/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Stepan Koltsov */ package scala.tools.nsc package interpreter import java.io.IOException import session.History import InteractiveReader._ import Properties.isMac /** Reads lines from an input stream */ trait InteractiveReader { def postInit(): Unit = {} val interactive: Boolean def reset(): Unit def history: History def completion: Completion def redrawLine(): Unit def readYesOrNo(prompt: String, alt: => Boolean): Boolean = readOneKey(prompt) match { case 'y' => true case 'n' => false case -1 => false // EOF case _ => alt } protected def readOneLine(prompt: String): String protected def readOneKey(prompt: String): Int def readLine(prompt: String): String = // hack necessary for OSX jvm suspension because read calls are not restarted after SIGTSTP if (isMac) restartSysCalls(readOneLine(prompt), reset()) else readOneLine(prompt) } object InteractiveReader { val msgEINTR = "Interrupted system call" def restartSysCalls[R](body: => R, reset: => Unit): R = try body catch { case e: IOException if e.getMessage == msgEINTR => reset ; body } def apply(): InteractiveReader = SimpleReader() @deprecated("Use `apply` instead.", "2.9.0") def createDefault(): InteractiveReader = apply() // used by sbt } /** Collect one line of user input from the supplied reader. * Runs on a new thread while the REPL is initializing on the main thread. * * The user can enter text or a `:paste` command. */ class SplashLoop(reader: InteractiveReader, prompt: String) extends Runnable { import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue import scala.compat.Platform.EOL private val result = new SynchronousQueue[Option[String]] @volatile private var running: Boolean = _ private var thread: Thread = _ /** Read one line of input which can be retrieved with `line`. */ def run(): Unit = { var line = "" try do { line = reader.readLine(prompt) if (line != null) { line = process(line.trim) } } while (line != null && line.isEmpty && running) finally { result.put(Option(line)) } } /** Check for `:paste` command. */ private def process(line: String): String = { def isPrefix(s: String, p: String, n: Int) = ( //s != null && p.inits.takeWhile(_.length >= n).exists(s == _) s != null && s.length >= n && s.length <= p.length && s == p.take(s.length) ) if (isPrefix(line, ":paste", 3)) { // while collecting lines, check running flag var help = f"// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)%n%n" def readWhile(cond: String => Boolean) = { Iterator continually reader.readLine(help) takeWhile { x => help = "" x != null && cond(x) } } val text = (readWhile(_ => running) mkString EOL).trim val next = if (text.isEmpty) "// Nothing pasted, nothing gained." else "// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting." Console println f"%n${next}%n" text } else { line } } def start(): Unit = result.synchronized { require(thread == null, "Already started") thread = new Thread(this) running = true thread.start() } def stop(): Unit = result.synchronized { running = false if (thread != null) thread.interrupt() thread = null } /** Block for the result line, or null on ctl-D. */ def line: String = result.take getOrElse null } object SplashLoop { def apply(reader: SplashReader, prompt: String): SplashLoop = new SplashLoop(reader, prompt) } /** Reader during splash. Handles splash-completion with a stub, otherwise delegates. */ class SplashReader(reader: InteractiveReader, postIniter: InteractiveReader => Unit) extends InteractiveReader { /** Invoke the postInit action with the underlying reader. */ override def postInit(): Unit = postIniter(reader) override val interactive: Boolean = reader.interactive override def reset(): Unit = reader.reset() override def history: History = reader.history override val completion: Completion = NoCompletion override def redrawLine(): Unit = reader.redrawLine() override protected[interpreter] def readOneLine(prompt: String): String = ??? // unused override protected[interpreter] def readOneKey(prompt: String): Int = ??? // unused override def readLine(prompt: String): String = reader.readLine(prompt) } object SplashReader { def apply(reader: InteractiveReader)(postIniter: InteractiveReader => Unit) = new SplashReader(reader, postIniter) }