/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2010 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package typechecker import symtab.Flags._ import collection.mutable.{HashSet, HashMap} import transform.InfoTransform import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer /**

* Post-attribution checking and transformation. *


* This phase performs the following checks. *

* *

* It performs the following transformations. *

* * * @author Martin Odersky * @version 1.0 * * @todo Check whether we always check type parameter bounds. */ abstract class RefChecks extends InfoTransform { import global._ import definitions._ import typer.{typed, typedOperator, atOwner} /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */ val phaseName: String = "refchecks" override def phaseNewFlags: Long = lateMETHOD def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): RefCheckTransformer = new RefCheckTransformer(unit) override def changesBaseClasses = false def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = { def isNestedModule = sym.isModule && !sym.isRootPackage && !sym.owner.isPackageClass if (sym.isModule && !sym.isStatic) { sym setFlag (lateMETHOD | STABLE) if (isNestedModule) { val moduleVar = sym.owner.info.decl(nme.moduleVarName(sym.name)) if (moduleVar == NoSymbol) { val tree = gen.mkModuleVarDef(sym) tree.symbol.setInfo(tp) sym.resetFlag(MODULE) sym.setFlag(LAZY | ACCESSOR) } } PolyType(List(), tp) } else tp } val toJavaRepeatedParam = new TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = tp match { case TypeRef(pre, RepeatedParamClass, args) => typeRef(pre, JavaRepeatedParamClass, args) case _ => mapOver(tp) } } val toScalaRepeatedParam = new TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case TypeRef(pre, JavaRepeatedParamClass, args) => typeRef(pre, RepeatedParamClass, args) case _ => mapOver(tp) } } class RefCheckTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends Transformer { var localTyper: analyzer.Typer = typer; var currentApplication: Tree = EmptyTree var inPattern: Boolean = false var checkedCombinations = Set[List[Type]]() // only one overloaded alternative is allowed to define default arguments private def checkDefaultsInOverloaded(clazz: Symbol) { def check(members: List[Symbol]): Unit = members match { case x :: xs => if (x.hasParamWhich(_.hasDefaultFlag) && !nme.isProtectedAccessorName(x.name)) { val others = xs.filter(alt => { alt.name == x.name && (alt hasParamWhich (_.hasDefaultFlag)) && (!alt.isConstructor || alt.owner == x.owner) // constructors of different classes are allowed to have defaults }) if (!others.isEmpty) { val all = x :: others val rest = if (all.exists(_.owner != clazz)) ".\nThe members with defaults are defined in "+ all.map(_.owner).mkString("", " and ", ".") else "." unit.error(clazz.pos, "in "+ clazz +", multiple overloaded alternatives of "+ x + " define default arguments"+ rest) } } check(xs) case _ => () } check(clazz.info.members) } // Override checking ------------------------------------------------------------ def hasRepeatedParam(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case MethodType(formals, restpe) => isScalaVarArgs(formals) || hasRepeatedParam(restpe) case PolyType(_, restpe) => hasRepeatedParam(restpe) case _ => false } /** Add bridges for vararg methods that extend Java vararg methods */ def addVarargBridges(clazz: Symbol): List[Tree] = { val self = clazz.thisType val bridges = new ListBuffer[Tree] def varargBridge(member: Symbol, bridgetpe: Type): Tree = { val bridge = member.cloneSymbolImpl(clazz) .setPos(clazz.pos).setFlag(member.flags | VBRIDGE) bridge.setInfo(bridgetpe.cloneInfo(bridge)) clazz.info.decls enter bridge val List(params) = bridge.paramss val TypeRef(_, JavaRepeatedParamClass, List(elemtp)) = params.last.tpe val (initargs, List(lastarg0)) = (params map Ident) splitAt (params.length - 1) val lastarg = gen.wildcardStar(gen.mkWrapArray(lastarg0, elemtp)) val body = Apply(Select(This(clazz), member), initargs ::: List(lastarg)) localTyper.typed { /*util.trace("generating varargs bridge")*/(DefDef(bridge, body)) } } // For all concrete non-private members that have a (Scala) repeated parameter: // compute the corresponding method type `jtpe` with a Java repeated parameter // if a method with type `jtpe` exists and that method is not a varargs bridge // then create a varargs bridge of type `jtpe` that forwards to the // member method with the Scala vararg type. for (member <- clazz.info.nonPrivateMembers) { if (!(member hasFlag DEFERRED) && hasRepeatedParam(member.info)) { val jtpe = toJavaRepeatedParam(self.memberType(member)) val inherited = clazz.info.nonPrivateMemberAdmitting(member.name, VBRIDGE) filter ( sym => (self.memberType(sym) matches jtpe) && !(sym hasFlag VBRIDGE) // this is a bit tortuous: we look for non-private members or bridges // if we find a bridge everything is OK. If we find another member, // we need to create a bridge ) if (inherited.exists) { bridges += varargBridge(member, jtpe) } } } bridges.toList } /** 1. Check all members of class `clazz' for overriding conditions. * That is for overriding member M and overridden member O: * * 1.1. M must have the same or stronger access privileges as O. * 1.2. O must not be final. * 1.3. O is deferred, or M has `override' modifier. * 1.4. If O is stable, then so is M. * // @M: LIFTED 1.5. Neither M nor O are a parameterized type alias * 1.6. If O is a type alias, then M is an alias of O. * 1.7. If O is an abstract type then * 1.7.1 either M is an abstract type, and M's bounds are sharper than O's bounds. * or M is a type alias or class which conforms to O's bounds. * 1.7.2 higher-order type arguments must respect bounds on higher-order type parameters -- @M * (explicit bounds and those implied by variance annotations) -- @see checkKindBounds * 1.8. If O and M are values, then * 1.8.1 M's type is a subtype of O's type, or * 1.8.2 M is of type []S, O is of type ()T and S <: T, or * 1.8.3 M is of type ()S, O is of type []T and S <: T, or * 2. Check that only abstract classes have deferred members * 3. Check that