package package interactive package tests import import import import{File,Path} import core.Reporter import core.TestSettings trait InteractiveTestSettings extends TestSettings with PresentationCompilerInstance { /** Character delimiter for comments in .opts file */ private final val CommentStartDelimiter = "#" private final val TestOptionsFileExtension = "flags" /** Prepare the settings object. Load the .opts file and adjust all paths from the * Unix-like syntax to the platform specific syntax. This is necessary so that a * single .opts file can be used on all platforms. * * @note Bootclasspath is treated specially. If there is a -bootclasspath option in * the file, the 'usejavacp' setting is set to false. This ensures that the * bootclasspath takes precedence over the scala-library used to run the current * test. */ override protected def prepareSettings(settings: Settings) { def adjustPaths(paths: settings.PathSetting*) { for (p <- paths if argsString.contains( p.value = { case '/' => separatorChar case ':' => pathSeparatorChar case c => c } } // need this so that the classpath comes from what partest // instead of scala.home settings.usejavacp.value = !argsString.contains("-bootclasspath") // pass any options coming from outside settings.processArgumentString(argsString) match { case (false, rest) => println("error processing arguments (unprocessed: %s)".format(rest)) case _ => () } // Make the --sourcepath path provided in the .flags file (if any) relative to the test's base directory if(settings.sourcepath.isSetByUser) settings.sourcepath.value = (baseDir / Path(settings.sourcepath.value)).path adjustPaths(settings.bootclasspath, settings.classpath, settings.javabootclasspath, settings.sourcepath) } /** If there's a file ending in .opts, read it and parse it for cmd line arguments. */ protected val argsString = { val optsFile = outDir / "%s.%s".format(System.getProperty("partest.testname"), TestOptionsFileExtension) val str = try File(optsFile).slurp() catch { case e: => "" } str.lines.filter(!_.startsWith(CommentStartDelimiter)).mkString(" ") } override protected def printClassPath(implicit reporter: Reporter) { reporter.println("\toutDir: %s".format(outDir.path)) reporter.println("\tbaseDir: %s".format(baseDir.path)) reporter.println("\targsString: %s".format(argsString)) super.printClassPath(reporter) } }