/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Stephane Micheloud */ package scala.man1 /** * @author Stephane Micheloud * @version 1.0 */ object scala extends Command { import _root_.scala.tools.docutil.ManPage._ protected def cn = new Error().getStackTrace()(0).getClassName() val name = Section("NAME", MBold(command) & " " & NDash & " Run code in the " & Link("Scala 2", "http://scala-lang.org/") & " language") val synopsis = Section("SYNOPSIS", CmdLine( " [ " & Argument("option") & " ]... " & "[ " & Argument("torun") & " " & Argument("argument") & "... ]")) val parameters = Section("PARAMETERS", DefinitionList( Definition( Mono(Argument("compiler-option")), "Any scalac option. See " & Link(Bold("scalac") & "(1)", "scalac.html") & "."), Definition( CmdOptionBound("howtorun:", Argument("how")), "How to execute " & Argument("torun") & ", if it is present. " & "Options for " & Argument("how") & " are " & Mono("guess") & " (the default), " & Mono("script") & ", " & Mono("jar") & ", and " & Mono("object") & "."), Definition( CmdOption("i", Argument("file")), "Requests that a file be pre-loaded. It is only " & "meaningful for interactive shells."), Definition( CmdOption("e", Argument("string")), "Requests that its argument be executed as Scala code."), Definition( CmdOption("savecompiled"), "Save this compiled version of scripts in order to speed up " & "later executions of the same script. When running a script, " & "save the compiled version in a file with the same name as the " & "script but with an extension of " & Mono(".jar") & ". On subsequent " & "runs of the same script, the pre-compiled " & Mono(".jar") & " file " & "will be used if it is newer than the script file."), Definition( CmdOption("nocompdaemon"), "Do not use the " & MBold("fsc") & " offline compiler."), Definition( CmdOptionBound("D", "property=value"), "Set a Java system property. If no value is specified, " & "then the property is set to the empty string."), Definition( Mono(Argument("torun")), "A top-level object or a script file to run."), Definition( Mono(Argument("argument")), "An arguments to pass to " & Argument("torun") & "."))) val description = Section("DESCRIPTION", "The " & MBold(command) & " utility runs Scala code using a Java " & "runtime environment. The Scala code to run is " & "specified in one of three ways:", NumberedList( "With no arguments specified, a Scala shell starts " & "and reads commands interactively.", "With " & Mono("-howtorun:object") & " specified, the fully " & "qualified name of a top-level " & "Scala object may be specified. The object should previously have " & "been compiled using " & Link(Bold("scalac") & "(1)", "scalac.html") & ".", "With " & Mono("-howtorun:script") & " specified, a file " & "containing Scala code may be specified." ), "If " & Mono("-howtorun:") & " is left as the default (" & Mono("guess") & "), then the " & MBold(command) & " command " & "will check whether a file of the " & "specified name exists. If it does, then it will treat it as a " & "script file; if it does not, then it will treat it as the name " & "of an object.", "In all three cases, arbitrary scalac options may be specified. "& "The most common option is to specify a classpath with " & Mono("-classpath") & ", but see the " & Link(Bold("scalac") & "(1)", "scalac.html") & " page for " & "full details. ", "If an object is specified to run, then that object must be a top-level " & "Scala object with the specified name. The object must define a method " & Bold("main") & " with the following signature:", BlockQuote(Mono(Bold("def") & " main(args: Array[String]): Unit")), "The method must return a " & Bold("Unit") & " value, and it must " & "accept a " & Bold("String") & " array as a parameter. All arguments " & "specified on the command line will be passed as " & "arguments to the " & Bold("main") & " method.", "If a script file is specified to run, then the file is read and all " & "Scala statements and declarations in the file are processed in order. " & "Any arguments specified will be available via the " & Mono("args") & "variable.", "Script files may have an optional header that is ignored if " & "present. There are two ways to format the header: either beginning with " & Mono("#!") & " and ending with " & Mono("!#") & ", or beginning with " & Mono("::#!") & " and ending with " & Mono("::!