concrete classes do not have deferred definitions * that are not implemented in a subclass. * 4. Check that every member with an `override' modifier * overrides some other member. */ private def checkAllOverrides(clazz: Symbol, typesOnly: Boolean = false) { case class MixinOverrideError(member: Symbol, msg: String) var mixinOverrideErrors = new ListBuffer[MixinOverrideError]() def printMixinOverrideErrors() { mixinOverrideErrors.toList match { case List() => case List(MixinOverrideError(_, msg)) => unit.error(clazz.pos, msg) case MixinOverrideError(member, msg) :: others => val others1 = others.map(_.member.name.decode).filter(member.name.decode != _).distinct unit.error( clazz.pos, msg+(if (others1.isEmpty) "" else ";\n other members with override errors are: "+(others1 mkString ", "))) } } val self = clazz.thisType def isAbstractTypeWithoutFBound(sym: Symbol) = // (part of DEVIRTUALIZE) sym.isAbstractType && !isFBounded(sym) def isFBounded(tsym: Symbol) = tsym.info.baseTypeSeq exists (_ contains tsym) def infoString(sym: Symbol) = infoString0(sym, sym.owner != clazz) def infoStringWithLocation(sym: Symbol) = infoString0(sym, true) def infoString0(sym: Symbol, showLocation: Boolean) = { val sym1 = analyzer.underlying(sym) sym1.toString() + (if (showLocation) sym1.locationString + (if (sym1.isAliasType) ", which equals "+self.memberInfo(sym1) else if (sym1.isAbstractType) " with bounds "+self.memberInfo(sym1) else if (sym1.isTerm) " of type "+self.memberInfo(sym1) else "") else "") } def overridesType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = (tp1.normalize, tp2.normalize) match { case (MethodType(List(), rtp1), PolyType(List(), rtp2)) => rtp1 <:< rtp2 case (PolyType(List(), rtp1), MethodType(List(), rtp2)) => rtp1 <:< rtp2 case (TypeRef(_, sym, _), _) if (sym.isModuleClass) => overridesType(PolyType(List(), tp1), tp2) case _ => tp1 <:< tp2 } /** Check that all conditions for overriding `other` by `member` * of class `clazz` are met. */ def checkOverride(clazz: Symbol, member: Symbol, other: Symbol) { def noErrorType = other.tpe != ErrorType && member.tpe != ErrorType def isRootOrNone(sym: Symbol) = sym == RootClass || sym == NoSymbol def overrideError(msg: String) { if (noErrorType) { val fullmsg = "overriding "+infoStringWithLocation(other)+";\n "+ infoString(member)+" "+msg+ (if ((other.owner isSubClass member.owner) && other.isDeferred && !member.isDeferred) ";\n (Note that "+infoStringWithLocation(other)+" is abstract,"+ "\n and is therefore overridden by concrete "+infoStringWithLocation(member)+")" else "") if (member.owner == clazz) unit.error(member.pos, fullmsg) else mixinOverrideErrors += new MixinOverrideError(member, fullmsg) } } def overrideTypeError() { if (noErrorType) { overrideError("has incompatible type") } } def accessFlagsToString(sym: Symbol) = flagsToString( sym getFlag (PRIVATE | PROTECTED), if (sym.hasAccessBoundary) "" + sym.privateWithin.name else "" ) def overrideAccessError() { val otherAccess = accessFlagsToString(other) overrideError("has weaker access privileges; it should be "+ (if (otherAccess == "") "public" else "at least "+otherAccess)) } //Console.println(infoString(member) + " overrides " + infoString(other) + " in " + clazz);//DEBUG // return if we already checked this combination elsewhere if (member.owner != clazz) { if ((member.owner isSubClass other.owner) && (member.isDeferred || !other.isDeferred)) { //Console.println(infoString(member) + " shadows1 " + infoString(other) " in " + clazz);//DEBUG return; } if (clazz.info.parents exists (parent => (parent.typeSymbol isSubClass other.owner) && (parent.typeSymbol isSubClass member.owner) && (member.isDeferred || !other.isDeferred))) { //Console.println(infoString(member) + " shadows2 " + infoString(other) + " in " + clazz);//DEBUG return; } if (clazz.info.parents forall (parent => (parent.typeSymbol isSubClass other.owner) == (parent.typeSymbol isSubClass member.owner))) { //Console.println(infoString(member) + " shadows " + infoString(other) + " in " + clazz);//DEBUG return; } } /** Is the intersection between given two lists of overridden symbols empty? */ def intersectionIsEmpty(syms1: List[Symbol], syms2: List[Symbol]) = !(syms1 exists (syms2 contains)) if (typesOnly) checkOverrideTypes() else { // o: public | protected | package-protected (aka java's default access) // ^-may be overridden by member with access privileges-v // m: public | public/protected | public/protected/package-protected-in-same-package-as-o if (member.isPrivate) // (1.1) overrideError("has weaker access privileges; it should not be private") // todo: align accessibility implication checking with isAccessible in Contexts val ob = other.accessBoundary(member.owner) val mb = member.accessBoundary(member.owner) def isOverrideAccessOK = member.isPublic || { // member is public, definitely same or relaxed access (!other.isProtected || member.isProtected) && // if o is protected, so is m (!isRootOrNone(ob) && ob.hasTransOwner(mb)) // m relaxes o's access boundary } if (!isOverrideAccessOK) { overrideAccessError() } else if (other.isClass || other.isModule) { overrideError("cannot be used here - classes and objects cannot be overridden"); } else if (!other.isDeferred && (member.isClass || member.isModule)) { overrideError("cannot be used here - classes and objects can only override abstract types"); } else if (other hasFlag FINAL) { // (1.2) overrideError("cannot override final member"); } else if (!other.isDeferred && !(member hasFlag (OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE | SYNTHETIC))) { // (1.3), SYNTHETIC because of DEVIRTUALIZE overrideError("needs `override' modifier"); } else if ((other hasFlag ABSOVERRIDE) && other.isIncompleteIn(clazz) && !(member hasFlag ABSOVERRIDE)) { overrideError("needs `abstract override' modifiers") } else if ((member hasFlag (OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE)) && (other hasFlag ACCESSOR) && other.accessed.isVariable && !other.accessed.isLazy) { overrideError("cannot override a mutable variable") } else if ((member hasFlag (OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE)) && !