/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala package sys package process import processInternal._ import java.io.{ BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, FilterInputStream, FilterOutputStream } import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue import scala.collection.immutable.Stream import scala.annotation.tailrec /** * This object contains factories for [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]], * which can be used to control the I/O of a [[scala.sys.process.Process]] * when a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] is started with the `run` * command. * * It also contains some helper methods that can be used to in the creation of * `ProcessIO`. * * It is used by other classes in the package in the implementation of various * features, but can also be used by client code. */ object BasicIO { /** Size of the buffer used in all the functions that copy data */ final val BufferSize = 8192 /** Used to separate lines in the `processFully` function that takes `Appendable`. */ final val Newline = props("line.separator") private[process] final class Streamed[T]( val process: T => Unit, val done: Int => Unit, val stream: () => Stream[T] ) private[process] object Streamed { def apply[T](nonzeroException: Boolean): Streamed[T] = { val q = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Either[Int, T]] def next(): Stream[T] = q.take match { case Left(0) => Stream.empty case Left(code) => if (nonzeroException) scala.sys.error("Nonzero exit code: " + code) else Stream.empty case Right(s) => Stream.cons(s, next()) } new Streamed((s: T) => q put Right(s), code => q put Left(code), () => next()) } } private[process] trait Uncloseable extends Closeable { final override def close() { } } private[process] object Uncloseable { def apply(in: InputStream): InputStream = new FilterInputStream(in) with Uncloseable { } def apply(out: OutputStream): OutputStream = new FilterOutputStream(out) with Uncloseable { } def protect(in: InputStream): InputStream = if (in eq stdin) Uncloseable(in) else in def protect(out: OutputStream): OutputStream = if ((out eq stdout) || (out eq stderr)) Uncloseable(out) else out } /** Creates a `ProcessIO` from a function `String => Unit`. It can attach the * process input to stdin, and it will either send the error stream to * stderr, or to a `ProcessLogger`. * * For example, the `ProcessIO` created below will print all normal output * while ignoring all error output. No input will be provided. * {{{ * import scala.sys.process.BasicIO * val errToDevNull = BasicIO(false, println(_), None) * }}} * * @param withIn True if the process input should be attached to stdin. * @param output A function that will be called with the process output. * @param log An optional `ProcessLogger` to which the output should be * sent. If `None`, output will be sent to stderr. * @return A `ProcessIO` with the characteristics above. */ def apply(withIn: Boolean, output: String => Unit, log: Option[ProcessLogger]) = new ProcessIO(input(withIn), processFully(output), getErr(log)) /** Creates a `ProcessIO` that appends its output to a `StringBuffer`. It can * attach the process input to stdin, and it will either send the error * stream to stderr, or to a `ProcessLogger`. * * For example, the `ProcessIO` created by the function below will store the * normal output on the buffer provided, and print all error on stderr. The * input will be read from stdin. * {{{ * import scala.sys.process.{BasicIO, ProcessLogger} * val printer = ProcessLogger(println(_)) * def appendToBuffer(b: StringBuffer) = BasicIO(true, b, Some(printer)) * }}} * * @param withIn True if the process input should be attached to stdin. * @param buffer A `StringBuffer` which will receive the process normal * output. * @param log An optional `ProcessLogger` to which the output should be * sent. If `None`, output will be sent to stderr. * @return A `ProcessIO` with the characteristics above. */ def apply(withIn: Boolean, buffer: StringBuffer, log: Option[ProcessLogger]) = new ProcessIO(input(withIn), processFully(buffer), getErr(log)) /** Creates a `ProcessIO` from a `ProcessLogger` . It can attach the * process input to stdin. * * @param withIn True if the process input should be attached to stdin. * @param log A `ProcessLogger` to receive all output, normal and error. * @return A `ProcessIO` with the characteristics above. */ def apply(withIn: Boolean, log: ProcessLogger) = new ProcessIO(input(withIn), processOutFully(log), processErrFully(log)) /** Returns a function `InputStream => Unit` given an optional * `ProcessLogger`. If no logger is passed, the function will send the output * to stderr. This