/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package typechecker import scala.reflect.NameTransformer import symtab.Flags._ import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps.ojoin import scala.reflect.internal.util.ListOfNil /** Logic related to method synthesis which involves cooperation between * Namer and Typer. */ trait MethodSynthesis { self: Analyzer => import global._ import definitions._ import CODE._ class ClassMethodSynthesis(val clazz: Symbol, localTyper: Typer) { def mkThis = This(clazz) setPos clazz.pos.focus def mkThisSelect(sym: Symbol) = atPos(clazz.pos.focus)( if (clazz.isClass) Select(This(clazz), sym) else Ident(sym) ) private def isOverride(name: TermName) = clazzMember(name).alternatives exists (sym => !sym.isDeferred && (sym.owner != clazz)) def newMethodFlags(name: TermName) = { val overrideFlag = if (isOverride(name)) OVERRIDE else 0L overrideFlag | SYNTHETIC } def newMethodFlags(method: Symbol) = { val overrideFlag = if (isOverride(method.name.toTermName)) OVERRIDE else 0L (method.flags | overrideFlag | SYNTHETIC) & ~DEFERRED } private def finishMethod(method: Symbol, f: Symbol => Tree): Tree = localTyper typed ( if (method.isLazy) ValDef(method, f(method)) else DefDef(method, f(method)) ) private def createInternal(name: Name, f: Symbol => Tree, info: Type): Tree = { val name1 = name.toTermName val m = clazz.newMethod(name1, clazz.pos.focus, newMethodFlags(name1)) finishMethod(m setInfoAndEnter info, f) } private def createInternal(name: Name, f: Symbol => Tree, infoFn: Symbol => Type): Tree = { val name1 = name.toTermName val m = clazz.newMethod(name1, clazz.pos.focus, newMethodFlags(name1)) finishMethod(m setInfoAndEnter infoFn(m), f) } private def cloneInternal(original: Symbol, f: Symbol => Tree, name: Name): Tree = { val m = original.cloneSymbol(clazz, newMethodFlags(original), name) setPos clazz.pos.focus finishMethod(clazz.info.decls enter m, f) } def clazzMember(name: Name) = clazz.info nonPrivateMember name def typeInClazz(sym: Symbol) = clazz.thisType memberType sym def deriveMethod(original: Symbol, nameFn: Name => Name)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree = cloneInternal(original, f, nameFn(original.name)) def createMethod(name: Name, paramTypes: List[Type], returnType: Type)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree = createInternal(name, f, (m: Symbol) => MethodType(m newSyntheticValueParams paramTypes, returnType)) def createMethod(name: Name, returnType: Type)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree = createInternal(name, f, NullaryMethodType(returnType)) def createMethod(original: Symbol)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree = createInternal(original.name, f, original.info) def forwardMethod(original: Symbol, newMethod: Symbol)(transformArgs: List[Tree] => List[Tree]): Tree = createMethod(original)(m => gen.mkMethodCall(newMethod, transformArgs(m.paramss.head map Ident))) def createSwitchMethod(name: Name, range: Seq[Int], returnType: Type)(f: Int => Tree) = { createMethod(name, List(IntTpe), returnType) { m => val arg0 = Ident(m.firstParam) val default = DEFAULT ==> Throw(IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionClass.tpe_*, fn(arg0, nme.toString_)) val cases = range.map(num => CASE(LIT(num)) ==> f(num)).toList :+ default Match(arg0, cases) } } // def foo() = constant def constantMethod(name: Name, value: Any): Tree = { val constant = Constant(value) createMethod(name, Nil, constant.tpe)(_ => Literal(constant)) } // def foo = constant def constantNullary(name: Name, value: Any): Tree = { val constant = Constant(value) createMethod(name, constant.tpe)(_ => Literal(constant)) } } /** There are two key methods in here. * * 1) Enter methods such as enterGetterSetter are called * from Namer with a tree which may generate further trees such as accessors or * implicit wrappers. Some setup is performed. In general this creates symbols * and enters them into the scope of the owner. * * 2) addDerivedTrees is called from Typer when a Template is typed. * It completes the job, returning a list of trees with their symbols * set to those created in the enter methods. Those trees then become * part of the typed template. */ trait MethodSynth { self: Namer => import NamerErrorGen._ import treeInfo.noFieldFor // populate synthetics for this unit with trees that will later be added by the typer // we get here when entering the symbol for the valdef, so its rhs has not yet been type checked def enterGetterSetter(tree: ValDef): Unit = { val fieldSym = if (noFieldFor(tree, owner)) NoSymbol else owner.newValue(tree.name append NameTransformer.LOCAL_SUFFIX_STRING, tree.pos, tree.mods.flags & FieldFlags | PrivateLocal) val getter = Getter(tree) val getterSym = getter.createSym // only one symbol can have `tree.pos`, the others must focus their position // normally the field gets the range position, but if there is none, give it to the getter tree.symbol = fieldSym orElse (getterSym setPos tree.pos) val namer = namerOf(tree.symbol) // the valdef gets the accessor symbol for a lazy val (too much going on in its RHS) // the fields phase creates the field symbol if (!tree.mods.isLazy) { // if there's a field symbol, the getter is considered a synthetic that must be added later // if there's no field symbol, the ValDef tree receives the getter symbol and thus is not a synthetic if (fieldSym != NoSymbol) { context.unit.synthetics(getterSym) = getter.derivedTree(getterSym) getterSym setInfo namer.accessorTypeCompleter(tree, tree.tpt.isEmpty, isBean = false, isSetter = false) } else getterSym setInfo namer.valTypeCompleter(tree) enterInScope(getterSym) if (getter.needsSetter) { val setter = Setter(tree) val setterSym = setter.createSym context.unit.synthetics(setterSym) = setter.derivedTree(setterSym) setterSym setInfo namer.accessorTypeCompleter(tree, tree.tpt.isEmpty, isBean = false, isSetter = true) enterInScope(setterSym) } // TODO: delay emitting the field to the fields phase (except for private[this] vals, which only get a field and no accessors) if (fieldSym != NoSymbol) { fieldSym setInfo namer.valTypeCompleter(tree) enterInScope(fieldSym) } } else { getterSym setInfo namer.valTypeCompleter(tree) enterInScope(getterSym) } deriveBeanAccessors(tree, namer) } private def deriveBeanAccessors(tree: ValDef, namer: Namer): Unit = { // TODO: can we look at the annotations symbols? (name-based introduced in 8cc477f8b6, see neg/t3403) val hasBeanProperty = tree.mods hasAnnotationNamed tpnme.BeanPropertyAnnot val hasBoolBP = tree.mods hasAnnotationNamed tpnme.BooleanBeanPropertyAnnot if (hasBeanProperty || hasBoolBP) { if (!tree.name.charAt(0).isLetter) BeanPropertyAnnotationFieldWithoutLetterError(tree) // avoids name clashes with private fields in traits else if (tree.mods.isPrivate) BeanPropertyAnnotationPrivateFieldError(tree) val derivedPos = tree.pos.focus val missingTpt = tree.tpt.isEmpty def deriveBeanAccessor(prefix: String): Symbol = { val isSetter = prefix == "set" val name = newTermName(prefix + tree.name.toString.capitalize) val setterParam = nme.syntheticParamName(1) // note: tree.tpt may be EmptyTree, which will be a problem when use as the tpt of a parameter // the completer will patch this up (we can't do this now without completing the field) val tptToPatch = if (missingTpt) TypeTree() else tree.tpt.duplicate val (vparams, tpt) = if (isSetter) (List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM | SYNTHETIC), setterParam, tptToPatch, EmptyTree)), TypeTree(UnitTpe)) else (Nil, tptToPatch) val rhs = if (tree.mods.isDeferred) EmptyTree else if (isSetter) Apply(Ident(tree.name.setterName), List(Ident(setterParam))) else Select(This(owner), tree.name) val sym = createMethod(tree, name, derivedPos, tree.mods.flags & BeanPropertyFlags) context.unit.synthetics(sym) = newDefDef(sym, rhs)(tparams = Nil, vparamss = List(vparams), tpt = tpt) sym } val getterCompleter = namer.accessorTypeCompleter(tree, missingTpt, isBean = true, isSetter = false) enterInScope(deriveBeanAccessor(if (hasBeanProperty) "get" else "is") setInfo getterCompleter) if (tree.mods.isMutable) { val setterCompleter = namer.accessorTypeCompleter(tree, missingTpt, isBean = true, isSetter = true) enterInScope(deriveBeanAccessor("set") setInfo setterCompleter) } } } def enterImplicitWrapper(classDef: ClassDef): Unit = { val methDef = factoryMeth(classDef.mods & AccessFlags | METHOD | IMPLICIT | SYNTHETIC, classDef.name.toTermName, classDef) val methSym = assignAndEnterSymbol(methDef) context.unit.synthetics(methSym) = methDef methSym setInfo implicitFactoryMethodCompleter(methDef, classDef.symbol, completerOf(methDef).asInstanceOf[LockingTypeCompleter]) } trait DerivedAccessor { def tree: ValDef def derivedName: TermName def derivedFlags: Long def derivedTree(sym: Symbol): Tree def derivedPos = tree.pos.focus def createSym = createMethod(tree, derivedName, derivedPos, derivedFlags) } case class Getter(tree: ValDef) extends DerivedAccessor { def derivedName = tree.name def derivedFlags = tree.mods.flags & GetterFlags | ACCESSOR.toLong | ( if (needsSetter) 0 else STABLE ) def needsSetter = tree.mods.isMutable // implies !lazy override def derivedTree(derivedSym: Symbol) = { val missingTpt = tree.tpt.isEmpty val tpt = if (missingTpt) TypeTree() else tree.tpt.duplicate val rhs = if (noFieldFor(tree, owner)) tree.rhs // context.unit.transformed.getOrElse(tree.rhs, tree.rhs) else Select(This(tree.symbol.enclClass), tree.symbol) newDefDef(derivedSym, rhs)(tparams = Nil, vparamss = Nil, tpt = tpt) } // derivedSym setPos tree.pos // // ValDef will have its position focused whereas DefDef will have original correct rangepos // // ideally positions would be correct at the creation time but lazy vals are really a special case // // here so for the sake of keeping api clean we fix positions manually in LazyValGetter // tpt.setPos(tree.tpt.pos) // tree.tpt.setPos(tree.tpt.pos.focus) } case class Setter(tree: ValDef) extends DerivedAccessor { def derivedName = tree.setterName def derivedFlags = tree.mods.flags & SetterFlags | ACCESSOR def derivedTree(derivedSym: Symbol) = { val setterParam = nme.syntheticParamName(1) // note: tree.tpt may be EmptyTree, which will be a problem when use as the tpt of a parameter // the completer will patch this up (we can't do this now without completing the field) val missingTpt = tree.tpt.isEmpty val tptToPatch = if (missingTpt) TypeTree() else tree.tpt.duplicate val vparams = List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM | SYNTHETIC), setterParam, tptToPatch, EmptyTree)) val tpt = TypeTree(UnitTpe) val rhs = if (noFieldFor(tree, owner)) EmptyTree else Assign(Select(This(tree.symbol.enclClass), tree.symbol), Ident(setterParam)) newDefDef(derivedSym, rhs)(tparams = Nil, vparamss = List(vparams), tpt = tpt) } } } }