(member.owner.thisType.baseClasses exists (_ isSubClass other.owner)) && !member.isDeferred && !other.isDeferred && intersectionIsEmpty(member.allOverriddenSymbols, other.allOverriddenSymbols)) { overrideError("cannot override a concrete member without a third member that's overridden by both "+ "(this rule is designed to prevent ``accidental overrides'')") } else if (other.isStable && !member.isStable) { // (1.4) overrideError("needs to be a stable, immutable value") } else if (member.isValue && (member hasFlag LAZY) && other.isValue && !other.isSourceMethod && !other.isDeferred && !(other hasFlag LAZY)) { overrideError("cannot override a concrete non-lazy value") } else if (other.isValue && (other hasFlag LAZY) && !other.isSourceMethod && !other.isDeferred && member.isValue && !(member hasFlag LAZY)) { overrideError("must be declared lazy to override a concrete lazy value") } else { checkOverrideTypes() } } def checkOverrideTypes() { if (other.isAliasType) { //if (!member.typeParams.isEmpty) (1.5) @MAT // overrideError("may not be parameterized"); //if (!other.typeParams.isEmpty) (1.5) @MAT // overrideError("may not override parameterized type"); // @M: substSym if (!(self.memberType(member).substSym(member.typeParams, other.typeParams) =:= self.memberType(other))) // (1.6) overrideTypeError(); } else if (other.isAbstractType) { //if (!member.typeParams.isEmpty) // (1.7) @MAT // overrideError("may not be parameterized"); val memberTp = self.memberType(member) val otherTp = self.memberInfo(other) if (!(otherTp.bounds containsType memberTp)) { // (1.7.1) overrideTypeError(); // todo: do an explaintypes with bounds here explainTypes(_.bounds containsType _, otherTp, memberTp) } // check overriding (abstract type --> abstract type or abstract type --> concrete type member (a type alias)) // making an abstract type member concrete is like passing a type argument val kindErrors = typer.infer.checkKindBounds(List(other), List(memberTp), self, member.owner) // (1.7.2) if(!kindErrors.isEmpty) unit.error(member.pos, "The kind of "+member.keyString+" "+member.varianceString + member.nameString+ " does not conform to the expected kind of " + other.defString + other.locationString + "." + kindErrors.toList.mkString("\n", ", ", "")) // check a type alias's RHS corresponds to its declaration // this overlaps somewhat with validateVariance if(member.isAliasType) { val kindErrors = typer.infer.checkKindBounds(List(member), List(memberTp.normalize), self, member.owner) if(!kindErrors.isEmpty) unit.error(member.pos, "The kind of the right-hand side "+memberTp.normalize+" of "+member.keyString+" "+ member.varianceString + member.nameString+ " does not conform to its expected kind."+ kindErrors.toList.mkString("\n", ", ", "")) } else if (member.isAbstractType) { if (memberTp.isVolatile && !otherTp.bounds.hi.isVolatile) overrideError("is a volatile type; cannot override a type with non-volatile upper bound") } } else if (other.isTerm) { other.cookJavaRawInfo() // #2454 val memberTp = self.memberType(member) val otherTp = self.memberType(other) if (!overridesType(memberTp, otherTp)) { // 8 overrideTypeError() explainTypes(memberTp, otherTp) } if (member.isStable && !otherTp.isVolatile) { if (memberTp.isVolatile) overrideError("has a volatile type; cannot override a member with non-volatile type") else memberTp.normalize.resultType match { case rt: RefinedType if !(rt =:= otherTp) && !(checkedCombinations contains rt.parents) => // might mask some inconsistencies -- check overrides checkedCombinations += rt.parents val tsym = rt.typeSymbol; if (tsym.pos == NoPosition) tsym setPos member.pos checkAllOverrides(tsym, typesOnly = true) case _ => } } } } } val opc = new overridingPairs.Cursor(clazz) while (opc.hasNext) { //Console.println(opc.overriding/* + ":" + opc.overriding.tpe*/ + " in "+opc.overriding.fullName + " overrides " + opc.overridden/* + ":" + opc.overridden.tpe*/ + " in "+opc.overridden.fullName + "/"+ opc.overridden.hasFlag(DEFERRED));//debug if (!opc.overridden.isClass) checkOverride(clazz, opc.overriding, opc.overridden); opc.next } printMixinOverrideErrors() // Verifying a concrete class has nothing unimplemented. if (clazz.isClass && !clazz.isTrait && !(clazz hasFlag ABSTRACT) && !typesOnly) { val abstractErrors = new ListBuffer[String] def abstractErrorMessage = // a little formatting polish if (abstractErrors.size <= 2) abstractErrors mkString " " else abstractErrors.tail.mkString(abstractErrors.head + ":\n", "\n", "") def abstractClassError(mustBeMixin: Boolean, msg: String) { def prelude = ( if (clazz.isAnonymousClass || clazz.isModuleClass) "object creation impossible" else if (mustBeMixin) clazz + " needs to be a mixin" else clazz + " needs to be abstract" ) + ", since" if (abstractErrors.isEmpty) abstractErrors ++= List(prelude, msg) else abstractErrors += msg } def javaErasedOverridingSym(sym: Symbol): Symbol = clazz.tpe.nonPrivateMemberAdmitting(sym.name, BRIDGE).filter(other => !other.isDeferred && other.isJavaDefined && { def uncurryAndErase(tp: Type) = erasure.erasure(uncurry.transformInfo(sym, tp)) // #3622: erasure operates on uncurried types -- note on passing sym in both cases: only sym.isType is relevant for uncurry.transformInfo val tp1 = uncurryAndErase(clazz.thisType.memberType(sym)) val tp2 = uncurryAndErase(clazz.thisType.memberType(other)) atPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase.next)(tp1 matches tp2) }) def ignoreDeferred(member: Symbol) = isAbstractTypeWithoutFBound(member) || (member.isJavaDefined && (currentRun.erasurePhase == NoPhase || // the test requires atPhase(erasurePhase.next) so shouldn't be done if the compiler has no erasure phase available javaErasedOverridingSym(member) != NoSymbol)) // 2. Check that only abstract classes have deferred members def checkNoAbstractMembers() = { // Avoid spurious duplicates: first gather any missing members. def memberList = clazz.tpe.nonPrivateMembersAdmitting(VBRIDGE) val (missing, rest) = memberList partition (m => m.isDeferred && !ignoreDeferred(m)) // Group missing members by