/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Manohar Jonnalagedda */ package scala.tools.nsc package doc package base import base.comment._ import scala.collection._ import scala.util.matching.Regex import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position import scala.language.postfixOps /** The comment parser transforms raw comment strings into `Comment` objects. * Call `parse` to run the parser. Note that the parser is stateless and * should only be built once for a given Scaladoc run. * * @author Manohar Jonnalagedda * @author Gilles Dubochet */ trait CommentFactoryBase { this: MemberLookupBase => val global: Global import global.{ reporter, Symbol, NoSymbol } /* Creates comments with necessary arguments */ def createComment ( body0: Option[Body] = None, authors0: List[Body] = List.empty, see0: List[Body] = List.empty, result0: Option[Body] = None, throws0: Map[String,Body] = Map.empty, valueParams0: Map[String,Body] = Map.empty, typeParams0: Map[String,Body] = Map.empty, version0: Option[Body] = None, since0: Option[Body] = None, todo0: List[Body] = List.empty, deprecated0: Option[Body] = None, note0: List[Body] = List.empty, example0: List[Body] = List.empty, constructor0: Option[Body] = None, source0: Option[String] = None, inheritDiagram0: List[String] = List.empty, contentDiagram0: List[String] = List.empty, group0: Option[Body] = None, groupDesc0: Map[String,Body] = Map.empty, groupNames0: Map[String,Body] = Map.empty, groupPrio0: Map[String,Body] = Map.empty, hideImplicitConversions0: List[Body] = List.empty, shortDescription0: List[Body] = List.empty ): Comment = new Comment { val body = body0 getOrElse Body(Seq.empty) val authors = authors0 val see = see0 val result = result0 val throws = throws0 val valueParams = valueParams0 val typeParams = typeParams0 val version = version0 val since = since0 val todo = todo0 val deprecated = deprecated0 val note = note0 val example = example0 val constructor = constructor0 val inheritDiagram = inheritDiagram0 val contentDiagram = contentDiagram0 val groupDesc = groupDesc0 val group = group0 match { case Some(Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(groupId)))))))) => Some(groupId.toString.trim) case _ => None } val groupPrio = groupPrio0 flatMap { case (group, body) => try { body match { case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(prio))))))) => List(group -> prio.trim.toInt) case _ => List() } } catch { case _: java.lang.NumberFormatException => List() } } val groupNames = groupNames0 flatMap { case (group, body) => body match { case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(name))))))) if (!name.trim.contains("\n")) => List(group -> (name.trim)) case _ => List() } } override val shortDescription: Option[Text] = shortDescription0.lastOption collect { case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(e))))))) if !e.trim.contains("\n") => Text(e) } override val hideImplicitConversions: List[String] = hideImplicitConversions0 flatMap { case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(e))))))) if !e.trim.contains("\n") => List(e) case _ => List() } } private val endOfText = '\u0003' private val endOfLine = '\u000A' /** Something that should not have happened, happened, and Scaladoc should exit. */ private def oops(msg: String): Nothing = throw FatalError("program logic: " + msg) /** The body of a line, dropping the (optional) start star-marker, * one leading whitespace and all trailing whitespace. */ private val CleanCommentLine = new Regex("""(?:\s*\*\s?)?(.*)""") /** Dangerous HTML tags that should be replaced by something safer, * such as wiki syntax, or that should be dropped. */ private val DangerousTags = new Regex("""<(/?(div|ol|ul|li|h[1-6]|p))( [^>]*)?/?>|""") /** Maps a dangerous HTML tag to a safe wiki replacement, or an empty string * if it cannot be salvaged. */ private def htmlReplacement(mtch: Regex.Match): String = mtch.group(1) match { case "p" | "div" => "\n\n" case "h1" => "\n= " case "/h1" => " =\n" case "h2" => "\n== " case "/h2" => " ==\n" case "h3" => "\n=== " case "/h3" => " ===\n" case "h4" | "h5" | "h6" => "\n==== " case "/h4" | "/h5" | "/h6" => " ====\n" case "li" => "\n * - " case _ => "" } /** Javadoc tags that should be replaced by something useful, such as wiki * syntax, or that should be dropped. */ private val JavadocTags = new Regex("""\{\@(code|docRoot|linkplain|link|literal|value)\p{Zs}*([^}]*)\}""") /** Maps a javadoc tag to a useful wiki replacement, or an empty string if it cannot be salvaged. */ private def javadocReplacement(mtch: Regex.Match): String = { mtch.group(1) match { case "code" => "" + mtch.group(2) + "" case "docRoot" => "" case "link" => "`[[" + mtch.group(2) + "]]`" case "linkplain" => "[[" + mtch.group(2) + "]]" case "literal" => "`" + mtch.group(2) + "`" case "value" => "`" + mtch.group(2) + "`" case _ => "" } } /** Safe HTML tags that can be kept. */ private val SafeTags = new Regex("""((&\w+;)|(&#\d+;)|(]*)?