package scala package reflect package macros /** * EXPERIMENTAL * * A slice of [[scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context the Scala macros context]] that defines shorthands for the * most frequently used types and functions of the underlying compiler universe. */ trait Aliases { self: blackbox.Context => /** The type of symbols representing declarations. */ type Symbol = universe.Symbol /** The type of Scala types, and also Scala type signatures. * (No difference is internally made between the two). */ type Type = universe.Type /** The abstract type of names. */ type Name = universe.Name /** The abstract type of names representing terms. */ type TermName = universe.TermName /** The abstract type of names representing types. */ type TypeName = universe.TypeName /** The type of Scala abstract syntax trees. */ type Tree = universe.Tree /** Defines a universe-specific notion of positions. */ type Position = universe.Position /** The base type of all scopes. */ type Scope = universe.Scope /** The type of tree modifiers. */ type Modifiers = universe.Modifiers /** The type of compilation runs. * @see [[scala.reflect.macros.Enclosures]] */ @deprecated("c.enclosingTree-style APIs are now deprecated; consult the scaladoc for more information", "2.11.0") type Run = universe.Run /** The type of compilation units. * @see [[scala.reflect.macros.Enclosures]] */ @deprecated("c.enclosingTree-style APIs are now deprecated; consult the scaladoc for more information", "2.11.0") type CompilationUnit = universe.CompilationUnit /** Expr wraps an abstract syntax tree and tags it with its type. */ type Expr[+T] = universe.Expr[T] /** Constructor/Extractor for `Expr`. */ val Expr = universe.Expr /** A shorthand to create an expr. * * Unlike the conventional expr factory, which requires a [[scala.reflect.api.TreeCreator]], * this one accepts a regular tree, but the resulting exprs are unable of being migrated * to other universes/mirrors (the functionality normally not needed for macros, since there is * only one compile-time universe and only one compile-time mirror). */ def Expr[T: WeakTypeTag](tree: Tree): Expr[T] /** The type of weak type tags. */ type WeakTypeTag[T] = universe.WeakTypeTag[T] /** The type of type tags. */ type TypeTag[T] = universe.TypeTag[T] /** Constructor/Extractor for `WeakTypeTag`. */ val WeakTypeTag = universe.WeakTypeTag /** Constructor/Extractor for `TypeTag`. */ val TypeTag = universe.TypeTag /** A shorthand to create a weak type tag. * * Unlike the conventional type tag factory, which requires a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator]], * this one accepts a regular type, but the resulting type tags are unable of being migrated * to other universes/mirrors (the functionality normally not needed for macros, since there is * only one compile-time universe and only one compile-time mirror). */ def WeakTypeTag[T](tpe: Type): WeakTypeTag[T] /** A shorthand to create a type tag. * * Unlike the conventional type tag factory, which requires a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator]], * this one accepts a regular type, but the resulting type tags are unable of being migrated * to other universes/mirrors (the functionality normally not needed for macros, since there is * only one compile-time universe and only one compile-time mirror). */ def TypeTag[T](tpe: Type): TypeTag[T] /** * Shortcut for `implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]]` */ def weakTypeTag[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]) = attag /** * Shortcut for `implicitly[TypeTag[T]]` */ def typeTag[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]) = ttag /** * Shortcut for `implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]].tpe` */ def weakTypeOf[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]): Type = if (attag != null) attag.tpe else typeOf[Null] /** * Type of `x` as derived from a weak type tag. */ def weakTypeOf[T: WeakTypeTag](x: => T): Type = weakTypeOf[T] /** * Shortcut for `implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe` */ def typeOf[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]): Type = ttag.tpe /** * Type of `x` as derived from a type tag. */ def typeOf[T: TypeTag](x: => T): Type = typeOf[T] /** * Type symbol of `x` as derived from a type tag. */ def symbolOf[T: WeakTypeTag]: universe.TypeSymbol = universe.symbolOf[T] }