/** * Checks that serialization of hash-based collections works correctly if the hashCode * changes on deserialization. */ object Test { import collection._ def main(args: Array[String]) { for (i <- Seq(0, 1, 2, 10, 100)) { def entries = (0 until i).map(i => (new Foo, i)).toList def elements = entries.map(_._1) val maps = Seq[Map[Foo, Int]](new mutable.HashMap, new mutable.LinkedHashMap, immutable.HashMap.empty).map(_ ++ entries) test[Map[Foo, Int]](maps, entries.size, assertMap _) val sets = Seq[Set[Foo]](new mutable.HashSet, new mutable.LinkedHashSet, immutable.HashSet.empty).map(_ ++ elements) test[Set[Foo]](sets, entries.size, assertSet _) } } private def test[A <: AnyRef](collections: Seq[A], expectedSize: Int, assertFunction: (A, Int) => Unit) { for (collection <- collections) { assertFunction(collection, expectedSize) val bytes = toBytes(collection) Foo.hashCodeModifier = 1 val deserializedCollection = toObject[A](bytes) assertFunction(deserializedCollection, expectedSize) assert(deserializedCollection.getClass == collection.getClass, "collection class should remain the same after deserialization ("+deserializedCollection.getClass+" != "+collection.getClass+")") Foo.hashCodeModifier = 0 } } private def toObject[A](bytes: Array[Byte]): A = { val in = new java.io.ObjectInputStream(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) in.readObject.asInstanceOf[A] } private def toBytes(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = { val bos = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream val out = new java.io.ObjectOutputStream(bos) out.writeObject(o) out.close bos.toByteArray } private def assertMap[A, B](map: Map[A, B], expectedSize: Int) { assert(expectedSize == map.size, "expected map size: " + expectedSize + ", actual size: " + map.size) map.foreach { case (k, v) => assert(map.contains(k), "contains should return true for key in the map, key: " + k) assert(map(k) == v) } } private def assertSet[A](set: Set[A], expectedSize: Int) { assert(expectedSize == set.size, "expected set size: " + expectedSize + ", actual size: " + set.size) set.foreach { e => assert(set.contains(e), "contains should return true for element in the set, element: " + e) } } object Foo { /* Used to simulate a hashCode change caused by deserializing an instance with an * identity-based hashCode in another JVM. */ var hashCodeModifier = 0 } @serializable class Foo { override def hashCode = System.identityHashCode(this) + Foo.hashCodeModifier } }