package import scala.reflect.{ classTag, ClassTag } trait TestUtil { /** Given function and block of code, evaluates code block, * calls function with nanoseconds elapsed, and returns block result. */ def timed[T](f: Long => Unit)(body: => T): T = { val start = System.nanoTime val result = body val end = System.nanoTime f(end - start) result } /** Times body and returns (nanos, result). */ def alsoNanos[T](body: => T): (Long, T) = { var nanos = 0L val result = timed(nanos = _)(body) (nanos, result) } def nanos(body: => Unit): Long = alsoNanos(body)._1 def intercept[T <: Exception : ClassTag](code: => Unit): Unit = try { code assert(false, "did not throw " + classTag[T]) } catch { case ex: Exception if classTag[T].runtimeClass isInstance ex => } } // Used in tests. object TestUtil extends TestUtil { }