import scala.actors.{Future, Futures} object Test { def main(args:Array[String]) : Unit = { //scala.actors.Debug.level = 3 val size = /*if (args.length > 0) Integer.parseInt(args(0)) else*/ 8 val (m,n) = (size, size) def random = (for (i <- 0 until m*n) yield java.lang.Math.random).toArray val A = Matrix(m, n, random) val B = Matrix(m, n, random) val format = new java.text.DecimalFormat("000.00'ms'"); var iter = 1 val done = 21 while (iter < done) { val start = System.nanoTime() val result = A * B val time = System.nanoTime() - start result match { case Some(result) => { printf(" Iteration %2d succeeded %n", iter/*, format.format(time / 1e6)*/) iter += 1 } case None => { printf(">>>> Iteration %2d failed after %s <<<<< %n", iter, format.format(time / 1e6)) iter = done } } } println("Test done with no deadlock. Try again, it will not occur...") } } case class Matrix(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, values: Array[Double]) { def this(m:Int, n:Int) = this(m, n, new Array[Double](m*n)) def offset(i:Int, j:Int) = i * numCols + j def apply(i:Int, j:Int) = values( offset(i,j) ) def update(i:Int, j:Int, value:Double) = values(offset(i, j)) = value; def *(by:Matrix) = { val aM = numRows val aN = numCols assert(aM == by.numCols) assert(aN == by.numRows) val resultMatrix = new Matrix(aM, aM) val m = aM.asInstanceOf[Int] val n = aN.asInstanceOf[Int] val rows = for (j <- 0 until m) yield { Futures.future { val b_j = new Array[Double](n) var k = 0 while (k < n) { // sadly, while loops are still faster than for loops b_j(k) = by(k,j) k += 1 } var i = 0 while (i < m) { var s = 0.0d; k = 0 while (k < n) { s += Matrix.this(i,k) * b_j(k) k += 1 } resultMatrix(i,j) = s i += 1 } //printf("future %d of %d completed.%n", j, m) j } } // rows.foreach { x=> x() } // This appears to force sequential execution, so use: // timeout is 10 years; see val done = Futures.awaitAll(10*365*24*60*60*1000, rows.toArray : _*) // list to array, as varargs. if (done.contains(None)) None else Some(resultMatrix) } }