/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package util import scala.reflect.internal.Chars._ trait CharArrayReaderData { /** the last read character */ var ch: Char = _ /** The offset one past the last read character */ var charOffset: Int = 0 /** The start offset of the current line */ var lineStartOffset: Int = 0 /** The start offset of the line before the current one */ var lastLineStartOffset: Int = 0 protected var lastUnicodeOffset = -1 def copyFrom(cd: CharArrayReaderData): this.type = { this.ch = cd.ch this.charOffset = cd.charOffset this.lineStartOffset = cd.lineStartOffset this.lastLineStartOffset = cd.lastLineStartOffset this.lastUnicodeOffset = cd.lastUnicodeOffset this } } abstract class CharArrayReader extends CharArrayReaderData { self => val buf: Array[Char] def decodeUni: Boolean = true /** An error routine to call on bad unicode escapes \\uxxxx. */ protected def error(offset: Int, msg: String): Unit /** Is last character a unicode escape \\uxxxx? */ def isUnicodeEscape = charOffset == lastUnicodeOffset /** Advance one character; reducing CR;LF pairs to just LF */ final def nextChar(): Unit = { if (charOffset >= buf.length) { ch = SU } else { val c = buf(charOffset) ch = c charOffset += 1 if (c == '\\') potentialUnicode() if (ch < ' ') { skipCR() potentialLineEnd() } } } /** Advance one character, leaving CR;LF pairs intact. * This is for use in multi-line strings, so there are no * "potential line ends" here. */ final def nextRawChar() { if (charOffset >= buf.length) { ch = SU } else { val c = buf(charOffset) ch = c charOffset += 1 if (c == '\\') potentialUnicode() } } /** Interpret \\uxxxx escapes */ private def potentialUnicode() = { def evenSlashPrefix: Boolean = { var p = charOffset - 2 while (p >= 0 && buf(p) == '\\') p -= 1 (charOffset - p) % 2 == 0 } def udigit: Int = { if (charOffset >= buf.length) { // Since the positioning code is very insistent about throwing exceptions, // we have to decrement the position so our error message can be seen, since // we are one past EOF. This happens with e.g. val x = \ u 1 error(charOffset - 1, "incomplete unicode escape") SU } else { val d = digit2int(buf(charOffset), 16) if (d >= 0) charOffset += 1 else error(charOffset, "error in unicode escape") d } } if (charOffset < buf.length && buf(charOffset) == 'u' && decodeUni && evenSlashPrefix) { do charOffset += 1 while (charOffset < buf.length && buf(charOffset) == 'u') val code = udigit << 12 | udigit << 8 | udigit << 4 | udigit lastUnicodeOffset = charOffset ch = code.toChar } } /** replace CR;LF by LF */ private def skipCR() = if (ch == CR && charOffset < buf.length) buf(charOffset) match { case LF => charOffset += 1 ch = LF case '\\' => if (lookaheadReader.getu == LF) potentialUnicode() case _ => } /** Handle line ends */ private def potentialLineEnd() { if (ch == LF || ch == FF) { lastLineStartOffset = lineStartOffset lineStartOffset = charOffset } } /** A new reader that takes off at the current character position */ def lookaheadReader = new CharArrayLookaheadReader class CharArrayLookaheadReader extends CharArrayReader { val buf = self.buf charOffset = self.charOffset ch = self.ch override def decodeUni = self.decodeUni def error(offset: Int, msg: String) = self.error(offset, msg) /** A mystery why CharArrayReader.nextChar() returns Unit */ def getc() = { nextChar() ; ch } def getu() = { require(buf(charOffset) == '\\') ; ch = '\\' ; charOffset += 1 ; potentialUnicode() ; ch } } }