparams = macroImpl.typeParams macroTrace("paramss: ")(paramss) // we need to take care of all possible combos of nullary/empty-paramlist macro defs vs nullary/empty-arglist invocations // nullary def + nullary invocation => paramss and argss match, everything is okay // nullary def + empty-arglist invocation => illegal Scala code, impossible, everything is okay // empty-paramlist def + nullary invocation => uh-oh, we need to append a List() to argss // empty-paramlist def + empty-arglist invocation => paramss and argss match, everything is okay // that's almost it, but we need to account for the fact that paramss might have context bounds that mask the empty last paramlist val paramss_without_evidences = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss, (param, tparam) => None) val isEmptyParamlistDef = paramss_without_evidences.length != 0 && paramss_without_evidences.last.isEmpty val isEmptyArglistInvocation = argss.length != 0 && argss.last.isEmpty if (isEmptyParamlistDef && !isEmptyArglistInvocation) { if (macroDebug) println("isEmptyParamlistDef && !isEmptyArglistInvocation: appending a List() to argss") argss = argss :+ Nil } // nb! check partial application against paramss without evidences val numParamLists = paramss_without_evidences.length val numArgLists = argss.length if (numParamLists != numArgLists) { typer.context.error(expandee.pos, "macros cannot be partially applied") return None } // if paramss have typetag context bounds, add an arglist to argss if necessary and instantiate the corresponding evidences // consider the following example: // // class D[T] { // class C[U] { // def foo[V] = macro[T, U, V] // } // } // // val outer1 = new D[Int] // val outer2 = new outer1.C[String] //[Boolean] // // then T and U need to be inferred from the lexical scope of the call using ``asSeenFrom'' // whereas V won't be resolved by asSeenFrom and need to be loaded directly from ``expandee'' which needs to contain a TypeApply node // also, macro implementation reference may contain a regular type as a type argument, then we pass it verbatim paramss = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss, (param, tparam) => Some(tparam)) if (paramss.lastOption map (params => !params.isEmpty && params.forall(_.isType)) getOrElse false) argss = argss :+ Nil val evidences = paramss.last takeWhile (_.isType) map (tparam => { val TypeApply(_, implRefTargs) = ann.args(0) var implRefTarg = implRefTargs(tparam.paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol val tpe = if (implRefTarg.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) { if (implRefTarg.owner == macroDef) { // [Eugene] doesn't work when macro def is compiled separately from its usages // then implRefTarg is not a skolem and isn't equal to any of macroDef.typeParams // val paramPos = implRefTarg.deSkolemize.paramPos val paramPos = macroDef.typeParams.indexWhere( == typeArgs(paramPos).tpe } else implRefTarg.tpe.asSeenFrom( if (prefixTree == EmptyTree) macroDef.owner.tpe else prefixTree.tpe, macroDef.owner) } else implRefTarg.tpe if (macroDebug) println("resolved tparam %s as %s".format(tparam, tpe)) tpe }) map (tpe => { val ttag = TypeTag(tpe) if (ttag.isConcrete) ttag.toConcrete else ttag }) argss = argss.dropRight(1) :+ (evidences ++ argss.last) assert(argss.length == paramss.length, "argss: %s, paramss: %s".format(argss, paramss)) val rawArgss = for ((as, ps) <- argss zip paramss) yield { if (isVarArgsList(ps)) as.take(ps.length - 1) :+ as.drop(ps.length - 1) else as } val rawArgs = rawArgss.flatten macroTrace("rawArgs: ")(rawArgs) Some(rawArgs) } /** Keeps track of macros in-flight. * See more informations in comments to ``openMacros'' in ``scala.reflect.makro.Context''. */ var openMacros = List[MacroContext]() /** Performs macro expansion: * 1) Checks whether the expansion needs to be delayed (see ``mustDelayMacroExpansion'') * 2) Loads macro implementation using ``macroMirror'' * 3) Synthesizes invocation arguments for the macro implementation * 4) Checks that the result is a tree bound to this universe * 5) Typechecks the result against the return type of the macro definition * * If -Ymacro-debug is enabled, you will get detailed log of how exactly this function * performs class loading and method resolution in order to load the macro implementation. * The log will also include other non-trivial steps of macro expansion. * * If -Ymacro-copypaste is enabled along with -Ymacro-debug, you will get macro expansions * logged in the form that can be copy/pasted verbatim into REPL (useful for debugging!). * * @return * the expansion result if the expansion has been successful, * the fallback method invocation if the expansion has been unsuccessful, but there is a fallback, * the expandee unchanged if the expansion has been delayed, * the expandee fully expanded if the expansion has been delayed before and has been expanded now, * the expandee with an error marker set if