/?>))""") private val safeTagMarker = '\u000E' /** A Scaladoc tag not linked to a symbol and not followed by text */ private val SingleTagRegex = new Regex("""\s*@(\S+)\s*""") /** A Scaladoc tag not linked to a symbol. Returns the name of the tag, and the rest of the line. */ private val SimpleTagRegex = new Regex("""\s*@(\S+)\s+(.*)""") /** A Scaladoc tag linked to a symbol. Returns the name of the tag, the name * of the symbol, and the rest of the line. */ private val SymbolTagRegex = new Regex("""\s*@(param|tparam|throws|groupdesc|groupname|groupprio)\s+(\S*)\s*(.*)""") /** The start of a Scaladoc code block */ private val CodeBlockStartRegex = new Regex("""(.*?)((?:\{\{\{)|(?:\u000E]*)?>\u000E))(.*)""") /** The end of a Scaladoc code block */ private val CodeBlockEndRegex = new Regex("""(.*?)((?:\}\}\})|(?:\u000E\u000E))(.*)""") /** A key used for a tag map. The key is built from the name of the tag and * from the linked symbol if the tag has one. * Equality on tag keys is structural. */ private sealed abstract class TagKey { def name: String } private final case class SimpleTagKey(name: String) extends TagKey private final case class SymbolTagKey(name: String, symbol: String) extends TagKey private val TrailingWhitespaceRegex = """\s+$""".r /** Parses a raw comment string into a `Comment` object. * @param comment The expanded comment string (including start and end markers) to be parsed. * @param src The raw comment source string. * @param pos The position of the comment in source. */ protected def parseAtSymbol(comment: String, src: String, pos: Position, site: Symbol = NoSymbol): Comment = { /** The cleaned raw comment as a list of lines. Cleaning removes comment * start and end markers, line start markers and unnecessary whitespace. */ def clean(comment: String): List[String] = { def cleanLine(line: String): String = { // Remove trailing whitespaces TrailingWhitespaceRegex.replaceAllIn(line, "") match { case CleanCommentLine(ctl) => ctl case tl => tl } } val strippedComment = comment.trim.stripPrefix("/*").stripSuffix("*/") val safeComment = DangerousTags.replaceAllIn(strippedComment, { htmlReplacement(_) }) val javadoclessComment = JavadocTags.replaceAllIn(safeComment, { javadocReplacement(_) }) val markedTagComment = SafeTags.replaceAllIn(javadoclessComment, { mtch => java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement(safeTagMarker + mtch.matched + safeTagMarker) }) markedTagComment.lines.toList map (cleanLine(_)) } /** Parses a comment (in the form of a list of lines) to a `Comment` * instance, recursively on lines. To do so, it splits the whole comment * into main body and tag bodies, then runs the `WikiParser` on each body * before creating the comment instance. * * @param docBody The body of the comment parsed until now. * @param tags All tags parsed until now. * @param lastTagKey The last parsed tag, or `None` if the tag section hasn't started. Lines that are not tagged * are part of the previous tag or, if none exists, of the body. * @param remaining The lines that must still recursively be parsed. * @param inCodeBlock Whether the next line is part of a code block (in which no tags must be read). */ def parse0 ( docBody: StringBuilder, tags: Map[TagKey, List[String]], lastTagKey: Option[TagKey], remaining: List[String], inCodeBlock: Boolean ): Comment = remaining match { case CodeBlockStartRegex(before, marker, after) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) => if (!before.trim.isEmpty && !after.trim.isEmpty) parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = false) else if (!before.trim.isEmpty) parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: ls, inCodeBlock = false) else if (!after.trim.isEmpty) parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = true) else lastTagKey match { case Some(key) => val value = ((tags get key): @unchecked) match { case Some(b :: bs) => (b + endOfLine + marker) :: bs case None => oops("lastTagKey set when no tag exists for key") } parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = true) case