* Introduction This directory contains an additional property file (.properties) for Scala programs. More information about SciTE (Win32/Unix) is available from: http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/SciTE.html * Installation Copy the file "scala.properties" to the following location: /usr/share/scite/ (Unix) %PROGRAMFILES%/wscite/ (Win32) Modify the following 4 entries to the file "SciTEGlobal.properties" present in the same directory as "scala.properties" you just copied (line numbers in the left margin are indicative): source.files=\ ...;\ 244: *.scala [..] open.filter=\ ...\ 284: $(filter.scala)\ ... [..] menu.language=\ ...\ 433: Scala|scala||\ ... [..] 489: import scala From that point on, loading a file whose name ends in ".scala" automatically turns Scala mode on. * Version $Id$