package scala package reflect package macros /** * EXPERIMENTAL * @see [[scala.reflect.api.Internals]] */ trait Internals { self: blackbox.Context => /** @see [[scala.reflect.api.Internals]] */ val internal: ContextInternalApi /** @see [[scala.reflect.api.Internals]] */ trait ContextInternalApi extends universe.MacroInternalApi { /** Symbol associated with the innermost enclosing lexical context. * Walking the owner chain of this symbol will reveal information about more and more enclosing contexts. */ def enclosingOwner: Symbol /** Functions that are available during [[transform]]. * @see [[transform]] */ trait TransformApi { /** Calls the current transformer on the given tree. * Current transformer = argument to the `transform` call. */ def recur(tree: Tree): Tree /** Calls the default transformer on the given tree. * Default transformer = recur into tree's children and assemble the results. */ def default(tree: Tree): Tree } /** Transforms a given tree using the provided function. * @see [[TransformApi]] */ // TODO: explore a more concise notation that Denys and I discussed today // when transformer is PartialFunction[Tree, Tree]] and TransformApi is passed magically // also cf. def transform(tree: Tree)(transformer: (Tree, TransformApi) => Tree): Tree /** Functions that are available during [[typingTransform]]. * @see [[typingTransform]] */ trait TypingTransformApi extends TransformApi { /** Temporarily pushes the given symbol onto the owner stack, creating a new local typer, * invoke the given operation and then rollback the changes to the owner stack. */ def atOwner[T](owner: Symbol)(op: => T): T /** Temporarily pushes the given tree onto the recursion stack, and then calls `atOwner(symbol)(trans)`. */ def atOwner[T](tree: Tree, owner: Symbol)(op: => T): T /** Returns the symbol currently on the top of the owner stack. * If we're not inside any `atOwner` call, then macro application's context owner will be used. */ def currentOwner: Symbol /** Typechecks the given tree using the local typer currently on the top of the owner stack. * If we're not inside any `atOwner` call, then macro application's callsite typer will be used. */ def typecheck(tree: Tree): Tree } /** Transforms a given tree using the provided function. * @see [[TypingTransformApi]] */ def typingTransform(tree: Tree)(transformer: (Tree, TypingTransformApi) => Tree): Tree /** Transforms a given tree at a given owner using the provided function. * @see [[TypingTransformApi]] */ def typingTransform(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol)(transformer: (Tree, TypingTransformApi) => Tree): Tree } }