None => parse0(docBody append endOfLine append marker, tags, lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = true) } case CodeBlockEndRegex(before, marker, after) :: ls => { if (!before.trim.isEmpty && !after.trim.isEmpty) parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = true) if (!before.trim.isEmpty) parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: ls, inCodeBlock = true) else if (!after.trim.isEmpty) parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = false) else lastTagKey match { case Some(key) => val value = ((tags get key): @unchecked) match { case Some(b :: bs) => (b + endOfLine + marker) :: bs case None => oops("lastTagKey set when no tag exists for key") } parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = false) case None => parse0(docBody append endOfLine append marker, tags, lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = false) } } case SymbolTagRegex(name, sym, body) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) => { val key = SymbolTagKey(name, sym) val value = body :: tags.getOrElse(key, Nil) parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), Some(key), ls, inCodeBlock) } case SimpleTagRegex(name, body) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) => { val key = SimpleTagKey(name) val value = body :: tags.getOrElse(key, Nil) parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), Some(key), ls, inCodeBlock) } case SingleTagRegex(name) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) => { val key = SimpleTagKey(name) val value = "" :: tags.getOrElse(key, Nil) parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), Some(key), ls, inCodeBlock) } case line :: ls if (lastTagKey.isDefined) => { val newtags = if (!line.isEmpty) { val key = lastTagKey.get val value = ((tags get key): @unchecked) match { case Some(b :: bs) => (b + endOfLine + line) :: bs case None => oops("lastTagKey set when no tag exists for key") } tags + (key -> value) } else tags parse0(docBody, newtags, lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock) } case line :: ls => { if (docBody.length > 0) docBody append endOfLine docBody append line parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock) } case Nil => { // Take the {inheritance, content} diagram keys aside, as it doesn't need any parsing val inheritDiagramTag = SimpleTagKey("inheritanceDiagram") val contentDiagramTag = SimpleTagKey("contentDiagram") val inheritDiagramText: List[String] = tags.get(inheritDiagramTag) match { case Some(list) => list case None => List.empty } val contentDiagramText: List[String] = tags.get(contentDiagramTag) match { case Some(list) => list case None => List.empty } val stripTags=List(inheritDiagramTag, contentDiagramTag, SimpleTagKey("template"), SimpleTagKey("documentable")) val tagsWithoutDiagram = tags.filterNot(pair => stripTags.contains(pair._1)) val bodyTags: mutable.Map[TagKey, List[Body]] = mutable.Map(tagsWithoutDiagram mapValues {tag => tag map (parseWikiAtSymbol(_, pos, site))} toSeq: _*) def oneTag(key: SimpleTagKey, filterEmpty: Boolean = true): Option[Body] = ((bodyTags remove key): @unchecked) match { case Some(r :: rs) if !(filterEmpty && r.blocks.isEmpty) => if (!rs.isEmpty) reporter.warning(pos, s"Only one '@${key.name}' tag is allowed") Some(r) case _ => None } def allTags(key: SimpleTagKey): List[Body] = (bodyTags remove key).getOrElse(Nil).filterNot(_.blocks.isEmpty) def allSymsOneTag(key: TagKey, filterEmpty: Boolean = true): Map[String, Body] = { val keys: Seq[SymbolTagKey] = bodyTags.keys.toSeq flatMap { case stk: SymbolTagKey if (stk.name == key.name) => Some(stk) case stk: SimpleTagKey if (stk.name == key.name) => reporter.warning(pos, s"Tag '@${stk.name}' must be followed by a symbol name") None case _ => None } val pairs: Seq[(String, Body)] = for (key <- keys) yield { val bs = (bodyTags remove key).get if (bs.length > 1) reporter.warning(pos, s"Only one '@${key.name}' tag for symbol ${key.symbol} is allowed") (key.symbol, bs.head) } Map.empty[String, Body] ++ (if (filterEmpty) pairs.filterNot(_._2.blocks.isEmpty) else pairs) } def linkedExceptions: Map[String, Body] = { val m = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("throws"), filterEmpty = false) m.map { case (name,body) => val link = memberLookup(pos, name, site) val newBody = body match { case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(content)))) => val descr = Text(" ") +: content val entityLink = EntityLink(Monospace(Text(name)), link) Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(entityLink +: descr)))) case _ => body } (name, newBody) } } val com = createComment ( body0 = Some(parseWikiAtSymbol(docBody.toString, pos, site)), authors0 = allTags(SimpleTagKey("author")), see0 = allTags(SimpleTagKey("see")), result0 = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("return")), throws0 = linkedExceptions, valueParams0 = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("param")), typeParams0 = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("tparam")), version0 = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("version")), since0 = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("since")), todo0 = allTags(SimpleTagKey("todo")), deprecated0 = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("deprecated"), filterEmpty = false), note0 = allTags(SimpleTagKey("note")), example0 = allTags(SimpleTagKey("example")), constructor0 = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("constructor")), source0 = Some(clean(src).mkString("\n")), inheritDiagram0 = inheritDiagramText, contentDiagram0 = contentDiagramText, group0 = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("group")), groupDesc0 = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("groupdesc")), groupNames0 = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("groupname")), groupPrio0 = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("groupprio")), hideImplicitConversions0 = allTags(SimpleTagKey("hideImplicitConversion")), shortDescription0 = allTags(SimpleTagKey("shortDescription")) ) for ((key, _) <- bodyTags) reporter.warning(pos, s"Tag '@${key.name}' is not recognised") com } } parse0(new StringBuilder(comment.size), Map.empty, None, clean(comment), inCodeBlock = false) } /** Parses a string containing wiki syntax into a `Comment` object. * Note that the string is assumed to be clean: * - Removed Scaladoc start and end markers. * - Removed start-of-line star and one whitespace afterwards (if present). * - Removed all end-of-line whitespace. * - Only `endOfLine` is used to mark line endings. */ def parseWikiAtSymbol(string: String, pos: Position, site: Symbol): Body = new WikiParser(string, pos, site).document() /** TODO * * @author Ingo Maier * @author Manohar Jonnalagedda * @author Gilles Dubochet */ protected final class WikiParser(val buffer: String, pos: Position, site: Symbol) extends CharReader(buffer) { wiki => var summaryParsed = false def document(): Body = { val blocks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Block] while (char != endOfText) blocks += block() Body(blocks.toList) } /* BLOCKS */ /** {{{ block ::= code | title | hrule | listBlock | para }}} */ def block(): Block = { if (checkSkipInitWhitespace("{{{")) code() else if (checkSkipInitWhitespace('=')) title() else if (checkSkipInitWhitespace("----")) hrule() else if (checkList) listBlock else { para() } } /** listStyle ::= '-' spc | '1.' spc | 'I.' spc | 'i.' spc | 'A.' spc | 'a.' spc * Characters used to build lists and their constructors */ protected val listStyles = Map[String, (Seq[Block] => Block)]( // TODO Should this be defined at some list companion? "- " -> ( UnorderedList(_) ), "1. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"decimal") ), "I. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"upperRoman") ), "i. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"lowerRoman") ), "A. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"upperAlpha") ), "a. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"lowerAlpha") ) ) /** Checks if the current line is formed with more than one space and one the listStyles */ def checkList = (countWhitespace > 0) && (listStyles.keys exists { checkSkipInitWhitespace(_) }) /** {{{ * nListBlock ::= nLine { mListBlock } * nLine ::= nSpc listStyle para '\n' * }}} * Where n and m stand for the number of spaces. When `m > n`, a new list is nested. */ def listBlock(): Block = { /** Consumes one list item block and returns it, or None if the block is * not a list or a different list. */ def listLine(indent: Int, style: String): Option[Block] = if (countWhitespace > indent && checkList) Some(listBlock) else if (countWhitespace != indent || !checkSkipInitWhitespace(style)) None else { jumpWhitespace() jump(style) val p = Paragraph(inline(isInlineEnd = false)) blockEnded("end of list line ") Some(p) } /** Consumes all list item blocks (possibly with nested lists) of the * same list and returns the list block. */ def listLevel(indent: Int, style: