package scala package reflect package api trait Liftables { self: Universe => /** A type class that defines a representation of `T` as a `Tree`. * * @see [[]] */ trait Liftable[T] { def apply(value: T): Tree } /** Companion to `Liftable` type class that contains standard instances * and provides a helper `apply` method to simplify creation of new ones. */ object Liftable extends StandardLiftableInstances { /** A helper method that simplifies creation of `Liftable` instances. * Takes a type and a function that maps that type to a tree representation. * * For example to write Liftable for object one might use it like: * * {{{ * scala> object O * * scala> val Oref = symbolOf[O.type].asClass.module * * scala> implicit val liftO = Liftable[O.type] { _ => q"$Oref" } * * scala> val lifted = q"$O" * lifted: universe.Tree = O * }}} * * @see [[]] */ def apply[T](f: T => Tree): Liftable[T] = new Liftable[T] { def apply(value: T): Tree = f(value) } } /** A type class that defines a way to extract instance of `T` from a `Tree`. * * @see [[]] */ trait Unliftable[T] { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[T] } /** Companion to `Unliftable` type class that contains standard instances * and provides a helper `apply` method to simplify creation of new ones. */ object Unliftable extends StandardUnliftableInstances { /** A helper method that simplifies creation of `Unliftable` instances. * Takes a partial function which is defined on correct representations of `T` * and returns corresponding instances. * * For example to extract a reference to an object as object itself: * * {{{ * scala> object O * * scala> val Oref = symbolOf[O.type].asClass.module * * scala> implicit val unliftO = Unliftable[O.type] { case t if t.symbol == Oref => O } * * scala> val q"${_: O.type}" = q"$Oref" * }}} * * @see [[]] */ def apply[T](pf: PartialFunction[Tree, T]): Unliftable[T] = new Unliftable[T] { def unapply(value: Tree): Option[T] = pf.lift(value) } } }