/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala.io /** The object Position provides convenience methods to encode * line and column number in one single integer. The encoded line * (column) numbers range from 0 to `LINE_MASK` (`COLUMN_MASK`), * where `0` indicates that the line (column) is undefined and * `1` represents the first line (column). * * Line (Column) numbers greater than `LINE_MASK` (`COLUMN_MASK`) are * replaced by `LINE_MASK` (`COLUMN_MASK`). Furthermore, if the encoded * line number is `LINE_MASK`, the column number is always set to 0. * * The following properties hold: * * the undefined position is 0: `encode(0,0) == 0` * encodings are non-negative : `encode(line,column) >= 0` * position order is preserved: * {{{ * (line1 <= line2) || (line1 == line2 && column1 <= column2) * }}} * implies * {{{ * encode(line1,column1) <= encode(line2,column2) * }}} * @author Burak Emir (translated from work by Matthias Zenger and others) */ abstract class Position { /** Definable behavior for overflow conditions. */ def checkInput(line: Int, column: Int): Unit /** Number of bits used to encode the line number */ final val LINE_BITS = 20 /** Number of bits used to encode the column number */ final val COLUMN_BITS = 31 - LINE_BITS // no negatives => 31 /** Mask to decode the line number */ final val LINE_MASK = (1 << LINE_BITS) - 1 /** Mask to decode the column number */ final val COLUMN_MASK = (1 << COLUMN_BITS) - 1 /** Encodes a position into a single integer. */ final def encode(line: Int, column: Int): Int = { checkInput(line, column) if (line >= LINE_MASK) LINE_MASK << COLUMN_BITS else (line << COLUMN_BITS) | math.min(COLUMN_MASK, column) } /** Returns the line number of the encoded position. */ final def line(pos: Int): Int = (pos >> COLUMN_BITS) & LINE_MASK /** Returns the column number of the encoded position. */ final def column(pos: Int): Int = pos & COLUMN_MASK /** Returns a string representation of the encoded position. */ def toString(pos: Int): String = line(pos) + ":" + column(pos) } object Position extends Position { /** The undefined position */ @deprecated("This will be removed", "2.9.0") final val NOPOS = 0 /** The first position in a source file */ @deprecated("This will be removed", "2.9.0") final val FIRSTPOS = encode(1, 1) def checkInput(line: Int, column: Int) { if (line < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(line + " < 0") if ((line == 0) && (column != 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(line + "," + column + " not allowed") if (column < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(line + "," + column + " not allowed") } }