package scala.reflect.makro import scala.reflect.api.Universe import language.implicitConversions import language.experimental.macros /** This package is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ package object internal { /** This method is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ def materializeClassTag[T](u: Universe): ClassTag[T] = macro materializeClassTag_impl[T] /** This method is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ def materializeClassTag_impl[T: c.TypeTag](c: Context)(u: c.Expr[Universe]): c.Expr[ClassTag[T]] = c.Expr[Nothing](c.materializeClassTag(u.tree, implicitly[c.TypeTag[T]].tpe))(c.TypeTag.Nothing) /** This method is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ def materializeTypeTag[T](u: Universe): u.TypeTag[T] = macro materializeTypeTag_impl[T] /** This method is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ def materializeTypeTag_impl[T: c.TypeTag](c: Context)(u: c.Expr[Universe]): c.Expr[u.value.TypeTag[T]] = c.Expr[Nothing](c.materializeTypeTag(u.tree, implicitly[c.TypeTag[T]].tpe, requireConcreteTypeTag = false))(c.TypeTag.Nothing) /** This method is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ def materializeConcreteTypeTag[T](u: Universe): u.ConcreteTypeTag[T] = macro materializeConcreteTypeTag_impl[T] /** This method is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ def materializeConcreteTypeTag_impl[T: c.TypeTag](c: Context)(u: c.Expr[Universe]): c.Expr[u.value.ConcreteTypeTag[T]] = c.Expr[Nothing](c.materializeTypeTag(u.tree, implicitly[c.TypeTag[T]].tpe, requireConcreteTypeTag = true))(c.TypeTag.Nothing) /** This method is required by the compiler and should not be used in client code. */ private[scala] implicit def context2utils(c0: Context) : Utils { val c: c0.type } = new { val c: c0.type = c0 } with Utils } package internal { private[scala] abstract class Utils { val c: Context import c.mirror._ import definitions._ val coreTags = Map( ByteClass.asType -> newTermName("Byte"), ShortClass.asType -> newTermName("Short"), CharClass.asType -> newTermName("Char"), IntClass.asType -> newTermName("Int"), LongClass.asType -> newTermName("Long"), FloatClass.asType -> newTermName("Float"), DoubleClass.asType -> newTermName("Double"), BooleanClass.asType -> newTermName("Boolean"), UnitClass.asType -> newTermName("Unit"), AnyClass.asType -> newTermName("Any"), ObjectClass.asType -> newTermName("Object"), AnyValClass.asType -> newTermName("AnyVal"), AnyRefClass.asType -> newTermName("AnyRef"), NothingClass.asType -> newTermName("Nothing"), NullClass.asType -> newTermName("Null")) def materializeClassTag(prefix: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree = materializeTag(prefix, tpe, ClassTagModule, c.reifyErasure(tpe)) def materializeTypeTag(prefix: Tree, tpe: Type, requireConcreteTypeTag: Boolean): Tree = { val tagModule = if (requireConcreteTypeTag) ConcreteTypeTagModule else TypeTagModule materializeTag(prefix, tpe, tagModule, c.reifyType(prefix, tpe, dontSpliceAtTopLevel = true, requireConcreteTypeTag = requireConcreteTypeTag)) } private def materializeTag(prefix: Tree, tpe: Type, tagModule: Symbol, materializer: => Tree): Tree = { val result = tpe match { case coreTpe if coreTags contains coreTpe => val ref = if (tagModule.owner.isPackageClass) Ident(tagModule) else Select(prefix, Select(ref, coreTags(coreTpe)) case _ => try materializer catch { case ex: Throwable => // [Eugene] cannot pattern match on an abstract type, so had to do this val ex1 = ex if (ex.getClass.toString.endsWith("$ReificationError")) { ex match { case c.ReificationError(pos, msg) => c.error(pos, msg) EmptyTree } } else if (ex.getClass.toString.endsWith("$UnexpectedReificationError")) { ex match { case c.UnexpectedReificationError(pos, err, cause) => if (cause != null) throw cause else throw ex } } else { throw ex } } } try c.typeCheck(result) catch { case terr @ c.TypeError(pos, msg) => fail(terr) } } private def fail(reason: Any): Nothing = { val Apply(TypeApply(fun, List(tpeTree)), _) = c.macroApplication val tpe = tpeTree.tpe val PolyType(_, MethodType(_, tagTpe)) = fun.tpe val tagModule = tagTpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol if (c.compilerSettings.contains("-Xlog-implicits")) c.echo(c.enclosingPosition, "cannot materialize " + + "[" + tpe + "] because:\n" + reason) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "No %s available for %s".format(, tpe)) } } }