import import util.stringFromStream // Testing "scripts" without the platform delights which accompany actual scripts. object Scripts { val test1 = """#!/bin/sh exec scala $0 $@ !# println("statement 1") println("statement 2".thisisborked) println("statement 3") """ val output1 = """thisisborked.scala:6: error: value thisisborked is not a member of java.lang.String println("statement 2".thisisborked) ^ one error found""" val test2 = """#!scala // foo // bar !# val x = "line 6" val y = "line 7" val z "line 8"""" val output2 = """bob.scala:8: error: '=' expected but string literal found. val z "line 8" ^ bob.scala:8: error: illegal start of simple expression val z "line 8" ^ two errors found""" } object Test { import Scripts._ def settings = new GenericRunnerSettings(println _) settings.nocompdaemon.value = true def runScript(code: String): String = stringFromStream(stream => Console.withOut(stream) { Console.withErr(stream) { ScriptRunner.runCommand(settings, code, Nil) } } ) val tests: List[(String, String)] = List( test1 -> output1, test2 -> output2 ) // def lines(s: String) = s split """\r\n|\r|\n""" toList def lines(s: String) = s split "\\n" toList // strip the random temp filename from error msgs def stripFilename(s: String) = (s indexOf ".scala:") match { case -1 => s case idx => s drop (idx + 7) } def toLines(text: String) = lines(text) map stripFilename def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { for ((code, expected) <- tests) { val out = toLines(runScript(code)) val exp = toLines(expected) val nomatch = out zip exp filter { case (x, y) => x != y } val success = out.size == exp.size && nomatch.isEmpty assert( success, "Output doesn't match expected:\n" + "Expected:\n" + expected + "Actual:\n" + out.mkString("\n") ) } } }