/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala.runtime import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } import scala.math.{ ScalaNumericConversions, ScalaNumericAnyConversions } import immutable.NumericRange import Proxy.Typed /** Base classes for the Rich* wrappers of the primitive types. * As with all classes in scala.runtime.*, this is not a supported API. * * @author Paul Phillips * @version 2.9 * @since 2.9 */ trait ScalaNumberProxy[T] extends Any with ScalaNumericAnyConversions with Typed[T] with OrderedProxy[T] { protected implicit def num: Numeric[T] def underlying() = self.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] def doubleValue() = num.toDouble(self) def floatValue() = num.toFloat(self) def longValue() = num.toLong(self) def intValue() = num.toInt(self) def byteValue() = intValue.toByte def shortValue() = intValue.toShort def min(that: T): T = num.min(self, that) def max(that: T): T = num.max(self, that) def abs = num.abs(self) def signum = num.signum(self) } trait ScalaWholeNumberProxy[T] extends Any with ScalaNumberProxy[T] { def isWhole() = true } trait IntegralProxy[T] extends Any with ScalaWholeNumberProxy[T] with RangedProxy[T] { protected implicit def num: Integral[T] type ResultWithoutStep = NumericRange[T] def until(end: T): NumericRange.Exclusive[T] = NumericRange(self, end, num.one) def until(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Exclusive[T] = NumericRange(self, end, step) def to(end: T): NumericRange.Inclusive[T] = NumericRange.inclusive(self, end, num.one) def to(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Inclusive[T] = NumericRange.inclusive(self, end, step) } trait FractionalProxy[T] extends Any with ScalaNumberProxy[T] with RangedProxy[T] { protected implicit def num: Fractional[T] protected implicit def integralNum: Integral[T] /** In order to supply predictable ranges, we require an Integral[T] which provides * us with discrete operations on the (otherwise fractional) T. See Numeric.DoubleAsIfIntegral * for an example. */ type ResultWithoutStep = Range.Partial[T, NumericRange[T]] def isWhole() = false def until(end: T): ResultWithoutStep = new Range.Partial(NumericRange(self, end, _)) def until(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Exclusive[T] = NumericRange(self, end, step) def to(end: T): ResultWithoutStep = new Range.Partial(NumericRange.inclusive(self, end, _)) def to(end: T, step: T): NumericRange.Inclusive[T] = NumericRange.inclusive(self, end, step) } trait OrderedProxy[T] extends Any with Ordered[T] with Typed[T] { protected def ord: Ordering[T] def compare(y: T) = ord.compare(self, y) } trait RangedProxy[T] extends Any with Typed[T] { type ResultWithoutStep def until(end: T): ResultWithoutStep def until(end: T, step: T): immutable.IndexedSeq[T] def to(end: T): ResultWithoutStep def to(end: T, step: T): immutable.IndexedSeq[T] }