function can be used to create a * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]]. * * @param log An optional `ProcessLogger` to which the contents of * the `InputStream` will be sent. * @return A function `InputStream => Unit` (used by * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]]) which will send the data to * either the provided `ProcessLogger` or, if `None`, to stderr. */ def getErr(log: Option[ProcessLogger]) = log match { case Some(lg) => processErrFully(lg) case None => toStdErr } private def processErrFully(log: ProcessLogger) = processFully(log err _) private def processOutFully(log: ProcessLogger) = processFully(log out _) /** Closes a `Closeable` without throwing an exception */ def close(c: Closeable) = try c.close() catch { case _: IOException => () } /** Returns a function `InputStream => Unit` that appends all data read to the * provided `Appendable`. This function can be used to create a * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]]. The buffer will be appended line by line. * * @param buffer An `Appendable` such as `StringBuilder` or `StringBuffer`. * @return A function `InputStream => Unit` (used by * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]] which will append all data read * from the stream to the buffer. */ def processFully(buffer: Appendable): InputStream => Unit = processFully(appendLine(buffer)) /** Returns a function `InputStream => Unit` that will call the passed * function with all data read. This function can be used to create a * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]]. The `processLine` function will be called * with each line read, and `Newline` will be appended after each line. * * @param processLine A function that will be called with all data read from * the stream. * @return A function `InputStream => Unit` (used by * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]] which will call `processLine` * with all data read from the stream. */ def processFully(processLine: String => Unit): InputStream => Unit = in => { val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)) try processLinesFully(processLine)(reader.readLine) finally reader.close() } /** Calls `processLine` with the result of `readLine` until the latter returns * `null` or the current thread is interrupted. */ def processLinesFully(processLine: String => Unit)(readLine: () => String) { def working = (Thread.currentThread.isInterrupted == false) def halting = { Thread.currentThread.interrupt(); null } def readFully(): Unit = if (working) { val line = try readLine() catch { case _: InterruptedException => halting case e: IOException if !working => halting } if (line != null) { processLine(line) readFully() } } readFully() } /** Copy contents of stdin to the `OutputStream`. */ def connectToIn(o: OutputStream): Unit = transferFully(Uncloseable protect stdin, o) /** Returns a function `OutputStream => Unit` that either reads the content * from stdin or does nothing. This function can be used by * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessIO]]. */ def input(connect: Boolean): OutputStream => Unit = { outputToProcess => if (connect) connectToIn(outputToProcess) outputToProcess.close() } /** Returns a `ProcessIO` connected to stdout and stderr, and, optionally, stdin. */ def standard(connectInput: Boolean): ProcessIO = standard(input(connectInput)) /** Returns a `ProcessIO` connected to stdout, stderr and the provided `in` */ def standard(in: OutputStream => Unit): ProcessIO = new ProcessIO(in, toStdOut, toStdErr) /** Send all the input from the stream to stderr, and closes the input stream * afterwards. */ def toStdErr = (in: InputStream) => transferFully(in, stderr) /** Send all the input from the stream to stdout, and closes the input stream * afterwards. */ def toStdOut = (in: InputStream) => transferFully(in, stdout) /** Copy all input from the input stream to the output stream. Closes the * input stream once it's all read. */ def transferFully(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream): Unit = try transferFullyImpl(in, out) catch onIOInterrupt(()) private[this] def appendLine(buffer: Appendable): String => Unit = line => { buffer append line buffer append Newline } private[this] def transferFullyImpl(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream) { val buffer = new Array[Byte](BufferSize) @tailrec def loop() { val byteCount = in.read(buffer) if (byteCount > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, byteCount) // flush() will throw an exception once the process has terminated val available = try { out.flush(); true } catch { case _: IOException => false } if (available) loop() } } loop() in.close() } }