String): Block = { val lines = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Block] var line: Option[Block] = listLine(indent, style) while (line.isDefined) { lines += line.get line = listLine(indent, style) } val constructor = listStyles(style) constructor(lines) } val indent = countWhitespace val style = (listStyles.keys find { checkSkipInitWhitespace(_) }).getOrElse(listStyles.keys.head) listLevel(indent, style) } def code(): Block = { jumpWhitespace() jump("{{{") val str = readUntil("}}}") if (char == endOfText) reportError(pos, "unclosed code block") else jump("}}}") blockEnded("code block") Code(normalizeIndentation(str)) } /** {{{ title ::= ('=' inline '=' | "==" inline "==" | ...) '\n' }}} */ def title(): Block = { jumpWhitespace() val inLevel = repeatJump('=') val text = inline(check("=" * inLevel)) val outLevel = repeatJump('=', inLevel) if (inLevel != outLevel) reportError(pos, "unbalanced or unclosed heading") blockEnded("heading") Title(text, inLevel) } /** {{{ hrule ::= "----" { '-' } '\n' }}} */ def hrule(): Block = { jumpWhitespace() repeatJump('-') blockEnded("horizontal rule") HorizontalRule() } /** {{{ para ::= inline '\n' }}} */ def para(): Block = { val p = if (summaryParsed) Paragraph(inline(isInlineEnd = false)) else { val s = summary() val r = if (checkParaEnded()) List(s) else List(s, inline(isInlineEnd = false)) summaryParsed = true Paragraph(Chain(r)) } while (char == endOfLine && char != endOfText) nextChar() p } /* INLINES */ val OPEN_TAG = "^<([A-Za-z]+)( [^>]*)?(/?)>$".r val CLOSE_TAG = "^$".r private def readHTMLFrom(begin: HtmlTag): String = { val list = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String] val stack = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String] begin.close match { case Some(HtmlTag(CLOSE_TAG(s))) => stack += s case _ => return "" } do { val str = readUntil { char == safeTagMarker || char == endOfText } nextChar() list += str str match { case OPEN_TAG(s, _, standalone) => { if (standalone != "/") { stack += s } } case CLOSE_TAG(s) => { if (s == stack.last) { stack.remove(stack.length-1) } } case _ => ; } } while (stack.length > 0 && char != endOfText) list mkString "" } def inline(isInlineEnd: => Boolean): Inline = { def inline0(): Inline = { if (char == safeTagMarker) { val tag = htmlTag() HtmlTag(tag.data + readHTMLFrom(tag)) } else if (check("'''")) bold() else if (check("''")) italic() else if (check("`")) monospace() else if (check("__")) underline() else if (check("^")) superscript() else if (check(",,")) subscript() else if (check("[[")) link() else { val str = readUntil { char == safeTagMarker || check("''") || char == '`' || check("__") || char == '^' || check(",,") || check("[[") || isInlineEnd || checkParaEnded || char == endOfLine } Text(str) } } val inlines: List[Inline] = { val iss = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Inline] iss += inline0() while (!isInlineEnd && !checkParaEnded) { val skipEndOfLine = if (char == endOfLine) { nextChar() true } else { false } val current = inline0() (iss.last, current) match { case (Text(t1), Text(t2)) if skipEndOfLine => iss.update(iss.length - 1, Text(t1 + endOfLine + t2)) case (i1, i2) if skipEndOfLine => iss ++= List(Text(endOfLine.toString), i2) case _ => iss += current } } iss.toList } inlines match { case Nil => Text("") case i :: Nil => i case is => Chain(is) } } def htmlTag(): HtmlTag = { jump(safeTagMarker) val read = readUntil(safeTagMarker) if (char != endOfText) jump(safeTagMarker) HtmlTag(read) } def bold(): Inline = { jump("'''") val i = inline(check("'''")) jump("'''") Bold(i) } def italic(): Inline = { jump("''") val i = inline(check("''")) jump("''") Italic(i) } def monospace(): Inline = { jump("`") val i = inline(check("`")) jump("`") Monospace(i) } def underline(): Inline = { jump("__") val i = inline(check("__")) jump("__") Underline(i) } def superscript(): Inline = { jump("^") val i = inline(check("^")) if (jump("^")) { Superscript(i) } else { Chain(Seq(Text("^"), i)) } } def subscript(): Inline = { jump(",,") val i = inline(check(",,")) jump(",,") Subscript(i) } def summary(): Inline = { val i = inline(checkSentenceEnded()) Summary( if (jump(".")) Chain(List(i, Text("."))) else i ) } def link(): Inline = { val SchemeUri = """([a-z]+:.