/** * NOTE: Code snippets from this test are included in the Actor Migration Guide. In case you change * code in these tests prior to the 2.10.0 release please send the notification to @vjovanov. */ import scala.actors._ import scala.actors.migration._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Promise, Await } object SillyActor { val startPromise = Promise[Boolean]() val ref = ActorDSL.actor(new SillyActor) } /* PinS, Listing 32.1: A simple actor */ class SillyActor extends StashingActor { def receive = { case _ => println("Why are you not dead"); context.stop(self) } override def preStart() { Await.ready(SillyActor.startPromise.future, 5 seconds) for (i <- 1 to 5) println("I'm acting!") context.stop(self) } override def postStop() { println("Post stop") } } object SeriousActor { val startPromise = Promise[Boolean]() val ref = ActorDSL.actor(new SeriousActor) } class SeriousActor extends StashingActor { def receive = { case _ => println("Nop") } override def preStart() { Await.ready(SeriousActor.startPromise.future, 5 seconds) for (i <- 1 to 5) println("To be or not to be.") context.stop(self) } } /* PinS, Listing 32.3: An actor that calls react */ object NameResolver { val ref = ActorDSL.actor(new NameResolver) } class NameResolver extends StashingActor { import java.net.{ InetAddress, UnknownHostException } def receive = { case (name: String, actor: ActorRef) => actor ! getIp(name) case "EXIT" => println("Name resolver exiting.") context.stop(self) // quit case msg => println("Unhandled message: " + msg) } def getIp(name: String): Option[InetAddress] = { try { Some(InetAddress.getByName(name)) } catch { case _: UnknownHostException => None } } } object Test extends App { /* PinS, Listing 32.2: An actor that calls receive */ def makeEchoActor(): ActorRef = ActorDSL.actor(new StashingActor { def receive = { // how to handle receive case 'stop => context.stop(self) case msg => println("received message: " + msg) } }) /* PinS, page 696 */ def makeIntActor(): ActorRef = ActorDSL.actor(new StashingActor { def receive = { case x: Int => // I only want Ints unstashAll() println("Got an Int: " + x) context.stop(self) case _ => stash() } }) ActorDSL.actor(new StashingActor { val silly = SillyActor.ref override def preStart() { context.watch(SillyActor.ref) SillyActor.startPromise.success(true) } def receive = { case Terminated(`silly`) => unstashAll() val serious = SeriousActor.ref context.watch(SeriousActor.ref) SeriousActor.startPromise.success(true) context.become { case Terminated(`serious`) => val seriousPromise2 = Promise[Boolean]() // PinS, page 694 val seriousActor2 = ActorDSL.actor( new StashingActor { def receive = { case _ => context.stop(self) } override def preStart() = { for (i <- 1 to 5) println("That is the question.") seriousPromise2.success(true) context.stop(self) } }) Await.ready(seriousPromise2.future, 5 seconds) val echoActor = makeEchoActor() context.watch(echoActor) echoActor ! "hi there" echoActor ! 15 echoActor ! 'stop context.become { case Terminated(_) => unstashAll() val intActor = makeIntActor() intActor ! "hello" intActor ! math.Pi // only the following send leads to output intActor ! 12 context.unbecome() context.unbecome() context.stop(self) case m => println("Stash 1 " + m) stash(m) } case m => println("Stash 2 " + m) stash(m) } case m => println("Stash 3 " + m) stash(m) } }) }