In Emacs, this file should be read in -*- Outline -*- mode. * Introduction This directory contains an Emacs mode for Scala programs. This mode works only in GNU Emacs 21.1 or later. In particular, it doesn't work on any version of XEmacs, or any 20.x version of GNU Emacs. The mode is currently very basic, and offers: - syntax highlighting, - primitive automatic indentation, - support for interaction with the Scala interpreter. * Installation Put all ".el" files in a location where Emacs can find them, i.e. a directory appearing in the "load-path" variable. Compile all ".el" files (optional but recommended). Add the following line to your Emacs startup file, usually "~/.emacs": (require 'scala-mode-auto) Restart Emacs or evaluate the above line. From that point on, loading a file whose name ends in ".scala" automatically turns Scala mode on. It can also be turned on manually using the "scala-mode" command. * Known limitations This Emacs mode is currently very basic because we only have very little time to work on it. Patches for it will therefore be happily accepted. ** Automatic indentation Automatic indentation is incredibly basic and doesn't work correctly in many situations, including: - multi-line "case" statements, e.g. case Pair(x,y) => Console.println(x); Console.println(y); // not indented correctly - multi-line "case" patterns, e.g. case 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' // not indented correctly - multi-line comments, e.g. /* * // not indented correctly */ // not indented correctly - other cases of single-line constructs as soon as they span multiple lines. * Version $Id$