/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package typechecker import scala.collection.mutable import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ BatchSourceFile, Statistics } import mutable.ListBuffer import symtab.Flags._ import Mode._ trait TypersTracking { self: Analyzer => import global._ import definitions._ import typeDebug._ // To enable decent error messages when the typer crashes. // TODO - this only catches trees which go through def typed, // but there are all kinds of back ways - typedClassDef, etc. etc. // Funnel everything through one doorway. var lastTreeToTyper: Tree = EmptyTree def fullSiteString(context: Context): String = { def owner_long_s = ( if (settings.debug.value) { def flags_s = context.owner.debugFlagString match { case "" => "" case s => " with flags " + inLightMagenta(s) } s", a ${context.owner.shortSymbolClass}$flags_s" } else "" ) def marker = if (context.bufferErrors) "silent" else "site" def undet_s = context.undetparams match { case Nil => "" case ps => ps.mkString(" solving: ", ",", "") } def implicits_s = ( if (context.enrichmentEnabled) if (context.implicitsEnabled) "" else inLightRed("enrichment only") else inLightRed("implicits disabled") ) s"($marker$undet_s: ${context.siteString}$owner_long_s) $implicits_s" } object typingStack { val out = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.err, true) def println(msg: Any) = out println "" + msg // TODO - account for colors so the color of a multiline string // doesn't infect the connector lines private def currentIndent = "| " * depth private var trees: List[Frame] = Nil private var depth = 0 private def atLowerIndent[T](body: => T): T = { depth -= 1 try body finally depth += 1 } private def resetIfEmpty(s: String) = if (trees.isEmpty) resetColor(s) else s private def truncAndOneLine(s: String): String = { val s1 = s.replaceAll("\\s+", " ") if (s1.length < 60 || settings.debug.value) s1 else s1.take(57) + "..." } private val nextId = { var x = 1 ; () => try x finally x += 1 } private class Frame(val tree: Tree) { val stamp = System.nanoTime val id = nextId() } private object NoFrame extends Frame(EmptyTree) { } private def greenType(tp: Type): String = tpe_s(tp, inGreen) private def greenType(tree: Tree): String = tree match { case null => "[exception]" case md: MemberDef if md.tpe == NoType => inBlue(s"[${md.keyword} ${md.name}]") + " " + greenType(md.symbol.tpe) case _ if tree.tpe.isComplete => greenType(tree.tpe) case _ => "" } def indented(s: String): String = if (s == "") "" else currentIndent + s.replaceAll("\n", "\n" + currentIndent) @inline final def runWith[T](t: Tree)(body: => T): T = { push(t) try body finally pop(t) } def push(t: Tree): Unit = { trees ::= new Frame(t) depth += 1 } def pop(t: Tree): Unit = { val frame = trees.head assert(frame.tree eq t, ((frame.tree, t))) trees = trees.tail depth -= 1 } def show(s: String) { if (s != "") out.println(s) } def showPush(tree: Tree, context: Context) { showPush(tree, NOmode, WildcardType, context) } def showPush(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type, context: Context) { val alreadyTyped = tree.tpe ne null def tree_s = truncAndOneLine(ptTree(tree)) def pt_s = if (pt.isWildcard || context.inTypeConstructorAllowed) "" else s": pt=$pt" def all_s = List(tree_s, pt_s, mode, fullSiteString(context)) filterNot (_ == "") mkString " " atLowerIndent(show(indented("""|-- """ + all_s))) } def showPop(typedTree: Tree): Tree = { val s = greenType(typedTree) show(resetIfEmpty(indented("""\-> """ + s))) typedTree } def showAdapt(original: Tree, adapted: Tree, pt: Type, context: Context) { if (!noPrintAdapt(original, adapted)) { def tree_s1 = inLightCyan(truncAndOneLine(ptTree(original))) def pt_s = if (pt.isWildcard) "" else s" based on pt $pt" def tree_s2 = adapted match { case tt: TypeTree => "is now a TypeTree(" + tpe_s(tt.tpe, inCyan) + ")" case _ => "adapted to " + inCyan(truncAndOneLine(ptTree(adapted))) + pt_s } show(indented(s"[adapt] $tree_s1 $tree_s2")) } } def showTyped(tree: Tree) { def class_s = tree match { case _: RefTree => "" case _ => " " + tree.shortClass } if (!noPrintTyping(tree)) show(indented(s"[typed$class_s] " + truncAndOneLine(ptTree(tree)))) } def nextTyped(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type, context: Context)(body: => Tree): Tree = nextTypedInternal(tree, showPush(tree, mode, pt, context))(body) def nextTyped(tree: Tree, context: Context)(body: => Tree): Tree = nextTypedInternal(tree, showPush(tree, context))(body) def nextTypedInternal(tree: Tree, pushFn: => Unit)(body: => Tree): Tree = ( if (noPrintTyping(tree)) body else runWith(tree) { pushFn ; showPop(body) } ) @inline final def printTyping(tree: Tree, s: => String) = { if (printTypings && !noPrintTyping(tree)) show(indented(s)) } @inline final def printTyping(s: => String) = { if (printTypings) show(indented(s)) } } def tpe_s(tp: Type, colorize: String => String): String = tp match { case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => alts map (alt => tpe_s(pre memberType alt, colorize)) mkString " " case _ => colorize(tp.toLongString) } // def sym_s(s: Symbol) = if (s eq null) "" + s else s.getClass.getName split '.' last; // Some trees which are typed with mind-numbing frequency and // which add nothing by being printed. Did () type to Unit? Let's // gamble on yes. private def printingOk(t: Tree) = printTypings && (settings.debug.value || !noPrint(t)) def noPrintTyping(t: Tree) = (t.tpe ne null) || !printingOk(t) def noPrintAdapt(tree1: Tree, tree2: Tree) = !printingOk(tree1) || ( (tree1.tpe == tree2.tpe) && (tree1.symbol == tree2.symbol) ) }