abstract-report3.scala:1: error: class Foo needs to be abstract, since: it has 25 unimplemented members. /** As seen from class Foo, the missing signatures are as follows. * For convenience, these are usable as stub implementations. */ // Members declared in java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue def add(x$1: T): Boolean = ??? def contains(x$1: Any): Boolean = ??? def drainTo(x$1: java.util.Collection[_ >: T],x$2: Int): Int = ??? def drainTo(x$1: java.util.Collection[_ >: T]): Int = ??? def offer(x$1: T,x$2: Long,x$3: java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit): Boolean = ??? def offer(x$1: T): Boolean = ??? def poll(x$1: Long,x$2: java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit): T = ??? def put(x$1: T): Unit = ??? def remainingCapacity(): Int = ??? def remove(x$1: Any): Boolean = ??? def take(): T = ??? // Members declared in java.util.Collection def addAll(x$1: java.util.Collection[_ <: T]): Boolean = ??? def clear(): Unit = ??? def containsAll(x$1: java.util.Collection[_]): Boolean = ??? def isEmpty(): Boolean = ??? def iterator(): java.util.Iterator[T] = ??? def removeAll(x$1: java.util.Collection[_]): Boolean = ??? def retainAll(x$1: java.util.Collection[_]): Boolean = ??? def size(): Int = ??? def toArray[T](x$1: Array[T with Object]): Array[T with Object] = ??? def toArray(): Array[Object] = ??? // Members declared in java.util.Queue def element(): T = ??? def peek(): T = ??? def poll(): T = ??? def remove(): T = ??? class Foo[T] extends java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue[T] { } ^ one error found