//############################################################################ // Test Java interaction with scala inner classes //############################################################################ // $Id: $ import java.io.{BufferedReader, File, FileWriter, InputStreamReader} /** The entry point of this test. It has to come first, * before the package declarations. The parser wouldn't want it * any other way. */ object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val b = new p.b.B; val c = new b.C; c.m val ji = new p.b.JavaInteraction(Array('a', 'b', 'c')); (new ji.Inner).m; (new p.b.OuterObj.Inner).m } } package p { package a { class A { protected val x = 10; protected def meth1(x: Int) = x + 1; protected def meth2(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y; protected def meth3 = Array(1, 2) def getA: this.type = this; } } package b { import a._; /** Test interraction with Scala inherited methods and currying. */ class B extends A { class C { def m = { Console.println(x); Console.println("meth1(1) = " + meth1(1)); Console.println("meth2(1)(1) = " + meth2(1)(1)); Console.println("meth3 = " + meth3.getClass); val inc = &meth2(1); Console.println("10++ = " + inc(10)); getA.x; } } } /** Test interaction with Java inherited protected fields. */ class JavaInteraction(arr: Array[Char]) extends java.io.CharArrayReader(arr) { class Inner { def m = { Console.println("count before: " + count); count = count + 1; Console.println("count after: " + count); } } } /** Test interaction when outer is an object. */ object OuterObj extends p.a.A { class Inner { def m = { Console.println(x); Console.println("meth1(1) = " + meth1(1)); Console.println("meth2(1)(1) = " + meth2(1)(1)); val inc = &meth2(1); Console.println("10++ = " + inc(10)); getA.x; } } } } }