/* https://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/2104 symptom: Source via Buffered Source always loses the last char of the input file. cause: BufferedSource? doesn't check return for -1 (EOF), and uses reader.ready() improperly as a substitute. test: check over all possible strings of length up to N over alphabet chars: write file, then read back its chars, and get back the original. */ object Test { val N=4 import java.io.{ File => JFile } import java.io.FileWriter import io.Source def overwrite(file: JFile,w: FileWriter=>Unit) { val fw=new FileWriter(file) w(fw) fw.close } def delete_after(f: JFile,g: Source=>Unit) = { g(Source.fromFile(f)) f.delete } def store_tempfile(f: FileWriter=>Unit)(implicit name:String) : JFile = { val tp=JFile.createTempFile(name,null) overwrite(tp,f) tp } implicit val name="bug2104" val chars=List('\n','\r','a') type Cs = List[Char] def all_strings(n: Int) : List[Cs] = { if (n==0) List(Nil) else { val sufs=all_strings(n-1) chars.flatMap((c)=>sufs.map(c :: _)) } } def test(n: Int) { for(l <- all_strings(n)) { val tmp=store_tempfile((f)=>l.foreach(f.write(_))) delete_after(tmp,(s)=>assert(s.toList == l)) } } def main(args: Array[String]) { (0 until N).foreach(test(_)) } }