the expansion has been cancelled due malformed arguments or implementation * the expandee with an error marker set if there has been an error */ def macroExpand(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, mode: Int = EXPRmode, pt: Type = WildcardType): Tree = { val start = startTimer(macroExpandNanos) incCounter(macroExpandCount) try { macroExpand1(typer, expandee) match { case Success(expanded) => try { var expectedTpe = expandee.tpe // [Eugene] weird situation. what's the conventional way to deal with it? val isNullaryInvocation = expandee match { case TypeApply(Select(_, _), _) => true case TypeApply(Ident(_), _) => true case Select(_, _) => true case Ident(_) => true case _ => false } if (isNullaryInvocation) expectedTpe match { case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => macroTrace("nullary invocation of a nullary method. unwrapping expectedTpe from " + expectedTpe + " to: ")(restpe) expectedTpe = restpe case MethodType(Nil, restpe) => macroTrace("nullary invocation of a method with an empty parameter list. unwrapping expectedTpe from " + expectedTpe + " to: ")(restpe) expectedTpe = restpe case _ => ; } def fail(what: String): Tree = { val err = typer.context.errBuffer.head, expanded, "failed to perform %s: %s at %s".format(what, err.errMsg, err.errPos)) return expandee } if (macroDebug) println("typechecking1 against %s: %s".format(expectedTpe, expanded)) var typechecked = typer.context.withImplicitsEnabled(typer.typed(expanded, EXPRmode, expectedTpe)) if (typer.context.hasErrors) fail("typecheck1") if (macroDebug) { println("typechecked1:") println(typechecked) println(showRaw(typechecked)) } if (macroDebug) println("typechecking2 against %s: %s".format(pt, expanded)) typechecked = typer.context.withImplicitsEnabled(typer.typed(typechecked, EXPRmode, pt)) if (typer.context.hasErrors) fail("typecheck2") if (macroDebug) { println("typechecked2:") println(typechecked) println(showRaw(typechecked)) } typechecked } finally { openMacros = openMacros.tail } case Delay(expandee) => // need to save the context to preserve enclosures val args = macroArgs(typer, expandee) assert(args.isDefined, expandee) val context = args.get.head.asInstanceOf[MacroContext] var result = expandee withAttachment MacroAttachment(delayed = true, context = Some(context)) // adapting here would be premature, we must wait until undetparams are inferred // result = typer.adapt(result, mode, pt) result case Fallback(fallback) => typer.context.withImplicitsEnabled(typer.typed(fallback, EXPRmode, pt)) case Other(result) => result } } finally { stopTimer(macroExpandNanos, start) } } private sealed abstract class MacroExpansionResult extends Product with Serializable private case class Success(expanded: Tree) extends MacroExpansionResult private case class Fallback(fallback: Tree) extends MacroExpansionResult private case class Delay(expandee: Tree) extends MacroExpansionResult private case class Other(result: Tree) extends MacroExpansionResult private def Skip(expanded: Tree) = Other(expanded) private def Cancel(expandee: Tree) = Other(expandee) private def Failure(expandee: Tree) = Other(expandee) private def fail(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, msg: String = null) = { if (macroDebug || macroCopypaste) { var msg1 = if (msg != null && (msg contains "exception during macro expansion")) msg.split(EOL).drop(1).headOption.getOrElse("?") else msg if (macroDebug) println("macro expansion has failed: %s".format(msg1)) } val pos = if (expandee.pos != NoPosition) expandee.pos else openMacros.find(c => c.expandee.pos != NoPosition).map(_.expandee.pos).getOrElse(NoPosition) if (msg != null) typer.context.error(pos, msg) typer.infer.setError(expandee) Failure(expandee) } /** Does the same as ``macroExpand'', but without typechecking the expansion * Meant for internal use within the macro infrastructure, don't use it elsewhere. */ private def macroExpand1(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): MacroExpansionResult = // InfoLevel.Verbose examines and prints out infos of symbols // by the means of this'es these symbols can climb up the lexical scope // when these symbols will be examined by a node printer // they will enumerate and analyze their children (ask for infos and tpes) // if one of those children involves macro expansion, things might get nasty // that's why I'm temporarily turning this behavior off withInfoLevel(nodePrinters.InfoLevel.Quiet) { // if a macro implementation is incompatible or any of the arguments are erroneous // there is no sense to expand the macro itself => it will only make matters worse if (expandee.symbol.isErroneous || (expandee exists (_.isErroneous))) { val reason = if (expandee.symbol.isErroneous) "incompatible macro implementation" else "erroneous arguments" macroTrace("cancelled macro expansion because of %s: ".format(reason))(expandee) return Cancel(typer.infer.setError(expandee)) } macroRuntime(expandee.symbol) match { case Some(runtime) => macroExpandWithRuntime(typer, expandee, runtime) case None => macroExpandWithoutRuntime(typer, expandee) } } /** Expands a macro when a runtime (i.e. the macro implementation) can be successfully loaded * Meant for internal use within the macro infrastructure, don't use it elsewhere. */ private def macroExpandWithRuntime(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, runtime: MacroRuntime): MacroExpansionResult = try { val wasDelayed = isDelayed(expandee) val undetparams = calculateUndetparams(expandee) val nowDelayed = !typer.context.macrosEnabled || undetparams.size != 0 if (!wasDelayed) { if (macroDebug || macroCopypaste) println("typechecking macro expansion %s at %s".format(expandee, expandee.pos)) if (nowDelayed) { if (macroDebug || macroCopypaste) println("macro expansion is delayed: %s".format(expandee)) delayed += expandee -> (typer.context, undetparams) Delay(expandee) } else { val args = macroArgs(typer, expandee) args match { case Some(args) => // adding stuff to openMacros is easy, but removing it is a nightmare // it needs to be sprinkled over several different code locations val (context: MacroContext) :: _ = args openMacros = context :: openMacros val expanded: MacroExpansionResult = try { val prevNumErrors = reporter.ERROR.count expandee.detach(null) val expanded = runtime(args) val currNumErrors = reporter.ERROR.count if (currNumErrors != prevNumErrors) { fail(typer, expandee) // errors have been reported by the macro itself } else { expanded match { case expanded: Expr[_] => if (macroDebug || macroCopypaste) { if (macroDebug) println("original:") println(expanded.tree) println(showRaw(expanded.tree)) } freeTerms(expanded.tree) foreach (fte => typer.context.error(expandee.pos, ("macro expansion contains free term variable %s %s. "+ "have you forgot to use eval when splicing this variable into a reifee? " + "if you have troubles tracking free term variables, consider using -Xlog-free-terms").format(, fte.origin))) freeTypes(expanded.tree) foreach (fty => typer.context.error(expandee.pos, ("macro expansion contains free type variable %s %s. "+ "have you forgot to use c.TypeTag annotation for this type parameter? " + "if you have troubles tracking free type variables, consider using -Xlog-free-types").format(, fty.origin))) val currNumErrors = reporter.ERROR.count if (currNumErrors != prevNumErrors) { fail(typer, expandee) } else { // inherit the position from the first position-ful expandee in macro callstack // this is essential for sane error messages var tree = expanded.tree var position = openMacros.find(c => c.expandee.pos != NoPosition).map(_.expandee.pos).getOrElse(NoPosition) tree = atPos(position.focus)(tree) // now macro expansion gets typechecked against the macro definition return type // however, this happens in macroExpand, not here in macroExpand1 Success(tree) } case expanded if expanded.isInstanceOf[Expr[_]] => val msg = "macro must return a compiler-specific expr; returned value is Expr, but it doesn't belong to this compiler's universe" fail(typer, expandee, msg) case expanded => val msg = "macro must return a compiler-specific expr; returned value is of class: %s".format(expanded.getClass) fail(typer, expandee, msg) } } } catch { case ex: Throwable => openMacros = openMacros.tail throw ex } if (!expanded.isInstanceOf[Success]) openMacros = openMacros.tail expanded case None => fail(typer, expandee) // error has been reported by macroArgs } } } else { if (nowDelayed) Delay(expandee) else Skip(macroExpandAll(typer, expandee)) } } catch { case ex => handleMacroExpansionException(typer, expandee, ex) } finally { expandee.detach(classOf[MacroAttachment]) } private def macroExpandWithoutRuntime(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): MacroExpansionResult = { val macroDef = expandee.symbol def notFound() = { typer.context.error(expandee.pos, "macro implementation not found: " + + " " + "(the most common reason for that is that you cannot use macro implementations in the same compilation run that defines them)\n" + "if you do need to define macro implementations along with the rest of your program, consider two-phase compilation with -Xmacro-fallback-classpath " + "in the second phase pointing to the output of the first phase") None } def fallBackToOverridden(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = { tree match { case Select(qual, name) if (macroDef.isTermMacro) => macroDef.allOverriddenSymbols match { case first :: _ => Some(Select(qual, name) setPos tree.pos setSymbol first) case _ => macroTrace("macro is not overridden: ")(tree) notFound() } case Apply(fn, args) => fallBackToOverridden(fn) match { case Some(fn1) => Some(Apply(fn1, args) setPos tree.pos) case _ => None } case TypeApply(fn, args) => fallBackToOverridden(fn) match { case Some(fn1) => Some(TypeApply(fn1, args) setPos tree.pos) case _ => None } case _ => macroTrace("unexpected tree in fallback: ")(tree) notFound() } } fallBackToOverridden(expandee) match { case Some(tree1) => macroTrace("falling back to: ")(tree1) currentRun.macroExpansionFailed = true Fallback(tree1) case None => fail(typer, expandee) } } private def handleMacroExpansionException(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree, ex: Throwable): MacroExpansionResult = { // [Eugene] any ideas about how to improve this one? val realex = ReflectionUtils.unwrapThrowable(ex) realex match { case realex: reflect.makro.runtime.AbortMacroException => if (macroDebug || macroCopypaste) println("macro expansion has failed: %s".format(realex.msg)) fail(typer, expandee) // error has been reported by abort case err: TypeError => if (macroDebug || macroCopypaste) println("macro expansion has failed: %s at %s".format(err.msg, err.pos)) throw err // error should be propagated, don't report case _ => val message = { try { // [Eugene] is there a better way? val relevancyThreshold = realex.getStackTrace().indexWhere(este => este.getMethodName == "macroExpand1") if (relevancyThreshold == -1) None else { var relevantElements = realex.getStackTrace().take(relevancyThreshold + 1) var framesTillReflectiveInvocationOfMacroImpl = relevantElements.reverse.indexWhere(_.isNativeMethod) + 1 relevantElements = relevantElements dropRight framesTillReflectiveInvocationOfMacroImpl realex.setStackTrace(relevantElements) val message = new realex.printStackTrace(new Some(EOL + message) } } catch { // if the magic above goes boom, just fall back to uninformative, but better than nothing, getMessage case ex: Throwable => None } } getOrElse realex.getMessage fail(typer, expandee, "exception during macro expansion: " + message) } } /** Without any restrictions on macro expansion, macro applications will expand at will, * and when type inference is involved, expansions will end up using yet uninferred type params. * * For some macros this might be ok (thanks to TreeTypeSubstituter that replaces * the occurrences of undetparams with their inferred values), but in general case this won't work. * E.g. for reification simple substitution is not enough - we actually need to re-reify inferred types. * * Luckily, there exists a very simple way to fix the problem: delay macro expansion until everything is inferred. * Here are the exact rules. Macro application gets delayed if any of its subtrees contain: * 1) type vars (tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeVar]) // [Eugene] this check is disabled right now, because TypeVars seem to be created from undetparams anyways * 2) undetparams (sym.isTypeParameter && !sym.isSkolem) */ var hasPendingMacroExpansions = false private val delayed = perRunCaches.newWeakMap[Tree, (Context, collection.mutable.Set[Int])] private def isDelayed(expandee: Tree) = delayed contains expandee private def calculateUndetparams(expandee: Tree): collection.mutable.Set[Int] = delayed.get(expandee).map(_._2).getOrElse { val calculated = collection.mutable.Set[Symbol]() expandee foreach (sub => { def traverse(sym: Symbol) = if (sym != null && (undetparams contains calculated += sym if (sub.symbol != null) traverse(sub.symbol) if (sub.tpe != null) sub.tpe foreach (sub => traverse(sub.typeSymbol)) }) if (macroDebug) println("calculateUndetparams: %s".format(calculated)) calculated map ( } private val undetparams = perRunCaches.newSet[Int] def notifyUndetparamsAdded(newUndets: List[Symbol]): Unit = { undetparams ++= newUndets map ( if (macroDebug) newUndets foreach (sym => println("undetParam added: %s".format(sym))) } def notifyUndetparamsInferred(undetNoMore: List[Symbol], inferreds: List[Type]): Unit = { undetparams --= undetNoMore map ( if (macroDebug) (undetNoMore zip inferreds) foreach {case (sym, tpe) => println("undetParam inferred: %s as %s".format(sym, tpe))} if (!delayed.isEmpty) delayed.toList foreach { case (expandee, (_, undetparams)) if !undetparams.isEmpty => undetparams --= undetNoMore map ( if (undetparams.isEmpty) { hasPendingMacroExpansions = true macroTrace("macro expansion is pending: ")(expandee) } case _ => // do nothing } } /** Performs macro expansion on all subtrees of a given tree. * Innermost macros are expanded first, outermost macros are expanded last. * See the documentation for ``macroExpand'' for more information. */ def macroExpandAll(typer: Typer, expandee: Tree): Tree = new Transformer { override def transform(tree: Tree) = super.transform(tree match { // todo. expansion should work from the inside out case wannabe if (delayed contains wannabe) && calculateUndetparams(wannabe).isEmpty => val (context, _) = delayed(wannabe) delayed -= wannabe context.implicitsEnabled = typer.context.implicitsEnabled context.enrichmentEnabled = typer.context.enrichmentEnabled context.macrosEnabled = typer.context.macrosEnabled macroExpand(newTyper(context), wannabe, EXPRmode, WildcardType) case _ => tree }) }.transform(expandee) }