package import scala.language.experimental.macros object Util { /** * `trace("".isEmpty)` will return `true` and as a side effect print the following to standard out. * {{{ * trace> "".isEmpty * res: Boolean = true * * }}} * * An alternative to [[]] that avoids the inconvenience of embedding * test code in a string. */ def trace[A](a: A): A = macro traceImpl[A] import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context def traceImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(a: c.Expr[A]): c.Expr[A] = { import c.universe._ import definitions._ // reify shouldn't be used explicitly before the final release of 2.10.0, // because this impairs reflection refactorings // // val exprCode = c.literal(show(a.tree)) // val exprType = c.literal(show(a.actualType)) // reify { // println(s"trace> ${exprCode.splice}\nres: ${exprType.splice} = ${a.splice}\n") // a.splice // } c.Expr(Block( List(Apply( Select(Ident(PredefModule), TermName("println")), List(Apply( Select(Apply( Select(Ident(ScalaPackage), TermName("StringContext")), List( Literal(Constant("trace> ")), Literal(Constant("\\nres: ")), Literal(Constant(" = ")), Literal(Constant("\\n")))), TermName("s")), List( Literal(Constant(show(a.tree))), Literal(Constant(show(a.actualType))), a.tree))))), a.tree)) } }