package scala package reflect package runtime // SI-6240: test thread-safety, make trees synchronized as well private[reflect] trait SynchronizedOps extends internal.SymbolTable with SynchronizedSymbols with SynchronizedTypes { self: SymbolTable => // Names override protected def synchronizeNames = true // BaseTypeSeqs override protected def newBaseTypeSeq(parents: List[Type], elems: Array[Type]) = // only need to synchronize BaseTypeSeqs if they contain refined types if (elems.exists(_.isInstanceOf[RefinedType])) new BaseTypeSeq(parents, elems) with SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq else new BaseTypeSeq(parents, elems) override protected def newMappedBaseTypeSeq(orig: BaseTypeSeq, f: Type => Type) = // MappedBaseTypeSeq's are used rarely enough that we unconditionally mixin the synchronized // wrapper, rather than doing this conditionally. A previous attempt to do that broke the "late" // part of the "lateMap" contract in inspecting the mapped elements. new MappedBaseTypeSeq(orig, f) with SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq trait SynchronizedBaseTypeSeq extends BaseTypeSeq { override def apply(i: Int): Type = gilSynchronized { super.apply(i) } override def rawElem(i: Int) = gilSynchronized { super.rawElem(i) } override def typeSymbol(i: Int): Symbol = gilSynchronized { super.typeSymbol(i) } override def toList: List[Type] = gilSynchronized { super.toList } override def copy(head: Type, offset: Int): BaseTypeSeq = gilSynchronized { super.copy(head, offset) } override def map(f: Type => Type): BaseTypeSeq = gilSynchronized { } override def exists(p: Type => Boolean): Boolean = gilSynchronized { super.exists(p) } override lazy val maxDepth = gilSynchronized { maxDepthOfElems } override def toString = gilSynchronized { super.toString } } // Scopes override def newScope = new Scope with SynchronizedScope trait SynchronizedScope extends Scope { // we can keep this lock fine-grained, because methods of Scope don't do anything extraordinary, which makes deadlocks impossible // fancy subclasses of internal.Scopes#Scope should do synchronization themselves (e.g. see PackageScope for an example) private lazy val syncLock = new Object def syncLockSynchronized[T](body: => T): T = if (isCompilerUniverse) body else syncLock.synchronized { body } override def isEmpty: Boolean = syncLockSynchronized { super.isEmpty } override def size: Int = syncLockSynchronized { super.size } override def enter[T <: Symbol](sym: T): T = syncLockSynchronized { super.enter(sym) } override def rehash(sym: Symbol, newname: Name) = syncLockSynchronized { super.rehash(sym, newname) } override def unlink(e: ScopeEntry) = syncLockSynchronized { super.unlink(e) } override def unlink(sym: Symbol) = syncLockSynchronized { super.unlink(sym) } override def lookupAll(name: Name) = syncLockSynchronized { super.lookupAll(name) } override def lookupEntry(name: Name) = syncLockSynchronized { super.lookupEntry(name) } override def lookupNextEntry(entry: ScopeEntry) = syncLockSynchronized { super.lookupNextEntry(entry) } override def toList: List[Symbol] = syncLockSynchronized { super.toList } } }