the underlying symbol. val grouped = missing groupBy (analyzer underlying _ name) for (member <- missing) { def undefined(msg: String) = abstractClassError(false, infoString(member) + " is not defined" + msg) val underlying = analyzer.underlying(member) // Give a specific error message for abstract vars based on why it fails: // It could be unimplemented, have only one accessor, or be uninitialized. if (underlying.isVariable) { // If both getter and setter are missing, squelch the setter error. val isMultiple = grouped(underlying.name).size > 1 // TODO: messages shouldn't be spread over two files, and varNotice is not a clear name if (member.isSetter && isMultiple) () else undefined( if (member.isSetter) "\n(Note that an abstract var requires a setter in addition to the getter)" else if (member.isGetter && !isMultiple) "\n(Note that an abstract var requires a getter in addition to the setter)" else analyzer.varNotice(member) ) } else undefined("") } // Check the remainder for invalid absoverride. for (member <- rest ; if ((member hasFlag ABSOVERRIDE) && member.isIncompleteIn(clazz))) { val other = member.superSymbol(clazz) val explanation = if (other != NoSymbol) " and overrides incomplete superclass member " + infoString(other) else ", but no concrete implementation could be found in a base class" abstractClassError(true, infoString(member) + " is marked `abstract' and `override'" + explanation) } } // 3. Check that concrete classes do not have deferred definitions // that are not implemented in a subclass. // Note that this is not the same as (2); In a situation like // // class C { def m: Int = 0} // class D extends C { def m: Int } // // (3) is violated but not (2). def checkNoAbstractDecls(bc: Symbol) { for (decl <- bc.info.decls.iterator) { if (decl.isDeferred && !ignoreDeferred(decl)) { val impl = decl.matchingSymbol(clazz.thisType, admit = VBRIDGE) if (impl == NoSymbol || (decl.owner isSubClass impl.owner)) { abstractClassError(false, "there is a deferred declaration of "+infoString(decl)+ " which is not implemented in a subclass"+analyzer.varNotice(decl)) } } } val parents = bc.info.parents if (!parents.isEmpty && parents.head.typeSymbol.hasFlag(ABSTRACT)) checkNoAbstractDecls(parents.head.typeSymbol) } checkNoAbstractMembers() if (abstractErrors.isEmpty) checkNoAbstractDecls(clazz) if (abstractErrors.nonEmpty) unit.error(clazz.pos, abstractErrorMessage) } /** Returns whether there is a symbol declared in class `inclazz` * (which must be different from `clazz`) whose name and type * seen as a member of `class.thisType` matches `member`'s. */ def hasMatchingSym(inclazz: Symbol, member: Symbol): Boolean = { val isVarargs = hasRepeatedParam(member.tpe) lazy val varargsType = toJavaRepeatedParam(member.tpe) def isSignatureMatch(sym: Symbol) = !sym.isTerm || { val symtpe = clazz.thisType memberType sym def matches(tp: Type) = tp matches symtpe matches(member.tpe) || (isVarargs && matches(varargsType)) } /** The rules for accessing members which have an access boundary are more * restrictive in java than scala. Since java has no concept of package nesting, * a member with "default" (package-level) access can only be accessed by members * in the exact same package. Example: * * package a.b; * public class JavaClass { void foo() { } } * * The member foo() can be accessed only from members of package a.b, and not * nested packages like a.b.c. In the analogous scala class: * * package a.b * class ScalaClass { private[b] def foo() = () } * * The member IS accessible to classes in package a.b.c. The javaAccessCheck logic * is restricting the set of matching signatures according to the above semantics. */ def javaAccessCheck(sym: Symbol) = ( !inclazz.isJavaDefined // not a java defined member || !sym.hasAccessBoundary // no access boundary || sym.isProtected // marked protected in java, thus accessible to subclasses || sym.privateWithin == member.enclosingPackageClass // exact package match ) def classDecls = inclazz.info.nonPrivateDecl(member.name) def matchingSyms = classDecls filter (sym => isSignatureMatch(sym) && javaAccessCheck(sym)) (inclazz != clazz) && (matchingSyms != NoSymbol) } // 4. Check that every defined member with an `override' modifier overrides some other member. for (member <- clazz.info.decls.toList) if ((member hasFlag (OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE)) && !(clazz.thisType.baseClasses exists (hasMatchingSym(_, member)))) { // for (bc <- clazz.info.baseClasses.tail) Console.println("" + bc + " has " + bc.info.decl(member.name) + ":" + bc.info.decl(member.name).tpe);//DEBUG unit.error(member.pos, member.toString() + " overrides nothing"); member resetFlag OVERRIDE } } // Basetype Checking -------------------------------------------------------- /**
  1. * Check that later type instances in the base-type sequence * are subtypes of earlier type instances of the same mixin. *
  2. *
*/ private def validateBaseTypes(clazz: Symbol) { val seenTypes = new Array[List[Type]](clazz.info.baseTypeSeq.length) for (i <- 0 until seenTypes.length) seenTypes(i) = Nil /** validate all base types of a class in reverse linear order. */ def register(tp: Type) { // if (clazz.fullName.endsWith("Collection.Projection")) // println("validate base type "+tp) val baseClass = tp.typeSymbol if (baseClass.isClass) { val index = clazz.info.baseTypeIndex(baseClass) if (index >= 0) { if (seenTypes(index) forall (tp1 => !(tp1 <:< tp))) seenTypes(index) = tp :: (seenTypes(index) filter (tp1 => !