/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2005, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala.dbc.result; /** An ISO-9075:2003 (SQL) table. This is equivalent to a relation in the * relational model. */ abstract class Relation extends Object with Iterable[Tuple] { /** The statement that generated this relation. */ def statement: scala.dbc.statement.Relation; /** A JDBC result containing this relation. */ protected def sqlResult: java.sql.ResultSet; /** A JDBC metadata object attached to the relation. */ protected def sqlMetadata: java.sql.ResultSetMetaData = sqlResult.getMetaData(); /** Metadata about all fields in a tuple of the relation. */ def metadata: List[FieldMetadata] = for (val count <- List.range(1, sqlMetadata.getColumnCount()+1)) yield new FieldMetadata { val name: String = sqlMetadata.getColumnName(count); val index: Int = count; val datatype: DataType = dbc.datatype.Factory.create(sqlMetadata,count); val catalog: String = sqlMetadata.getCatalogName(count); val schema: String = sqlMetadata.getSchemaName(count); val table: String = sqlMetadata.getTableName(count); } /** Metadata about the field at the given index. If there is no such * field None is returned instead. */ def metadataFor (index:Int): Option[FieldMetadata] = try {Some(metadata(index))} catch {case e => None} /** Metadata about the field with the given column name. If there is no * such field, None is returned instead. */ def metadataFor (name:String): Option[FieldMetadata] = metadata.find(f=>(f.name==name)); /** An iterator on the tuples of the relation. *


A Relation only has one single iterator, due to limitations * in DBMS. This means that if this method is called multiple times, all returned * iterators will share the same state. */ def elements: Iterator[Tuple] = new Iterator[Tuple] { protected val result: java.sql.ResultSet = Relation.this.sqlResult; def hasNext: Boolean = !(result.isLast()); def next: Tuple = { if (result.next()) { new Tuple { val me = this; val originatingRelation = Relation.this; val fields: List[Field] = for (val fieldMetadata <- metadata) yield new Field { val metadata = fieldMetadata; val content = dbc.value.Factory.create(result,metadata.index,metadata.datatype); val originatingTuple = me; } } } else error("next on empty iterator") } } }