/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2016, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala import java.io.{ BufferedReader, InputStream, InputStreamReader, OutputStream, PrintStream, Reader } import scala.io.{ AnsiColor, StdIn } import scala.util.DynamicVariable /** Implements functionality for printing Scala values on the terminal. For reading values * use [[scala.io.StdIn$ StdIn]]. * Also defines constants for marking up text on ANSI terminals. * * == Console Output == * * Use the print methods to output text. * {{{ * scala> Console.printf( * "Today the outside temperature is a balmy %.1f°C. %<.1f°C beats the previous record of %.1f°C.\n", * -137.0, * -135.05) * Today the outside temperature is a balmy -137.0°C. -137.0°C beats the previous record of -135.1°C. * }}} * * == ANSI escape codes == * Use the ANSI escape codes for colorizing console output either to STDOUT or STDERR. * {{{ * import Console.{GREEN, RED, RESET, YELLOW_B, UNDERLINED} * * object PrimeTest { * * def isPrime(): Unit = { * * val candidate = io.StdIn.readInt().ensuring(_ > 1) * * val prime = (2 to candidate - 1).forall(candidate % _ != 0) * * if (prime) * Console.println(s"${RESET}${GREEN}yes${RESET}") * else * Console.err.println(s"${RESET}${YELLOW_B}${RED}${UNDERLINED}NO!${RESET}") * } * * def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = isPrime() * * } * }}} * * * * * * * * *
$ scala PrimeTest
$ scala PrimeTest
* * == IO redefinition == * * Use IO redefinition to temporarily swap in a different set of input and/or output streams. In this example the stream based * method above is wrapped into a function. * * {{{ * import java.io.{ByteArrayOutputStream, StringReader} * * object FunctionalPrimeTest { * * def isPrime(candidate: Int): Boolean = { * * val input = new StringReader(s"$candidate\n") * val outCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream * val errCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream * * Console.withIn(input) { * Console.withOut(outCapture) { * Console.withErr(errCapture) { * PrimeTest.isPrime() * } * } * } * * if (outCapture.toByteArray.nonEmpty) // "yes" * true * else if (errCapture.toByteArray.nonEmpty) // "NO!" * false * else throw new IllegalArgumentException(candidate.toString) * } * * def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { * val primes = (2 to 50) filter (isPrime) * println(s"First primes: $primes") * } * * } * }}} * * * * * *
$ scala FunctionalPrimeTest
First primes: Vector(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47)
* * @author Matthias Zenger * @version 1.0, 03/09/2003 * * @groupname console-output Console Output * @groupprio console-output 30 * @groupdesc console-output These methods provide output via the console. * * @groupname io-default IO Defaults * @groupprio io-default 50 * @groupdesc io-default These values provide direct access to the standard IO channels * * @groupname io-redefinition IO Redefinition * @groupprio io-redefinition 60 * @groupdesc io-redefinition These methods allow substituting alternative streams for the duration of * a body of code. Threadsafe by virtue of [[scala.util.DynamicVariable]]. * */ object Console extends DeprecatedConsole with AnsiColor { private val outVar = new DynamicVariable[PrintStream](java.lang.System.out) private val errVar = new DynamicVariable[PrintStream](java.lang.System.err) private val inVar = new DynamicVariable[BufferedReader]( new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(java.lang.System.in))) protected def setOutDirect(out: PrintStream): Unit = outVar.value = out protected def setErrDirect(err: PrintStream): Unit = errVar.value = err protected def setInDirect(in: BufferedReader): Unit = inVar.value = in /** The default output, can be overridden by `withOut` * @group io-default */ def out = outVar.value /** The default error, can be overridden by `withErr` * @group io-default */ def err = errVar.value /** The default input, can be overridden by `withIn` * @group io-default */ def in = inVar.value /** Sets the default output stream for the duration * of execution of one thunk. * * @example {{{ * withOut(Console.err) { println("This goes to default _error_") } * }}} * * @param out the new output stream. * @param thunk the code to execute with * the new output stream active * @return the results of `thunk` * @see `withOut[T](out:OutputStream)(thunk: => T)` * @group io-redefinition */ def withOut[T](out: PrintStream)(thunk: =>T): T = outVar.withValue(out)(thunk) /** Sets the default output stream for the duration * of execution of one thunk. * * @param out the new output stream. * @param thunk the code to execute with * the new output stream active * @return the results of `thunk` * @see `withOut[T](out:PrintStream)(thunk: => T)` * @group io-redefinition */ def withOut[T](out: OutputStream)(thunk: =>T): T = withOut(new PrintStream(out))(thunk) /** Set the default error stream for the duration * of execution of one thunk. * @example {{{ * withErr(Console.out) { err.println("This goes to default _out_") } * }}} * * @param err the new error stream. * @param thunk the code to execute with * the new error stream active * @return the results of `thunk` * @see `withErr[T](err:OutputStream)(thunk: =>T)` * @group io-redefinition */ def withErr[T](err: PrintStream)(thunk: =>T): T = errVar.withValue(err)(thunk) /** Sets