/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala package reflect.internal.util import scala.language.implicitConversions import java.lang.{ ClassLoader => JClassLoader } import java.lang.reflect.Modifier import java.net.{ URLClassLoader => JURLClassLoader } import java.net.URL import scala.reflect.runtime.ReflectionUtils.{ show, unwrapHandler } import ScalaClassLoader._ import scala.util.control.Exception.{ catching } import scala.reflect.{ ClassTag, classTag } trait HasClassPath { def classPathURLs: Seq[URL] } /** A wrapper around java.lang.ClassLoader to lower the annoyance * of java reflection. */ trait ScalaClassLoader extends JClassLoader { /** Executing an action with this classloader as context classloader */ def asContext[T](action: => T): T = { val saved = contextLoader try { setContext(this) ; action } finally setContext(saved) } def setAsContext() { setContext(this) } /** Load and link a class with this classloader */ def tryToLoadClass[T <: AnyRef](path: String): Option[Class[T]] = tryClass(path, initialize = false) /** Load, link and initialize a class with this classloader */ def tryToInitializeClass[T <: AnyRef](path: String): Option[Class[T]] = tryClass(path, initialize = true) private def tryClass[T <: AnyRef](path: String, initialize: Boolean): Option[Class[T]] = catching(classOf[ClassNotFoundException], classOf[SecurityException]) opt Class.forName(path, initialize, this).asInstanceOf[Class[T]] /** Create an instance of a class with this classloader */ def create(path: String): AnyRef = tryToInitializeClass[AnyRef](path).map(_.newInstance()).orNull /** Create an instance with ctor args, or invoke errorFn before throwing. */ def create[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](path: String, errorFn: String => Unit)(args: AnyRef*): T = { def fail(msg: String) = error(msg, new IllegalArgumentException(msg)) def error(msg: String, e: Throwable) = { errorFn(msg) ; throw e } try { val clazz = Class.forName(path, /*initialize =*/ true, /*loader =*/ this) if (classTag[T].runtimeClass isAssignableFrom clazz) { val ctor = { val maybes = clazz.getConstructors filter (c => c.getParameterCount == args.size && (c.getParameterTypes zip args).forall { case (k, a) => k isAssignableFrom a.getClass }) if (maybes.size == 1) maybes.head else fail(s"Constructor must accept arg list (${args map (_.getClass.getName) mkString ", "}): ${path}") } (ctor.newInstance(args: _*)).asInstanceOf[T] } else { errorFn(s"""Loader for ${classTag[T]}: [${show(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getClassLoader)}] |Loader for ${clazz.getName}: [${show(clazz.getClassLoader)}]""".stripMargin) fail(s"Not a ${classTag[T]}: ${path}") } } catch { case e: ClassNotFoundException => error(s"Class not found: ${path}", e) case e @ (_: LinkageError | _: ReflectiveOperationException) => error(s"Unable to create instance: ${path}: ${e.toString}", e) } } /** The actual bytes for a class file, or an empty array if it can't be found. */ def classBytes(className: String): Array[Byte] = classAsStream(className) match { case null => Array() case stream => scala.reflect.io.Streamable.bytes(stream) } /** An InputStream representing the given class name, or null if not found. */ def classAsStream(className: String) = getResourceAsStream { if (className endsWith ".class") className else s"${className.replace('.', '/')}.class" // classNameToPath } /** Run the main method of a class to be loaded by this classloader */ def run(objectName: String, arguments: Seq[String]) { val clsToRun = tryToInitializeClass(objectName) getOrElse ( throw new ClassNotFoundException(objectName) ) val method = clsToRun.getMethod("main", classOf[Array[String]]) if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers)) throw new NoSuchMethodException(objectName + ".main is not static") try asContext(method.invoke(null, Array(arguments.toArray: AnyRef): _*)) // !!! : AnyRef shouldn't be necessary catch unwrapHandler({ case ex => throw ex }) } } /** Methods for obtaining various classloaders. * appLoader: the application classloader. (Also called the java system classloader.) * extLoader: the extension classloader. * bootLoader: the boot classloader. * contextLoader: the context classloader. */ object ScalaClassLoader { /** Returns loaders which are already ScalaClassLoaders unaltered, * and translates java.net.URLClassLoaders into scala URLClassLoaders. * Otherwise creates a new wrapper. */ implicit def apply(cl: JClassLoader): ScalaClassLoader = cl match { case cl: ScalaClassLoader => cl case cl: JURLClassLoader => new URLClassLoader(cl.getURLs.toSeq, cl.getParent) case _ => new JClassLoader(cl) with ScalaClassLoader } def contextLoader = apply(Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader) def appLoader = apply(JClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader) def setContext(cl: JClassLoader) = Thread.currentThread.setContextClassLoader(cl) def savingContextLoader[T](body: => T): T = { val saved = contextLoader try body finally setContext(saved) } class URLClassLoader(urls: Seq[URL], parent: JClassLoader) extends JURLClassLoader(urls.toArray, parent) with ScalaClassLoader with HasClassPath { private var classloaderURLs: Seq[URL] = urls def classPathURLs: Seq[URL] = classloaderURLs /** Override to widen to public */ override def addURL(url: URL) = { classloaderURLs :+= url super.addURL(url) } override def close(): Unit = { super.close() classloaderURLs = null } } def fromURLs(urls: Seq[URL], parent: ClassLoader = null): URLClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls, parent) /** True if supplied class exists in supplied path */ def classExists(urls: Seq[URL], name: String): Boolean = (fromURLs(urls) tryToLoadClass name).isDefined /** Finding what jar a clazz or instance came from */ def originOfClass(x: Class[_]): Option[URL] = Option(x.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource) flatMap (x => Option(x.getLocation)) }