From Raphael Haberer-Proust's website ( Disclaimer * This is an absolutly basic version * Only keywords and simple constructs like comments are recognized * It is by far not finished * For comments and changes, please send me a mail to (replace with the apropriate symbol) Known bugs * automatic indentation does not work properly when using the syntaxic possibilities of scala (for example when omitting the ; after the return value) How to use it In order to make vim find that file, add this line anywhere in your .vimrc configuration file: let mysyntaxfile = "folder_path/scala.vim" * under Linux, Solaris, etc. usualy /home/username/.vimrc * under Mac OS X : /Users/username/.vimrc If you want all the users of the system to access it by default, the best is to copy the file in vim's syntax folder (usualy /usr/share/vim/vim62/syntax/ or similar) and to add the line in the global configuration file (usualy /etc/vimrc) If you do not have an own configuration file for vim, here[link removed] is mine, rename it to .vimrc and put it in your home folder Of course, syntaxic coloring must be switched on under vim. You can do this with syntax on * For the users of the "operating system" from Redmond, as that system is said to be so easy to use, I'm sure they will get it by themselves ;-)