package trait StubErrorMessageTest extends StoreReporterDirectTest { // Stub to feed to partest, unused def code = throw new Error("Use `userCode` instead of `code`.") val classpath = List(sys.props("partest.lib"), testOutput.path) .mkString(sys.props("path.separator")) def compileCode(codes: String*) = { val global = newCompiler("-cp", classpath, "-d", testOutput.path) val sourceFiles = newSources(codes: _*) withRun(global)(_ compileSources sourceFiles) } def removeClasses(inPackage: String, classNames: Seq[String]): Unit = { val pkg = new File(testOutput.path, inPackage) classNames.foreach { className => val classFile = new File(pkg, s"$className.class") assert(classFile.exists) assert(classFile.delete()) } } def removeFromClasspath(): Unit def codeA: String def codeB: String def userCode: String def extraUserCode: String = "" def show(): Unit = { compileCode(codeA) assert(filteredInfos.isEmpty, filteredInfos) compileCode(codeB) assert(filteredInfos.isEmpty, filteredInfos) removeFromClasspath() if (extraUserCode == "") compileCode(userCode) else compileCode(userCode, extraUserCode) import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position { report => print(if (report.severity == storeReporter.ERROR) "error: " else "") println(Position.formatMessage(report.pos, report.msg, true)) } } }