import import import asm.tree.{ClassNode, InnerClassNode} import asm.{Opcodes => Flags} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object Test extends BytecodeTest { def assertSame(a: Any, b: Any) = { assert(a == b, s"\na: $a\nb: $b") } val publicStatic = Flags.ACC_PUBLIC | Flags.ACC_STATIC val publicAbstractInterface = Flags.ACC_PUBLIC | Flags.ACC_ABSTRACT | Flags.ACC_INTERFACE def innerClassNodes(className: String): List[InnerClassNode] = { loadClassNode(className).innerClasses.asScala.toList.sortBy( } final case class EnclosingMethod(name: String, descriptor: String, outerClass: String) def enclosingMethod(className: String) = { val n = loadClassNode(className) EnclosingMethod(n.outerMethod, n.outerMethodDesc, n.outerClass) } def assertMember(node: InnerClassNode, outer: String, inner: String, name: Option[String] = None, flags: Int = Flags.ACC_PUBLIC) = { assertSame(, name.getOrElse(s"$outer$$$inner")) assertSame(node.outerName, outer) assertSame(node.innerName, inner) assertSame(node.access, flags) } def assertAnonymous(node: InnerClassNode, name: String, flags: Int = Flags.ACC_PUBLIC | Flags.ACC_FINAL) = { assertSame(, name) assertSame(node.outerName, null) assertSame(node.innerName, null) assertSame(node.access, flags) } def assertLocal(node: InnerClassNode, name: String, inner: String, flags: Int = Flags.ACC_PUBLIC) = { assertSame(, name) assertSame(node.outerName, null) assertSame(node.innerName, inner) assertSame(node.access, flags) } def assertEnclosingMethod(enclosingMethod: EnclosingMethod, outerClass: String, name: String, descriptor: String) = { assertSame(enclosingMethod.outerClass, outerClass) assertSame(, name) assertSame(enclosingMethod.descriptor, descriptor) } def testA1() = { val List(b1) = innerClassNodes("A1") assertMember(b1, "A1", "B") val List(b2) = innerClassNodes("A1$B") assertMember(b2, "A1", "B") } def testA2() = { val List(b1) = innerClassNodes("A2") assertMember(b1, "A2", "B$") val List(b2) = innerClassNodes("A2$B$") assertMember(b2, "A2", "B$") } def testA3() = { def t(c: String) = { val List(b1, b2) = innerClassNodes(c) // the outer class for classes nested inside top-level modules is not the module class, but the mirror class. // this is a hack for java interop, handled in the backend. see BTypes.scala, comment on "Java Compatibility". assertMember(b1, "A3", "B1", flags = publicStatic) assertMember(b2, "A3", "B2$", flags = publicStatic) } t("A3$") // the mirror class has the same inner class attributes as the module // class (added when the mirror is created in the backend) t("A3") } def testA4() = { val List(an1) = innerClassNodes("A4") assertAnonymous(an1, "A4$$anonfun$f$1") val List(an2) = innerClassNodes("A4$$anonfun$f$1") assertAnonymous(an2, "A4$$anonfun$f$1") assertEnclosingMethod( enclosingMethod("A4$$anonfun$f$1"), "A4", "f", "(Lscala/collection/immutable/List;)Lscala/collection/immutable/List;") } def testA5() = { val List(b1) = innerClassNodes("A5") assertLocal(b1, "A5$B$2$", "B$2$") val List(b2) = innerClassNodes("A5$B$2$") assertLocal(b2, "A5$B$2$", "B$2$") assertEnclosingMethod( enclosingMethod("A5$B$2$"), "A5", "f", "()Ljava/lang/Object;") } def testA6() = { val List(tt1) = innerClassNodes("A6") assertMember(tt1, "A6", "TT", flags = publicAbstractInterface) val List() = innerClassNodes("A6$class") val List(tt2) = innerClassNodes("A6$TT") assertMember(tt2, "A6", "TT", flags = publicAbstractInterface) } def testA7() = { val List() = innerClassNodes("A7") } def testA8() = { val List(tt) = innerClassNodes("A8") assertMember(tt, "A6", "TT", flags = publicAbstractInterface) } def testA10() = { val List() = innerClassNodes("A10") } def testA11() = { val List(ann) = innerClassNodes("A11") // in the java class file, the INNERCLASS attribute has more flags (public | static | abstract | interface | annotation) // the scala compiler has its own interpretation of java annotations ant their flags.. it only emits publicStatic. assertMember(ann, "JavaAnnot_1", "Ann", flags = publicStatic) } def testA13() = { val List(b, c) = innerClassNodes("A13") assertMember(b, "A12", "B$", flags = publicStatic) assertMember(c, "A12$B$", "C", name = Some("A12$B$C"), flags = publicStatic) } def testA14() = { val List(anon, k) = innerClassNodes("A14") assertLocal(k, "A14$K$1", "K$1") assertEnclosingMethod( enclosingMethod("A14$K$1"), "A14", "f", "()Ljava/lang/Object;") assertAnonymous(anon, "A14$$anon$1") assertEnclosingMethod( enclosingMethod("A14$$anon$1"), "A14", "g", "()V") } def testA15() = { val List(b) = innerClassNodes("A15") assertLocal(b, "A15$B$3", "B$3", flags = publicStatic) val List(_, c) = innerClassNodes("A15$B$3") // TODO this is a bug in the backend, C should be a member. Instead, its outerClass is null // assertMember(c, "A15$B$3", "C") assertLocal(c, "A15$B$3$C", "C") } def testA16() = { val List(anon1, anon2, u, v) = innerClassNodes("A16") // TODO there's a bug in the backend: anon$2 has outerClass A16, but anonymous classes should have outerClass null // assertAnonymous(anon1, "A16$$anon$2") assertMember(anon1, "A16", null, name = Some("A16$$anon$2"), flags = Flags.ACC_PUBLIC | Flags.ACC_FINAL) assertAnonymous(anon2, "A16$$anon$3") // TODO this is a bug in the backend, U should not be a member, its outerClass should be null // assertLocal(u, "A16$U$1", "U$1") assertMember(u, "A16", "U$1") assertLocal(v, "A16$V$1", "V$1") assertEnclosingMethod( enclosingMethod("A16$$anon$2"), "A16", "", "()V") assertEnclosingMethod( enclosingMethod("A16$$anon$3"), "A16", "", "()V") // TODO this is a bug, there should be an enclosingMethod attribute in U // assertEnclosingMethod( // enclosingMethod("A16$U$1"), // "A16", "", "()V") assertEnclosingMethod( enclosingMethod("A16$V$1"), "A16", "", "()V") } def testA17() = { val List(b, c) = innerClassNodes("A17$B$") assertMember(b, "A17", "B$") // TODO this is a bug, should not be static. assertMember(c, "A17$B$", "C", name = Some("A17$B$C"), flags = publicStatic) // (should be) not static, has an outer pointer. } def show(): Unit = { testA1() testA2() testA3() testA4() testA5() testA6() testA7() testA8() testA10() testA11() testA13() testA14() testA15() testA16() testA17() } }