/** * Copyright (C) 2012 Typesafe Inc. */ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.reflect._ import scala.tools.partest.TestUtil.intercept object Test extends App { implicit class Assert(val left: Any) extends AnyVal { import Duration.Undefined def mustBe(right: Any) = right match { case r: Double if r.isNaN => assert(left.asInstanceOf[Double].isNaN, s"$left was not NaN") case r: Double if r == 0 && r.compareTo(0) == -1 => assert(left == 0 && left.asInstanceOf[Double].compareTo(0) == -1, s"$left was not -0.0") case Undefined => assert(left.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq Undefined, s"$left was not Undefined") case _ => assert(left == right, s"$left was not equal to $right") } } val zero = 0 seconds val one = 1 second val two = one + one val three = 3 * one val inf = Duration.Inf val minf = Duration.MinusInf val undef = Duration.Undefined val inputs = List(zero, one, inf, minf, undef) val nan = Double.NaN // test field ops one.isFinite mustBe true 0 * one mustBe zero 2 * one mustBe two three - two mustBe one three / 3 mustBe one two / one mustBe 2 one + zero mustBe one one / 1000000 mustBe 1.micro // test infinities inf.isFinite mustBe false minf.isFinite mustBe false inf mustBe inf minf mustBe minf -inf mustBe minf -minf mustBe inf minf + inf mustBe undef inf - inf mustBe undef inf + minf mustBe undef minf - minf mustBe undef inf + inf mustBe inf inf - minf mustBe inf minf - inf mustBe minf minf + minf mustBe minf inf.compareTo(inf) mustBe 0 inf.compareTo(one) mustBe 1 inf.compareTo(minf) mustBe 1 minf.compareTo(minf) mustBe 0 minf.compareTo(one) mustBe -1 minf.compareTo(inf) mustBe -1 assert(inf != minf) assert(minf != inf) assert(one != inf) assert(minf != one) inf mustBe (minf * -1d) inf mustBe (minf / -1d) one / inf mustBe 0d -one / inf mustBe -0d one / minf mustBe -0d -one / minf mustBe 0d inputs filterNot (_.isFinite) foreach (x => x / zero mustBe x.toUnit(DAYS)) inputs filterNot (_.isFinite) foreach (_ * 0d mustBe undef) inputs filterNot (_.isFinite) foreach (_ * -0d mustBe undef) inputs filterNot (_.isFinite) foreach (x => x * Double.PositiveInfinity mustBe x) inputs filterNot (_.isFinite) foreach (x => x * Double.NegativeInfinity mustBe -x) inf.toUnit(SECONDS) mustBe Double.PositiveInfinity minf.toUnit(MINUTES) mustBe Double.NegativeInfinity Duration.fromNanos(Double.PositiveInfinity) mustBe inf Duration.fromNanos(Double.NegativeInfinity) mustBe minf // test undefined & NaN undef.isFinite mustBe false -undef mustBe undef assert(undef != undef) assert(undef eq undef) inputs foreach (_ + undef mustBe undef) inputs foreach (_ - undef mustBe undef) inputs foreach (_ / undef mustBe nan) inputs foreach (_ / nan mustBe undef) inputs foreach (_ * nan mustBe undef) inputs foreach (undef + _ mustBe undef) inputs foreach (undef - _ mustBe undef) inputs foreach (undef / _ mustBe nan) undef / 1 mustBe undef undef / nan mustBe undef undef * 1 mustBe undef undef * nan mustBe undef inputs foreach (x => x / zero mustBe x.toUnit(SECONDS) / 0d) inputs foreach (x => x / 0d mustBe Duration.fromNanos(x.toUnit(NANOSECONDS) / 0d)) inputs foreach (x => x / -0d mustBe Duration.fromNanos(x.toUnit(NANOSECONDS) / -0d)) inputs filterNot (_ eq undef) foreach (_ compareTo undef mustBe -1) inputs filterNot (_ eq undef) foreach (undef compareTo _ mustBe 1) undef compare undef mustBe 0 undef.toUnit(DAYS) mustBe nan Duration.fromNanos(nan) mustBe undef // test overflow protection for (unit ← Seq(DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLISECONDS, MICROSECONDS, NANOSECONDS)) { val x = unit.convert(Long.MaxValue, NANOSECONDS) val dur = Duration(x, unit) val mdur = Duration(-x, unit) -mdur mustBe (dur) intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration(x + 10000000d, unit) } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration(-x - 10000000d, unit) } if (unit != NANOSECONDS) { intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration(x + 1, unit) } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration(-x - 1, unit) } } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { dur + 1.day } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { mdur - 1.day } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { dur * 1.1 } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { mdur * 1.1 } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { dur * 2.1 } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { mdur * 2.1 } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { dur / 0.9 } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { mdur / 0.9 } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { dur / 0.4 } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { mdur / 0.4 } Duration(x + unit.toString.toLowerCase) Duration("-" + x + unit.toString.toLowerCase) intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration("%.0f".format(x + 10000000d) + unit.toString.toLowerCase) } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration("-%.0f".format(x + 10000000d) + unit.toString.toLowerCase) } } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration.fromNanos(1e20) } intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { Duration.fromNanos(-1e20) } // test precision 1.second + 1.millisecond mustBe 1001.milliseconds 100000.days + 1.nanosecond mustBe 8640000000000000001L.nanoseconds 1.5.seconds.toSeconds mustBe 1 (-1.5).seconds.toSeconds mustBe -1 // test unit stability 1000.millis.unit mustBe MILLISECONDS (1000.millis + 0.days).unit mustBe MILLISECONDS 1.second.unit mustBe SECONDS (1.second + 1.millisecond).unit mustBe MILLISECONDS // test Deadline val dead = 2.seconds.fromNow val dead2 = 2 seconds fromNow { val l = dead.timeLeft; assert(l > 1.second, s"$l <= 1.second") } { val l = dead2.timeLeft; assert(l > 1.second, s"$l <= 1.second") } Thread.sleep(1.second.toMillis) // unfortunately it can happen that the sleep() returns early without throwing { val l = dead.timeLeft; assert(l <= 1100.millis, s"$l > 1100.millis") } { val l = dead2.timeLeft; assert(l <= 1100.millis, s"$l > 1100.millis") } // test integer mul/div 500.millis * 2 mustBe 1.second (500.millis * 2).unit mustBe MILLISECONDS 1.second / 2 mustBe 500.millis (1.second / 2).unit mustBe MILLISECONDS // check statically retaining finite-ness val finiteDuration: FiniteDuration = 1.second * 2 / 3 mul 5 div 4 plus 3.seconds minus 1.millisecond min 1.second max 1.second val finite2: FiniteDuration = 2 * 1.second + 3L * 2.seconds finite2 mustBe 8.seconds ((2 seconds fromNow).timeLeft: FiniteDuration) < 4.seconds mustBe true val finite3: FiniteDuration = 3.5 seconds span }