the default error stream for the duration * of execution of one thunk. * * @param err the new error stream. * @param thunk the code to execute with * the new error stream active * @return the results of `thunk` * @see `withErr[T](err:PrintStream)(thunk: =>T)` * @group io-redefinition */ def withErr[T](err: OutputStream)(thunk: =>T): T = withErr(new PrintStream(err))(thunk) /** Sets the default input stream for the duration * of execution of one thunk. * * @example {{{ * val someFile:Reader = openFile("file.txt") * withIn(someFile) { * // Reads a line from file.txt instead of default input * println(readLine) * } * }}} * * @param thunk the code to execute with * the new input stream active * * @return the results of `thunk` * @see `withIn[T](in:InputStream)(thunk: =>T)` * @group io-redefinition */ def withIn[T](reader: Reader)(thunk: =>T): T = inVar.withValue(new BufferedReader(reader))(thunk) /** Sets the default input stream for the duration * of execution of one thunk. * * @param in the new input stream. * @param thunk the code to execute with * the new input stream active * @return the results of `thunk` * @see `withIn[T](reader:Reader)(thunk: =>T)` * @group io-redefinition */ def withIn[T](in: InputStream)(thunk: =>T): T = withIn(new InputStreamReader(in))(thunk) /** Prints an object to `out` using its `toString` method. * * @param obj the object to print; may be null. * @group console-output */ def print(obj: Any) { out.print(if (null == obj) "null" else obj.toString()) } /** Flushes the output stream. This function is required when partial * output (i.e. output not terminated by a newline character) has * to be made visible on the terminal. * @group console-output */ def flush() { out.flush() } /** Prints a newline character on the default output. * @group console-output */ def println() { out.println() } /** Prints out an object to the default output, followed by a newline character. * * @param x the object to print. * @group console-output */ def println(x: Any) { out.println(x) } /** Prints its arguments as a formatted string to the default output, * based on a string pattern (in a fashion similar to printf in C). * * The interpretation of the formatting patterns is described in [[java.util.Formatter]]. * * @param text the pattern for formatting the arguments. * @param args the arguments used to instantiating the pattern. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if there was a problem with the format string or arguments * @group console-output */ def printf(text: String, args: Any*) { out.print(text format (args : _*)) } } private[scala] abstract class DeprecatedConsole { self: Console.type => /** Internal usage only. */ protected def setOutDirect(out: PrintStream): Unit protected def setErrDirect(err: PrintStream): Unit protected def setInDirect(in: BufferedReader): Unit @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readBoolean(): Boolean = StdIn.readBoolean() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readByte(): Byte = StdIn.readByte() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readChar(): Char = StdIn.readChar() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readDouble(): Double = StdIn.readDouble() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readFloat(): Float = StdIn.readFloat() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readInt(): Int = StdIn.readInt() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readLine(): String = StdIn.readLine() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readLine(text: String, args: Any*): String = StdIn.readLine(text, args: _*) @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readLong(): Long = StdIn.readLong() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readShort(): Short = StdIn.readShort() @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readf(format: String): List[Any] = StdIn.readf(format) @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readf1(format: String): Any = StdIn.readf1(format) @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readf2(format: String): (Any, Any) = StdIn.readf2(format) @deprecated("Use the method in scala.io.StdIn", "2.11.0") def readf3(format: String): (Any, Any, Any) = StdIn.readf3(format) /** Sets the default output stream. * * @param out the new output stream. */ @deprecated("Use withOut", "2.11.0") def setOut(out: PrintStream): Unit = setOutDirect(out) /** Sets the default output stream. * * @param out the new output stream. */ @deprecated("Use withOut", "2.11.0") def setOut(out: OutputStream): Unit = setOutDirect(new PrintStream(out)) /** Sets the default error stream. * * @param err the new error stream. */ @deprecated("Use withErr", "2.11.0") def setErr(err: PrintStream): Unit = setErrDirect(err) /** Sets the default error stream. * * @param err the new error stream. */ @deprecated("Use withErr", "2.11.0") def setErr(err: OutputStream): Unit = setErrDirect(new PrintStream(err)) /** Sets the default input stream. * * @param reader specifies the new input stream. */ @deprecated("Use withIn", "2.11.0") def setIn(reader: Reader): Unit = setInDirect(new BufferedReader(reader)) /** Sets the default input stream. * * @param in the new input stream. */ @deprecated("Use withIn", "2.11.0") def setIn(in: InputStream): Unit = setInDirect(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))) }