*)""".r jump("[[") val parens = 2 + repeatJump('[') val stop = "]" * parens val target = readUntil { check(stop) || isWhitespaceOrNewLine(char) } val title = if (!check(stop)) Some({ jumpWhitespaceOrNewLine() inline(check(stop)) }) else None jump(stop) (target, title) match { case (SchemeUri(uri), optTitle) => Link(uri, optTitle getOrElse Text(uri)) case (qualName, optTitle) => makeEntityLink(optTitle getOrElse Text(target), pos, target, site) } } /* UTILITY */ /** {{{ eol ::= { whitespace } '\n' }}} */ def blockEnded(blockType: String): Unit = { if (char != endOfLine && char != endOfText) { reportError(pos, "no additional content on same line after " + blockType) jumpUntil(endOfLine) } while (char == endOfLine) nextChar() } /** * Eliminates the (common) leading spaces in all lines, based on the first line * For indented pieces of code, it reduces the indent to the least whitespace prefix: * {{{ * indented example * another indented line * if (condition) * then do something; * ^ this is the least whitespace prefix * }}} */ def normalizeIndentation(_code: String): String = { val code = _code.replaceAll("\\s+$", "").dropWhile(_ == '\n') // right-trim + remove all leading '\n' val lines = code.split("\n") // maxSkip - size of the longest common whitespace prefix of non-empty lines val nonEmptyLines = lines.filter(_.trim.nonEmpty) val maxSkip = if (nonEmptyLines.isEmpty) 0 else nonEmptyLines.map(line => line.prefixLength(_ == ' ')).min // remove common whitespace prefix lines.map(line => if (line.trim.nonEmpty) line.substring(maxSkip) else line).mkString("\n") } def checkParaEnded(): Boolean = { (char == endOfText) || ((char == endOfLine) && { val poff = offset nextChar() // read EOL val ok = { checkSkipInitWhitespace(endOfLine) || checkSkipInitWhitespace('=') || checkSkipInitWhitespace("{{{") || checkList || checkSkipInitWhitespace('\u003D') } offset = poff ok }) } def checkSentenceEnded(): Boolean = { (char == '.') && { val poff = offset nextChar() // read '.' val ok = char == endOfText || char == endOfLine || isWhitespace(char) offset = poff ok } } def reportError(pos: Position, message: String) { reporter.warning(pos, message) } } protected sealed class CharReader(buffer: String) { reader => var offset: Int = 0 def char: Char = if (offset >= buffer.length) endOfText else buffer charAt offset final def nextChar() { offset += 1 } final def check(chars: String): Boolean = { val poff = offset val ok = jump(chars) offset = poff ok } def checkSkipInitWhitespace(c: Char): Boolean = { val poff = offset jumpWhitespace() val ok = jump(c) offset = poff ok } def checkSkipInitWhitespace(chars: String): Boolean = { val poff = offset jumpWhitespace() val (ok0, chars0) = if (chars.charAt(0) == ' ') (offset > poff, chars substring 1) else (true, chars) val ok = ok0 && jump(chars0) offset = poff ok } def countWhitespace: Int = { var count = 0 val poff = offset while (isWhitespace(char) && char != endOfText) { nextChar() count += 1 } offset = poff count } /* JUMPERS */ /** jumps a character and consumes it * @return true only if the correct character has been jumped */ final def jump(ch: Char): Boolean = { if (char == ch) { nextChar() true } else false } /** jumps all the characters in chars, consuming them in the process. * @return true only if the correct characters have been jumped */ final def jump(chars: String): Boolean = { var index = 0 while (index < chars.length && char == chars.charAt(index) && char != endOfText) { nextChar() index += 1 } index == chars.length } final def repeatJump(c: Char, max: Int = Int.MaxValue): Int = { var count = 0 while (jump(c) && count < max) count += 1 count } final def jumpUntil(ch: Char): Int = { var count = 0 while (char != ch && char != endOfText) { nextChar() count += 1 } count } final def jumpUntil(pred: => Boolean): Int = { var count = 0 while (!pred && char != endOfText) { nextChar() count += 1 } count } def jumpWhitespace() = jumpUntil(!isWhitespace(char)) def jumpWhitespaceOrNewLine() = jumpUntil(!isWhitespaceOrNewLine(char)) /* READERS */ final def readUntil(c: Char): String = { withRead { while (char != c && char != endOfText) { nextChar() } } } final def readUntil(chars: String): String = { assert(chars.length > 0) withRead { val c = chars.charAt(0) while (!check(chars) && char != endOfText) { nextChar() while (char != c && char != endOfText) nextChar() } } } final def readUntil(pred: => Boolean): String = { withRead { while (char != endOfText && !pred) { nextChar() } } } private def withRead(read: => Unit): String = { val start = offset read buffer.substring(start, offset) } /* CHARS CLASSES */ def isWhitespace(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\t' def isWhitespaceOrNewLine(c: Char) = isWhitespace(c) || c == '\n' } }