(tp <:< tp1))) } } tp.parents foreach register } register(clazz.tpe) for (i <- 0 until seenTypes.length) { val baseClass = clazz.info.baseTypeSeq(i).typeSymbol seenTypes(i) match { case List() => println("??? base "+baseClass+" not found in basetypes of "+clazz) case List(_) => ;// OK case tp1 :: tp2 :: _ => unit.error(clazz.pos, "illegal inheritance;\n " + clazz + " inherits different type instances of " + baseClass + ":\n" + tp1 + " and " + tp2); explainTypes(tp1, tp2) explainTypes(tp2, tp1) } } } // Variance Checking -------------------------------------------------------- private val ContraVariance = -1 private val NoVariance = 0 private val CoVariance = 1 private val AnyVariance = 2 private val escapedPrivateLocals = new HashSet[Symbol] val varianceValidator = new Traverser { /** Validate variance of info of symbol `base` */ private def validateVariance(base: Symbol) { def varianceString(variance: Int): String = if (variance == 1) "covariant" else if (variance == -1) "contravariant" else "invariant"; /** The variance of a symbol occurrence of `tvar` * seen at the level of the definition of `base`. * The search proceeds from `base` to the owner of `tvar`. * Initially the state is covariant, but it might change along the search. */ def relativeVariance(tvar: Symbol): Int = { val clazz = tvar.owner var sym = base var state = CoVariance while (sym != clazz && state != AnyVariance) { //Console.println("flip: " + sym + " " + sym.isParameter());//DEBUG // Flip occurrences of type parameters and parameters, unless // - it's a constructor, or case class factory or extractor // - it's a type parameter of tvar's owner. if (sym.isParameter && !sym.owner.isConstructor && !sym.owner.isCaseApplyOrUnapply && !(tvar.isTypeParameterOrSkolem && sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem && tvar.owner == sym.owner)) state = -state; else if (!sym.owner.isClass || sym.isTerm && ((sym.isPrivateLocal || sym.isProtectedLocal) && !(escapedPrivateLocals contains sym))) { // return AnyVariance if `sym` is local to a term // or is private[this] or protected[this] state = AnyVariance } else if (sym.isAliasType) { // return AnyVariance if `sym` is an alias type // that does not override anything. This is OK, because we always // expand aliases for variance checking. // However, if `sym` does override a type in a base class // we have to assume NoVariance, as there might then be // references to the type parameter that are not variance checked. state = if (sym.allOverriddenSymbols.isEmpty) AnyVariance else NoVariance } sym = sym.owner } state } /** Validate that the type `tp` is variance-correct, assuming * the type occurs itself at variance position given by `variance` */ def validateVariance(tp: Type, variance: Int): Unit = tp match { case ErrorType => ; case WildcardType => ; case NoType => ; case NoPrefix => ; case ThisType(_) => ; case ConstantType(_) => ; // case DeBruijnIndex(_, _) => ; case SingleType(pre, sym) => validateVariance(pre, variance) case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => // println("validate "+sym+" at "+relativeVariance(sym)) if (sym.isAliasType/* && relativeVariance(sym) == AnyVariance*/) validateVariance(tp.normalize, variance) else if (sym.variance != NoVariance) { val v = relativeVariance(sym) if (v != AnyVariance && sym.variance != v * variance) { //Console.println("relativeVariance(" + base + "," + sym + ") = " + v);//DEBUG def tpString(tp: Type) = tp match { case ClassInfoType(parents, _, clazz) => "supertype "+intersectionType(parents, clazz.owner) case _ => "type "+tp } unit.error(base.pos, varianceString(sym.variance) + " " + sym + " occurs in " + varianceString(v * variance) + " position in " + tpString(base.info) + " of " + base); } } validateVariance(pre, variance) validateVarianceArgs(args, variance, sym.typeParams) //@M for higher-kinded typeref, args.isEmpty // However, these args respect variances by construction anyway // -- the interesting case is in type application, see checkKindBounds in Infer case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, symbol) => validateVariances(parents, variance) case RefinedType(parents, decls) => validateVariances(parents, variance) for (sym <- decls.toList) validateVariance(sym.info, if (sym.isAliasType) NoVariance else variance) case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => validateVariance(lo, -variance) validateVariance(hi, variance) case MethodType(formals, result) => validateVariance(result, variance) case PolyType(tparams, result) => // type parameters will be validated separately, because they are defined explicitly. validateVariance(result, variance) case ExistentialType(tparams, result) => validateVariances(tparams map (_.info), variance) validateVariance(result, variance) case AnnotatedType(annots, tp, selfsym) => if (!(annots exists (_.atp.typeSymbol.isNonBottomSubClass(uncheckedVarianceClass)))) validateVariance(tp, variance) } def validateVariances(tps: List[Type], variance: Int) { tps foreach (tp => validateVariance(tp, variance)) } def validateVarianceArgs(tps: List[Type], variance: Int, tparams: List[Symbol]) { (tps zip tparams) foreach { case (tp, tparam) => validateVariance(tp, variance * tparam.variance) } } validateVariance(base.info, CoVariance) } override def traverse(tree: Tree) { tree match { case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) | TypeDef(_, _, _, _) => validateVariance(tree.symbol) super.traverse(tree) // ModuleDefs need not be considered because they have been eliminated already case ValDef(_, _, _, _) => validateVariance(tree.symbol) case DefDef(_, _, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => validateVariance(tree.symbol) traverseTrees(tparams); traverseTreess(vparamss) case Template(_, _, _) => super.traverse(tree) case _ => } } } // Forward reference checking --------------------------------------------------- class LevelInfo(val outer: LevelInfo) { val scope: Scope = if (outer eq null) new Scope else new Scope(outer.scope) var maxindex: Int = Int.MinValue var refpos: Position = _ var refsym: Symbol = _ } private var currentLevel: LevelInfo = null private val symIndex = new HashMap[Symbol, Int] private def pushLevel() { currentLevel = new LevelInfo(currentLevel) } private def popLevel() { currentLevel = currentLevel.outer } private def normalizeSymToRef(sym: Symbol): Symbol = if(sym isLazy) sym.lazyAccessor else sym private def enterSyms(stats: List[Tree]) { var index = -1 for (stat <- stats) { index = index + 1; stat match { case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) | ModuleDef(_, _, _) | ValDef(_, _, _, _) => //assert(stat.symbol != NoSymbol, stat);//debug val sym = normalizeSymToRef(stat.symbol) if (sym.isLocal) { currentLevel.scope.enter(sym) symIndex(sym) = index; } case _ => } } } private def enterReference(pos: Position, sym: Symbol) { if (sym.isLocal) { val e = currentLevel.scope.lookupEntry(sym.name) if ((e ne null) && sym == e.sym) { var l = currentLevel while (l.scope != e.owner) l = l.outer; val symindex = symIndex(sym) if (l.maxindex < symindex) { l.refpos = pos l.refsym = sym l.maxindex = symindex } } } } // Comparison checking ------------------------------------------------------- object normalizeAll extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = mapOver(tp).normalize } def checkSensible(pos: Position, fn: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = fn match { case Select(qual, name @ (nme.EQ | nme.NE | nme.eq | nme.ne)) if args.length == 1 => def isReferenceOp = name == nme.eq || name == nme.ne def isNew(tree: Tree) = tree match { case Function(_, _) | Apply(Select(New(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), _) => true case _ => false } def underlyingClass(tp: Type): Symbol = { var sym = tp.widen.typeSymbol while (sym.isAbstractType) sym = sym.info.bounds.hi.widen.typeSymbol sym } val actual = underlyingClass(args.head.tpe) val receiver = underlyingClass(qual.tpe) // Whether def equals(other: Any) is overridden def isUsingDefaultEquals = { val m = receiver.info.member(nme.equals_) (m == Object_equals) || (m == Any_equals) } // Whether this == or != is actually an overloaded version def isUsingDefaultScalaOp = { val s = fn.symbol (s == Object_==) || (s == Object_!=) || (s == Any_==) || (s == Any_!=) || (s == Object_eq) || (s == Object_ne) } // Whether the operands+operator represent a warnable combo (assuming anyrefs) def isWarnable = isReferenceOp || (isUsingDefaultEquals && isUsingDefaultScalaOp) def isScalaNumber(s: Symbol) = isNumericValueClass(s) || (s isSubClass BoxedNumberClass) || (s isSubClass ScalaNumberClass) def isEitherNull = (receiver == NullClass) || (actual == NullClass) def isEitherNullable = (NullClass.tpe <:< receiver.info) || (NullClass.tpe <:< actual.info) def nonSensibleWarning(what: String, alwaysEqual: Boolean) = { val msg = alwaysEqual == (name == nme.EQ || name == nme.eq) unit.warning(pos, "comparing "+what+" using `"+name.decode+"' will always yield " + msg) } // @MAT normalize for consistency in error message, otherwise only part is normalized due to use of `typeSymbol' def nonSensible(pre: String, alwaysEqual: Boolean) = nonSensibleWarning(pre+"values of types "+normalizeAll(qual.tpe.widen)+" and "+normalizeAll(args.head.tpe.widen), alwaysEqual) if (receiver == BooleanClass && !(receiver isSubClass actual)) // true == 5 nonSensible("", false) else if (receiver == UnitClass && actual == UnitClass) // () == () nonSensible("", true) else if (isNumericValueClass(receiver)) { if (!isScalaNumber(actual) && !forMSIL) // 5 == "abc" nonSensible("", false) } else if (isWarnable) { if (receiver.isFinal && !isEitherNull && !(receiver isSubClass actual)) // object X, Y; X == Y nonSensible((if (isEitherNullable) "non-null " else ""), false) else if (isNew(qual) || (isNew(args.head) && (receiver.isFinal || isReferenceOp))) // new X == y or object X ; X == new Y nonSensibleWarning("a fresh object", false) } case _ => } // Transformation ------------------------------------------------------------ /* Convert a reference to a case factory of type `tpe' to a new of the class it produces. */ def toConstructor(pos: Position, tpe: Type): Tree = { var rtpe = tpe.finalResultType assert(rtpe.typeSymbol hasFlag CASE, tpe); localTyper.typedOperator { atPos(pos) { Select(New(TypeTree(rtpe)), rtpe.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor) } } } override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] = { pushLevel() enterSyms(stats) var index = -1 val stats1 = stats flatMap { stat => index += 1; transformStat(stat, index) } popLevel() stats1 } /** Implements lazy value accessors: * - for lazy values of type Unit and all lazy fields inside traits, * the rhs is the initializer itself * - for all other lazy values z the accessor is a block of this form: * { z = ; z } where z can be an identifier or a field. */ def transformStat(tree: Tree, index: Int): List[Tree] = { def checkForwardReference(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.isLocal && index <= currentLevel.maxindex) { if (settings.debug.value) Console.println(currentLevel.refsym) unit.error(currentLevel.refpos, "forward reference extends over definition of " + sym) } tree match { case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) => val sym = tree.symbol if (sym.isStatic) { val cdef = ClassDef(mods | MODULE, name, List(), impl) .setPos(tree.pos) .setSymbol(sym.moduleClass) .setType(NoType) if (!sym.allOverriddenSymbols.isEmpty) { val factory = sym.owner.newMethod(sym.pos, sym.name) .setFlag(sym.flags | STABLE).resetFlag(MODULE) .setInfo(PolyType(List(), sym.moduleClass.tpe)) sym.owner.info.decls.enter(factory) val ddef = atPhase(phase.next) { localTyper.typed { gen.mkModuleAccessDef(factory, sym) } } transformTrees(List(cdef, ddef)) } else { List(transform(cdef)) } } else { def lazyNestedObjectTrees(transformedInfo: Boolean) = { val cdef = ClassDef(mods | MODULE, name, List(), impl) .setPos(tree.pos) .setSymbol(if (!transformedInfo) sym.moduleClass else sym.lazyAccessor) .setType(NoType) val vdef = localTyper.typedPos(tree.pos){ if (!transformedInfo) gen.mkModuleVarDef(sym) else { val vsym0 = sym.owner.info.decl(nme.moduleVarName(sym.name)) // In case we are dealing with local symbol then we already have correct error with forward reference ValDef(if (vsym0 == NoSymbol) gen.mkModuleVarDef(sym).symbol else vsym0, EmptyTree) } } val vsym = vdef.symbol val ddef = atPhase(phase.next) { localTyper.typed { val rhs = gen.newModule(sym, vsym.tpe) if (!transformedInfo) { sym.resetFlag(MODULE | FINAL | CASE) sym.setFlag(LAZY | ACCESSOR | SYNTHETIC) sym.setInfo(PolyType(List(), sym.tpe)) sym setFlag (lateMETHOD | STABLE) } val ownerTransformer = new ChangeOwnerTraverser(vsym, sym) val lazyDef = atPos(tree.pos)( DefDef(sym, ownerTransformer( if (sym.owner.isTrait) rhs