#") & ".", "Such a header must have each header boundary start at the beginning of a " & "line. Headers can be used to make stand-alone script files, as shown " & "in the examples below.", "If " & Mono("scala") & " is run from an sbaz(1) directory, " & "then it will add to its classpath any jars installed in the " & "lib directory of the sbaz directory. Additionally, if no " & "-classpath option is specified, then " & Mono("scala") & " will add " & Quote(".") & ", the current directory, to the " & "end of the classpath.") val options = Section("OPTIONS", "If any compiler options are specified, they must be first in the " & "command line and must be followed by a bare hypen (" & Quote("-") & ") character. " & "If no arguments are specified after the optional compiler arguments, " & "then an interactive Scala shell is started. Otherwise, either a " & "script file is run, or a pre-compiled Scala object is run. It " & "is possible to distinguish the last two cases by using an explicit " & Mono("-object") & " or " & Mono("-script") & " flag, but usually the " & "program can guess correctly.") val environment = Section("ENVIRONMENT", DefinitionList( Definition( MBold("JAVACMD"), "Specify the " & MBold("java") & " command to be used " & "for running the Scala code. Arguments may be specified " & "as part of the environment variable; spaces, quotation marks, " & "etc., will be passed directly to the shell for expansion."), Definition( MBold("JAVA_HOME"), "Specify JDK/JRE home directory. This directory is used to locate " & "the " & MBold("java") & " command unless " & MBold("JAVACMD") & " variable set."), Definition( MBold("JAVA_OPTS"), SeqPara( "Specify the options to be passed to the " & MBold("java") & " command defined by " & MBold("JAVACMD") & ".", "With Java 1.5 (or newer) one may for example configure the " & "memory usage of the JVM as follows: " & Mono("JAVA_OPTS=\"-Xmx512M -Xms16M -Xss16M\""), "With " & Link("GNU Java", "http://gcc.gnu.org/java/") & " one " & "may configure the memory usage of the GIJ as follows: " & Mono("JAVA_OPTS=\"--mx512m --ms16m\"") )))) val examples = Section("EXAMPLES", "Here are some examples of running Scala code:", DefinitionList( Definition( "Execute a Scala program generated in the current directory", CmdLine("hello.HelloWorld")), Definition( "Execute a Scala program generated in a user-defined " & "directory " & Bold("classes"), CmdLine(CmdOption("classpath", "classes") & "hello.HelloWorld")), Definition( "Execute a Scala program using a user-defined " & MBold("java") & " " & "command", MBold("env JAVACMD") & Mono("=/usr/local/bin/cacao ") & CmdLine(CmdOption("classpath", "classes") & "hello.HelloWorld")), Definition( "Execute a Scala program using JVM options", MBold("env JAVACMD") & Mono("=java ") & MBold("JAVA_OPTS") & Mono("=\"-Dmsg=hello -enableassertions\" ") & CmdLine(CmdOption("classpath", "classes") & "hello.HelloWorld"))), "Here is a complete Scala script for Unix: ", CodeSample( "#!/bin/sh\n" + "exec scala \"$0\" \"$@\"\n" + "!#\n" + "Console.println(\"Hello, world!\")\n" + "argv.toList foreach Console.println"), "Here is a complete Scala script for MS Windows: ", CodeSample( "::#!\n" + "@echo off\n" + "call scala %0 %*\n" + "goto :eof\n" + "::!#\n" + "Console.println(\"Hello, world!\")\n" + "argv.toList foreach Console.println"), "If you want to use the compilation cache to speed up multiple executions " + "of the script, then add " & Mono("-savecompiled") & " to the scala " + "command:", CodeSample( "#!/bin/sh\n" + "exec scala -savecompiled \"$0\" \"$@\"\n" + "!#\n" + "Console.println(\"Hello, world!\")\n" + "argv.toList foreach Console.println")) val exitStatus = Section("EXIT STATUS", "The " & MBold(command) & " command " & "returns a zero exit status if it succeeds. " & "Non zero is returned in case of any error. If a script or " & "top-level object is executed and returns a value, then that " & "return value is passed on to " & MBold(command) & ".") val seeAlso = Section("SEE ALSO", Link(Bold("fsc") & "(1)", "fsc.html") & ", " & Link(Bold("scalac") & "(1)", "scalac.html") & ", " & Link(Bold("scaladoc") & "(1)", "scaladoc.html") & ", " & Link(Bold("scalap") & "(1)", "scalap.html")) def manpage = new Document { title = command date = "April 2007" author = "Stephane Micheloud" version = "0.5" sections = List( name, synopsis, parameters, description, options, environment, examples, exitStatus, authors, bugs, copyright, seeAlso) } }