package package reflect trait ToolBox[U <: scala.reflect.api.Universe] { /** Underlying universe of a ToolBox */ val u: U /** Underlying mirror of a ToolBox */ val mirror: u.Mirror /** Front end of the toolbox. * * Accumulates and displays warnings and errors, can drop to interactive mode (if supported). * The latter can be useful to study the typechecker or to debug complex macros. * * [[]] provides two predefined front ends that can be created using * [[]] and [[]]. */ def frontEnd: FrontEnd /** @see `Typers.typecheck` */ @deprecated("Use `tb.typecheck` instead", "2.11.0") def typeCheck(tree: u.Tree, pt: u.Type = u.WildcardType, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): u.Tree = typecheck(tree, pt, silent, withImplicitViewsDisabled, withMacrosDisabled) /** Typechecks a tree using this ToolBox. * This populates symbols and types of the tree and possibly transforms it to reflect certain desugarings. * * If the tree has unresolved type variables (represented as instances of `FreeTypeSymbol` symbols), * then they all have to be resolved first using `Tree.substituteTypes`, or an error occurs. * * If `silent` is false, `TypeError` will be thrown in case of a typecheck error. * If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs. * Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Ydebug. * * Typechecking can be steered with the following optional parameters: * `withImplicitViewsDisabled` recursively prohibits implicit views (though, implicit vals will still be looked up and filled in), default value is false * `withMacrosDisabled` recursively prohibits macro expansions and macro-based implicits, default value is false */ def typecheck(tree: u.Tree, pt: u.Type = u.WildcardType, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): u.Tree /** Infers an implicit value of the expected type `pt` in top-level context. * Optional `pos` parameter provides a position that will be associated with the implicit search. * * As mentioned in!topic/scala-internals/ta-vbUT6JE8 * this API won't take into account the lexical context of the callsite, because * currently it's impossible to reify it. * * If `silent` is false, `TypeError` will be thrown in case of an inference error. * If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs. * Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Xlog-implicits. * Unlike in `typecheck`, `silent` is true by default. */ def inferImplicitValue(pt: u.Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false, pos: u.Position = u.NoPosition): u.Tree /** Infers an implicit view from the provided tree `tree` from the type `from` to the type `to` in the toplevel context. * Optional `pos` parameter provides a position that will be associated with the implicit search. * * As mentioned in!topic/scala-internals/ta-vbUT6JE8 * this API won't take into account the lexical context of the callsite, because * currently it's impossible to reify it. * * If `silent` is false, `TypeError` will be thrown in case of an inference error. * If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs. * Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Xlog-implicits. * Unlike in `typecheck`, `silent` is true by default. */ def inferImplicitView(tree: u.Tree, from: u.Type, to: u.Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false, pos: u.Position = u.NoPosition): u.Tree /** Recursively resets symbols and types in a given tree. * WARNING: Don't use this API, go for [[untypecheck]] instead. */ @deprecated("Use `tb.untypecheck` instead", "2.11.0") def resetAllAttrs(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree /** Recursively resets locally defined symbols and types in a given tree. * WARNING: Don't use this API, go for [[untypecheck]] instead. */ @deprecated("Use `tb.untypecheck` instead", "2.11.0") def resetLocalAttrs(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree /** * @see [[scala.reflect.macros.Typers.untypecheck]] */ def untypecheck(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree /** .. */ def parse(code: String): u.Tree /** Compiles a tree using this ToolBox. * * If the tree has unresolved type variables (represented as instances of `FreeTypeSymbol` symbols), * then they all have to be resolved first using `Tree.substituteTypes`, or an error occurs. * * This spawns the compiler at the Namer phase, and pipelines the tree through that compiler. * Currently `compile` does not accept trees that already typechecked, because typechecking isn't idempotent. * For more info, take a look at */ def compile(tree: u.Tree): () => Any /** Compiles and runs a tree using this ToolBox. * Is equivalent to `compile(tree)()`. */ def eval(tree: u.Tree): Any } /** Represents an error during toolboxing */ case class ToolBoxError(message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends Throwable(message, cause)