else Block(List( Assign(gen.mkAttributedRef(vsym), rhs)), gen.mkAttributedRef(vsym))) )) lazyDef } } transformTrees(List(cdef, vdef, ddef)) } lazyNestedObjectTrees(sym.hasFlag(LAZY)) } case ValDef(_, _, _, _) => val tree1 = transform(tree); // important to do before forward reference check if (tree.symbol.hasFlag(LAZY)) { assert(tree.symbol.isTerm, tree.symbol) val ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) = tree1 val vsym = tree.symbol val hasUnitType = (tree.symbol.tpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass) val lazyDefSym = vsym.lazyAccessor assert(lazyDefSym != NoSymbol, vsym) val ownerTransformer = new ChangeOwnerTraverser(vsym, lazyDefSym) val lazyDef = atPos(tree.pos)( DefDef(lazyDefSym, ownerTransformer( if (tree.symbol.owner.isTrait // for traits, this is further transformed in mixins || hasUnitType) rhs else Block(List( Assign(gen.mkAttributedRef(vsym), rhs)), gen.mkAttributedRef(vsym))))) log("Made lazy def: " + lazyDef) if (hasUnitType) typed(lazyDef) :: Nil else typed(ValDef(vsym, EmptyTree)) :: atPhase(phase.next) { typed(lazyDef) } :: Nil } else { checkForwardReference(normalizeSymToRef(tree.symbol)) List(tree1) } case Import(_, _) => List() case _ => List(transform(tree)) } } /******** Begin transform inner function section ********/ /** The private functions between here and 'transform' are conceptually * inner functions to that method, but have been moved outside of it to * ease the burden on the optimizer. */ /* Check whether argument types conform to bounds of type parameters */ private def checkBounds(pre: Type, owner: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol], argtps: List[Type], pos: Position): Unit = try typer.infer.checkBounds(pos, pre, owner, tparams, argtps, "") catch { case ex: TypeError => unit.error(pos, ex.getMessage()); if (settings.explaintypes.value) { val bounds = tparams map (tp => tp.info.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, argtps).bounds) (argtps, bounds).zipped map ((targ, bound) => explainTypes(bound.lo, targ)) (argtps, bounds).zipped map ((targ, bound) => explainTypes(targ, bound.hi)) () } } private def isIrrefutable(pat: Tree, seltpe: Type): Boolean = { val result = pat match { case Apply(_, args) => val clazz = pat.tpe.typeSymbol; clazz == seltpe.typeSymbol && clazz.isCaseClass && (args corresponds clazz.primaryConstructor.tpe.asSeenFrom(seltpe, clazz).paramTypes)(isIrrefutable) // @PP: corresponds case Typed(pat, tpt) => seltpe <:< tpt.tpe case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true case Bind(_, pat) => isIrrefutable(pat, seltpe) case _ => false } //Console.println("is irefutable? " + pat + ":" + pat.tpe + " against " + seltpe + ": " + result);//DEBUG result } /** If symbol is deprecated and is not contained in a deprecated definition, * issue a deprecated warning */ private def checkDeprecated(sym: Symbol, pos: Position) { if (sym.isDeprecated && !currentOwner.ownerChain.exists(_.isDeprecated)) { val dmsg = sym.deprecationMessage val msg = sym.toString + sym.locationString +" is deprecated"+ (if (dmsg.isDefined) ": "+ dmsg.get else "") unit.deprecationWarning(pos, msg) } } /** Similar to deprecation: check if the symbol is marked with @migration * indicating it has changed semantics between versions. */ private def checkMigration(sym: Symbol, pos: Position) = { for (msg <- sym.migrationMessage) unit.warning(pos, "%s%s has changed semantics:\n%s".format(sym, sym.locationString, msg)) } /** Check that a deprecated val or def does not override a * concrete, non-deprecated method. If it does, then * deprecation is meaningless. */ private def checkDeprecatedOvers(tree: Tree) { val symbol = tree.symbol if (symbol.isDeprecated) { val concrOvers = symbol.allOverriddenSymbols.filter(sym => !sym.isDeprecated && !sym.isDeferred) if(!concrOvers.isEmpty) unit.deprecationWarning( tree.pos, symbol.toString + " overrides concrete, non-deprecated symbol(s):" + concrOvers.map(_.name.decode).mkString(" ", ", ", "")) } } private def isRepeatedParamArg(tree: Tree) = currentApplication match { case Apply(fn, args) => !args.isEmpty && (args.last eq tree) && fn.tpe.params.length == args.length && isRepeatedParamType(fn.tpe.params.last.tpe) case _ => false } private def checkTypeRef(tp: Type, pos: Position) = tp match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => checkDeprecated(sym, pos) if(sym.isJavaDefined) sym.typeParams foreach (_.cookJavaRawInfo()) if (!tp.isHigherKinded) checkBounds(pre, sym.owner, sym.typeParams, args, pos) case _ => } private def checkAnnotations(tpes: List[Type], pos: Position) = tpes foreach (tp => checkTypeRef(tp, pos)) private def doTypeTraversal(tree: Tree)(f: Type => Unit) = if (!inPattern) tree.tpe foreach f private def applyRefchecksToAnnotations(tree: Tree): Unit = { def applyChecks(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]) = { checkAnnotations(annots map (_.atp), tree.pos) transformTrees(annots flatMap (_.args)) } tree match { case m: MemberDef => val sym = m.symbol applyChecks(sym.annotations) // validate implicitNotFoundMessage analyzer.ImplicitNotFoundMsg.check(sym) foreach { warn => unit.warning(tree.pos, "Invalid implicitNotFound message for %s%s:\n%s".format(sym, sym.locationString, warn)) } case tpt@TypeTree() => if(tpt.original != null) { tpt.original foreach { case dc@TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck() => applyRefchecksToAnnotations(dc.check()) // #2416 case _ => } } doTypeTraversal(tree) { case AnnotatedType(annots, _, _) => applyChecks(annots) case _ => } case _ => } } private def transformCaseApply(tree: Tree, ifNot: => Unit) = { val sym = tree.symbol if (sym.isSourceMethod && sym.hasFlag(CASE) && sym.name == nme.apply) toConstructor(tree.pos, tree.tpe) else { ifNot tree } } private def transformApply(tree: Apply): Tree = tree match { case Apply( Select(qual, nme.filter), List(Function( List(ValDef(_, pname, tpt, _)), Match(_, CaseDef(pat1, _, _) :: _)))) if ((pname startsWith nme.CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING) && isIrrefutable(pat1, tpt.tpe) && (qual.tpe <:< tree.tpe)) => transform(qual) case Apply(Select(New(tpt), name), args) if (tpt.tpe.typeSymbol == ArrayClass && args.length >= 2) => unit.deprecationWarning(tree.pos, "new Array(...) with multiple dimensions has been deprecated; use Array.ofDim(...) instead") val manif = { var etpe = tpt.tpe for (_ <- args) { etpe = etpe.typeArgs.headOption.getOrElse(NoType) } if (etpe == NoType) { unit.error(tree.pos, "too many dimensions for array creation") Literal(Constant(null)) } else { localTyper.getManifestTree(tree.pos, etpe, false) } } val newResult = localTyper.typedPos(tree.pos) { new ApplyToImplicitArgs(Apply(Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(ArrayModule), nme.ofDim), args), List(manif)) } currentApplication = tree newResult case Apply(fn, args) => checkSensible(tree.pos, fn, args) currentApplication = tree tree } private def transformSelect(tree: Select): Tree = { val Select(qual, name) = tree val sym = tree.symbol /** Note: if a symbol has both @deprecated and @migration annotations and both * warnings are enabled, only the first one checked here will be emitted. * I assume that's a consequence of some code trying to avoid noise by suppressing * warnings after the first, but I think it'd be better if we didn't have to * arbitrarily choose one as more important than the other. */ checkDeprecated(sym, tree.pos) if (settings.Xmigration28.value) checkMigration(sym, tree.pos) if (currentClass != sym.owner && sym.hasLocalFlag) { var o = currentClass var hidden = false while (!hidden && o != sym.owner && o != sym.owner.moduleClass && !o.isPackage) { hidden = o.isTerm || o.isPrivateLocal o = o.owner } if (!hidden) escapedPrivateLocals += sym } def checkSuper(mix: Name) = // term should have been eliminated by super accessors assert(!(qual.symbol.isTrait && sym.isTerm && mix == nme.EMPTY.toTypeName)) transformCaseApply(tree, qual match { case Super(_, mix) => checkSuper(mix) case _ => } ) } private def transformIf(tree: If): Tree = { val If(cond, thenpart, elsepart) = tree def unitIfEmpty(t: Tree): Tree = if (t == EmptyTree) Literal(()).setPos(tree.pos).setType(UnitClass.tpe) else t cond.tpe match { case ConstantType(value) => val res = if (value.booleanValue) thenpart else elsepart unitIfEmpty(res) case _ => tree } } override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = { val savedLocalTyper = localTyper val savedCurrentApplication = currentApplication try { val sym = tree.symbol // Apply RefChecks to annotations. Makes sure the annotations conform to // type bounds (bug #935), issues deprecation warnings for symbols used // inside annotations. applyRefchecksToAnnotations(tree) var result: Tree = tree match { case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt, EmptyTree) if tree.symbol.hasAnnotation(NativeAttr) => tree.symbol.resetFlag(DEFERRED) transform(treeCopy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt, typed(Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(Predef_error), List(Literal("native method stub")))))) case ValDef(_, _, _, _) | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) => checkDeprecatedOvers(tree) tree case Template(parents, self, body) => localTyper = localTyper.atOwner(tree, currentOwner) validateBaseTypes(currentOwner) checkDefaultsInOverloaded(currentOwner) val bridges = addVarargBridges(currentOwner) checkAllOverrides(currentOwner) if (bridges.nonEmpty) treeCopy.Template(tree, parents, self, body ::: bridges) else tree case dc@TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck() => assert(false, "adapt should have turned dc: TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck into tpt: TypeTree, with tpt.original == dc"); dc case tpt@TypeTree() => if(tpt.original != null) { tpt.original foreach { case dc@TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck() => transform(dc.check()) // #2416 -- only call transform to do refchecks, but discard results // tpt has the right type if the deferred checks are ok case _ => } } val existentialParams = new ListBuffer[Symbol] doTypeTraversal(tree) { // check all bounds, except those that are // existential type parameters case ExistentialType(tparams, tpe) => existentialParams ++= tparams case t: TypeRef => val exparams = existentialParams.toList val wildcards = exparams map (_ => WildcardType) checkTypeRef(t.subst(exparams, wildcards), tree.pos) case _ => } tree case TypeApply(fn, args) => checkBounds(NoPrefix, NoSymbol, fn.tpe.typeParams, args map (_.tpe), tree.pos) transformCaseApply(tree, ()) case x @ Apply(_, _) => transformApply(x) case x @ If(_, _, _) => transformIf(x) case New(tpt) => enterReference(tree.pos, tpt.tpe.typeSymbol) tree case Typed(_, Ident(nme.WILDCARD_STAR)) if !isRepeatedParamArg(tree) => unit.error(tree.pos, "no `: _*' annotation allowed here\n"+ "(such annotations are only allowed in arguments to *-parameters)") tree case Ident(name) => transformCaseApply(tree, if (name != nme.WILDCARD && name != nme.WILDCARD_STAR) { assert(sym != NoSymbol, tree) //debug enterReference(tree.pos, sym) } ) case x @ Select(_, _) => transformSelect(x) case UnApply(fun, args) => transform(fun) // just make sure we enterReference for unapply symbols, note that super.transform(tree) would not transform(fun) // transformTrees(args) // TODO: is this necessary? could there be forward references in the args?? // probably not, until we allow parameterised extractors tree case _ => tree } result = result match { case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => inPattern = true val pat1 = transform(pat) inPattern = false treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat1, transform(guard), transform(body)) case _ => super.transform(result) } result match { case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) | TypeDef(_, _, _, _) => if (result.symbol.isLocal || result.symbol.owner.isPackageClass) varianceValidator.traverse(result) case _ => } result } catch { case ex: TypeError => if (settings.debug.value) ex.printStackTrace(); unit.error(tree.pos, ex.getMessage()) tree } finally { localTyper = savedLocalTyper currentApplication = savedCurrentApplication } } } }