import scala.language.{ higherKinds, reflectiveCalls } object Test1 { class Foo { @remote def foo: Unit = () } def run { val method = classOf[Foo].getMethod("foo") method.getExceptionTypes foreach println } } object Test2 { import{BufferedReader,FileReader, IOException} class Reader(fname: String) { private val in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fname)) @throws(classOf[IOException]) def read() = } def run { val method = classOf[Reader].getMethod("read") method.getExceptionTypes foreach println } } /* Java: public class Main { @Deprecated public void foo() {} public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Method method = Class.forName("test.Main").getMethod("foo", new Class[]{}); Annotation annotation = method.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class); System.out.println(annotation); // @java.lang.Deprecated() } } */ object Test3 { import java.lang.Deprecated class Foo { @Deprecated def foo: Unit = () } def run { val method = classOf[Foo].getMethod("foo") val annotation = method.getAnnotation(classOf[Deprecated]) println(annotation) } } /* Java: @Retention(value=RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface Source { public String url(); public String mail(); } @Source(url="", mail="") class Foo {} public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class clazz = Class.forName("test.Foo"); Annotation[] annotations = clazz.getAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) System.out.println(annotations[i]); // @test.Main$Source(url=, } } */ object Test4 { import test.SourceAnnotation // defined in @SourceAnnotation(value = "", mails = Array("", "")) class Foo1 @SourceAnnotation(value = "", mails = Array("")) class Foo2 @SourceAnnotation("") class Foo3 class Foo4 { @SourceAnnotation("file:///dev/null") val x = 1 } class Foo5 { @SourceAnnotation("file:///dev/zero") def bar: Int = 0 } class Foo6 @SourceAnnotation("primary constructor") (s: String) { // to guarantee that primary constructor annotations // are not applied to secondary constructors def this() = this("") } class Foo7(s: String) { @SourceAnnotation("secondary constructor") def this() = this("") } class Foo8(@SourceAnnotation("constructor val") val n: Int) {} class Foo9 { import scala.annotation.meta._ import scala.beans.BeanProperty @(SourceAnnotation @getter)("") val x = 0 @BeanProperty @(SourceAnnotation @beanSetter)("") var y = 0 type myAnn = SourceAnnotation @beanGetter @field @BeanProperty @myAnn("") var z = 0 type myAnn2[T] = SourceAnnotation @beanGetter @field @BeanProperty @myAnn2[String]("") var z2 = 0 type myAnn3[CC[_]] = SourceAnnotation @beanGetter @field @BeanProperty @myAnn3[List]("") var z3 = 0 } class Foo10(@SourceAnnotation("on param 1") val name: String) class Foo11(@(SourceAnnotation @scala.annotation.meta.field)("on param 2") val name: String) class Foo12(@(SourceAnnotation @scala.annotation.meta.setter)("on param 3") var name: String) def run { import java.lang.annotation.Annotation import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement def printSourceAnnotation(a: Annotation) { val ann = a.asInstanceOf[SourceAnnotation] println("@test.SourceAnnotation(mails=" + ann.mails.deep.mkString("{", ",", "}") + ", value=" + ann.value + ")") } def printSourceAnnotations(target: AnnotatedElement) { //print SourceAnnotation in a predefined way to insure // against difference in the JVMs (e.g. Sun's vs IBM's) val anns = target.getAnnotations() anns foreach printSourceAnnotation if (anns.length > 0) { println(target) println } } def printParamSourceAnnotations(target: { def getParameterAnnotations(): Array[Array[Annotation]] }) { val anns = target.getParameterAnnotations().flatten anns foreach printSourceAnnotation if (anns.length > 0) { println(target) println } } printSourceAnnotations(classOf[Foo1]) printSourceAnnotations(classOf[Foo2]) printSourceAnnotations(classOf[Foo3]) classOf[Foo4].getDeclaredFields foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo4].getDeclaredMethods foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo5].getDeclaredMethods foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo6].getDeclaredConstructors foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo7].getDeclaredConstructors foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo8].getDeclaredFields foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo8].getDeclaredMethods foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo8].getDeclaredConstructors foreach printParamSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo9].getDeclaredFields.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo9].getDeclaredMethods.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo10].getDeclaredFields.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo10].getDeclaredMethods.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo10].getDeclaredConstructors foreach printParamSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo11].getDeclaredFields.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo11].getDeclaredMethods.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo11].getDeclaredConstructors foreach printParamSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo12].getDeclaredFields.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo12].getDeclaredMethods.sortWith((x, y) => x.toString < y.toString) foreach printSourceAnnotations classOf[Foo12].getDeclaredConstructors foreach printParamSourceAnnotations } } object Test5 { import scala.beans.BeanProperty import java.lang.Integer class Count { // we use "Integer" instead of "Int" because of Java reflection @BeanProperty var count: Integer = 0 private val getter = getClass().getMethod("getCount") private val setter = getClass().getMethod("setCount", classOf[Integer]) def get = getter.invoke(this).asInstanceOf[Integer].intValue def set(n: Int) = setter.invoke(this, new Integer(n)) } def run { val count = new Count println(count.get) count.set(99) println(count.get) } } object Test6 { import scala.beans.BeanProperty import scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty class C(@BeanProperty var text: String) class D(@BooleanBeanProperty var prop: Boolean) { @BeanProperty val m: Int = if (prop) 1 else 2 } def run { val c = new C("bob") c.setText("dylan") println(c.getText()) val d = new D(true) d.setProp(false) if (!d.isProp()) { println(new D(false).getM()) } } } // #3345 class A3345(@volatile private var i:Int) object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { // requires the use of -target:jvm-1.5 } }