package package util /** A class of work items to be used in interrupt requests. * Todo: we should replace the Eithers by Futures or Try's. */ abstract class InterruptReq { /** The result type of the operation */ type R /** The operation to be performed */ protected val todo: () => R type Continuation = Either[R, Throwable] => Unit /** The result provided */ private var result: Option[Either[R, Throwable]] = None /** The continuations waiting asynchronously on a provided result */ private var waiting: List[Continuation] = Nil /** To be called from interrupted server to execute demanded task */ def execute(): Unit = synchronized { try { result = Some(Left(todo())) } catch { case t: Throwable => result = Some(Right(t)) } finally { notify() for (k <- waiting.reverse) k(result.get) } } /** To be called from interrupting client to get result for interrupt */ def getResult(): R = synchronized { while (result.isEmpty) { try { wait() } catch { case _ : InterruptedException => () } } result.get match { case Left(res) => res case Right(t) => throw new FailedInterrupt(t) } } def onComplete(k: Continuation) = synchronized { if (result.isDefined) k(result.get) else waiting = k :: waiting } } class FailedInterrupt(cause: Throwable) extends Exception("Compiler exception during call to 'ask'", cause)