]> Hi, I am your helpful test script. Passing options to nsc? Either, add a line to developer/${user.name}/custom.properties nscArgs = -check:term;-debug or set a property nscArgs on the cmd line sh ant-test-nsc.sh -DnscArgs="-check:term;-debug" Note the hyphens, the quotes on the cmd line, no spaces between options, the ';' separator Missing library file ${nsc.fjbg_jar}. Check your property file build-nsc.properties.${platform}. Missing library file ${nsc.scala_jar}. Check your property file build-nsc.properties.${platform}. Missing library file ${nsc.tools_jar}. Check your property file build-nsc.properties.${platform}. Missing library file ${nsc.nsc_jar}. Check your property file build-nsc.properties.${platform}. Missing library file ${nsc.nsc4ant_jar}. Check your property file build-nsc.properties.${platform}. ==== running nsc on predef and runtime ===== running nsc on the rest &userExcludes; ===== running nsc on itself &userExcludes;