/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2006-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://www.scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala package collection package convert import java.{ lang => jl, util => ju }, java.util.{ concurrent => juc } import scala.language.implicitConversions @deprecated("Use JavaConverters or consider ToJavaImplicits", since="2.12") trait WrapAsJava { import Wrappers._ /** * Implicitly converts a Scala Iterator to a Java Iterator. * The returned Java Iterator is backed by the provided Scala * Iterator and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Iterator was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asIterator(java.util.Iterator)` then the original * Java Iterator will be returned. * * @param it The Iterator to be converted. * @return A Java Iterator view of the argument. */ implicit def asJavaIterator[A](it: Iterator[A]): ju.Iterator[A] = it match { case null => null case JIteratorWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped.asInstanceOf[ju.Iterator[A]] case _ => IteratorWrapper(it) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala Iterator to a Java Enumeration. * The returned Java Enumeration is backed by the provided Scala * Iterator and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Iterator was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asIterator(java.util.Enumeration)` then the * original Java Enumeration will be returned. * * @param it The Iterator to be converted. * @return A Java Enumeration view of the argument. */ implicit def asJavaEnumeration[A](it: Iterator[A]): ju.Enumeration[A] = it match { case null => null case JEnumerationWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped.asInstanceOf[ju.Enumeration[A]] case _ => IteratorWrapper(it) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala Iterable to a Java Iterable. * The returned Java Iterable is backed by the provided Scala * Iterable and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Iterable was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asIterable(java.lang.Iterable)` then the original * Java Iterable will be returned. * * @param i The Iterable to be converted. * @return A Java Iterable view of the argument. */ implicit def asJavaIterable[A](i: Iterable[A]): jl.Iterable[A] = i match { case null => null case JIterableWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped.asInstanceOf[jl.Iterable[A]] case _ => IterableWrapper(i) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala Iterable to an immutable Java * Collection. * * If the Scala Iterable was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asSizedIterable(java.util.Collection)` then the original * Java Collection will be returned. * * @param it The SizedIterable to be converted. * @return A Java Collection view of the argument. */ implicit def asJavaCollection[A](it: Iterable[A]): ju.Collection[A] = it match { case null => null case JCollectionWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped.asInstanceOf[ju.Collection[A]] case _ => new IterableWrapper(it) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala mutable Buffer to a Java List. * The returned Java List is backed by the provided Scala * Buffer and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Buffer was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asBuffer(java.util.List)` then the original * Java List will be returned. * * @param b The Buffer to be converted. * @return A Java List view of the argument. */ implicit def bufferAsJavaList[A](b: mutable.Buffer[A]): ju.List[A] = b match { case null => null case JListWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped case _ => new MutableBufferWrapper(b) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala mutable Seq to a Java List. * The returned Java List is backed by the provided Scala * Seq and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Seq was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asSeq(java.util.List)` then the original * Java List will be returned. * * @param seq The Seq to be converted. * @return A Java List view of the argument. */ implicit def mutableSeqAsJavaList[A](seq: mutable.Seq[A]): ju.List[A] = seq match { case null => null case JListWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped case _ => new MutableSeqWrapper(seq) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala Seq to a Java List. * The returned Java List is backed by the provided Scala * Seq and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Seq was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asSeq(java.util.List)` then the original * Java List will be returned. * * @param seq The Seq to be converted. * @return A Java List view of the argument. */ implicit def seqAsJavaList[A](seq: Seq[A]): ju.List[A] = seq match { case null => null case JListWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped.asInstanceOf[ju.List[A]] case _ => new SeqWrapper(seq) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala mutable Set to a Java Set. * The returned Java Set is backed by the provided Scala * Set and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Set was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asSet(java.util.Set)` then the original * Java Set will be returned. * * @param s The Set to be converted. * @return A Java Set view of the argument. */ implicit def mutableSetAsJavaSet[A](s: mutable.Set[A]): ju.Set[A] = s match { case null => null case JSetWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped case _ => new MutableSetWrapper(s) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala Set to a Java Set. * The returned Java Set is backed by the provided Scala * Set and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Set was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of asSet(java.util.Set) then the original * Java Set will be returned. * * @param s The Set to be converted. * @return A Java Set view of the argument. */ implicit def setAsJavaSet[A](s: Set[A]): ju.Set[A] = s match { case null => null case JSetWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped case _ => new SetWrapper(s) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala mutable Map to a Java Map. * The returned Java Map is backed by the provided Scala * Map and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will * be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala Map was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asMap(java.util.Map)` then the original * Java Map will be returned. * * @param m The Map to be converted. * @return A Java Map view of the argument. */ implicit def mutableMapAsJavaMap[A, B](m: mutable.Map[A, B]): ju.Map[A, B] = m match { case null => null case JMapWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped case _ => new MutableMapWrapper(m) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala mutable `Map` to a Java `Dictionary`. * * The returned Java `Dictionary` is backed by the provided Scala * `Dictionary` and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface * will be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala `Dictionary` was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asMap(java.util.Dictionary)` then the original * Java Dictionary will be returned. * * @param m The `Map` to be converted. * @return A Java `Dictionary` view of the argument. */ implicit def asJavaDictionary[A, B](m: mutable.Map[A, B]): ju.Dictionary[A, B] = m match { case null => null case JDictionaryWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped case _ => new DictionaryWrapper(m) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala `Map` to a Java `Map`. * * The returned Java `Map` is backed by the provided Scala `Map` and * any side-effects of using it via the Java interface will be visible * via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala `Map` was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `asMap(java.util.Map)` then the original * Java `Map` will be returned. * * @param m The `Map` to be converted. * @return A Java `Map` view of the argument. */ implicit def mapAsJavaMap[A, B](m: Map[A, B]): ju.Map[A, B] = m match { case null => null case JMapWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped.asInstanceOf[ju.Map[A, B]] case _ => new MapWrapper(m) } /** * Implicitly converts a Scala mutable `concurrent.Map` to a Java * `ConcurrentMap`. * * The returned Java `ConcurrentMap` is backed by the provided Scala * `concurrent.Map` and any side-effects of using it via the Java interface * will be visible via the Scala interface and vice versa. * * If the Scala `concurrent.Map` was previously obtained from an implicit or * explicit call of `mapAsScalaConcurrentMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap)` * then the original Java ConcurrentMap will be returned. * * @param m The Scala `concurrent.Map` to be converted. * @return A Java `ConcurrentMap` view of the argument. */ implicit def mapAsJavaConcurrentMap[A, B](m: concurrent.Map[A, B]): juc.ConcurrentMap[A, B] = m match { case null => null case JConcurrentMapWrapper(wrapped) => wrapped case _ => new ConcurrentMapWrapper(m) } } @deprecated("Use JavaConverters or consider ImplicitConversionsToJava", since="2.12") object WrapAsJava extends WrapAsJava