/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2006-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://www.scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala package collection package convert import java.{ util => ju } private[collection] trait Decorators { /** Generic class containing the `asJava` converter method */ class AsJava[A](op: => A) { /** Converts a Scala collection to the corresponding Java collection */ def asJava: A = op } /** Generic class containing the `asScala` converter method */ class AsScala[A](op: => A) { /** Converts a Java collection to the corresponding Scala collection */ def asScala: A = op } /** Generic class containing the `asJavaCollection` converter method */ class AsJavaCollection[A](i: Iterable[A]) { /** Converts a Scala `Iterable` to a Java `Collection` */ def asJavaCollection: ju.Collection[A] = JavaConversions.asJavaCollection(i) } /** Generic class containing the `asJavaEnumeration` converter method */ class AsJavaEnumeration[A](i: Iterator[A]) { /** Converts a Scala `Iterator` to a Java `Enumeration` */ def asJavaEnumeration: ju.Enumeration[A] = JavaConversions.asJavaEnumeration(i) } /** Generic class containing the `asJavaDictionary` converter method */ class AsJavaDictionary[A, B](m : mutable.Map[A, B]) { /** Converts a Scala `Map` to a Java `Dictionary` */ def asJavaDictionary: ju.Dictionary[A, B] = JavaConversions.asJavaDictionary(m) } } private[collection] object Decorators extends Decorators