/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2009-2013 Typesafe/Scala Solutions and LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala package tools.nsc package interactive import scala.reflect.internal.util._ import scala.tools.nsc.reporters._ import scala.tools.nsc.io._ import java.io.FileWriter /** Interface of interactive compiler to a client such as an IDE */ object REPL { val versionMsg = "Scala compiler " + Properties.versionString + " -- " + Properties.copyrightString val prompt = "> " var reporter: ConsoleReporter = _ private def replError(msg: String) { reporter.error(/*new Position */FakePos("scalac"), msg + "\n scalac -help gives more information") } def process(args: Array[String]) { val settings = new Settings(replError) reporter = new ConsoleReporter(settings) val command = new CompilerCommand(args.toList, settings) if (command.settings.version) reporter.echo(versionMsg) else { try { object compiler extends Global(command.settings, reporter) { // printTypings = true } if (reporter.hasErrors) { reporter.flush() return } if (command.shouldStopWithInfo) { reporter.echo(command.getInfoMessage(compiler)) } else { run(compiler) } } catch { case ex @ FatalError(msg) => if (true || command.settings.debug) // !!! ex.printStackTrace() reporter.error(null, "fatal error: " + msg) } } } def main(args: Array[String]) { process(args) sys.exit(if (reporter.hasErrors) 1 else 0) } def loop(action: (String) => Unit) { Console.print(prompt) try { val line = Console.readLine() if (line.length() > 0) { action(line) } loop(action) } catch { case _: java.io.EOFException => //nop } } /** Commands: * * reload file1 ... fileN * typeat file off1 off2? * complete file off1 off2? */ def run(comp: Global) { val reloadResult = new Response[Unit] val typeatResult = new Response[comp.Tree] val completeResult = new Response[List[comp.Member]] val typedResult = new Response[comp.Tree] val structureResult = new Response[comp.Tree] def makePos(file: String, off1: String, off2: String) = { val source = toSourceFile(file) comp.rangePos(source, off1.toInt, off1.toInt, off2.toInt) } def doTypeAt(pos: Position) { comp.askTypeAt(pos, typeatResult) show(typeatResult) } def doComplete(pos: Position) { comp.askTypeCompletion(pos, completeResult) show(completeResult) } def doStructure(file: String) { comp.askParsedEntered(toSourceFile(file), keepLoaded = false, structureResult) show(structureResult) } loop { line => (line split " ").toList match { case "reload" :: args => comp.askReload(args map toSourceFile, reloadResult) show(reloadResult) case "reloadAndAskType" :: file :: millis :: Nil => comp.askReload(List(toSourceFile(file)), reloadResult) Thread.sleep(millis.toLong) println("ask type now") comp.askLoadedTyped(toSourceFile(file), keepLoaded = true, typedResult) typedResult.get case List("typeat", file, off1, off2) => doTypeAt(makePos(file, off1, off2)) case List("typeat", file, off1) => doTypeAt(makePos(file, off1, off1)) case List("complete", file, off1, off2) => doComplete(makePos(file, off1, off2)) case List("complete", file, off1) => doComplete(makePos(file, off1, off1)) case List("quit") => comp.askShutdown() sys.exit(1) case List("structure", file) => doStructure(file) case _ => print("""Available commands: | reload ... | reloadAndAskType | typed | typeat | typeat | complete | compile | structure | quit |""".stripMargin) } } } def toSourceFile(name: String) = new BatchSourceFile(new PlainFile(new java.io.File(name))) def using[T, U](svar: Response[T])(op: T => U): Option[U] = { val res = svar.get match { case Left(result) => Some(op(result)) case Right(exc) => exc.printStackTrace; println("ERROR: "+exc); None } svar.clear() res } def show[T](svar: Response[T]) = using(svar)(res => println("==> "+res)) }