import import import asm.tree.InsnList import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object Test extends BytecodeTest { def show: Unit = { val classNode = loadClassNode("Foo_1") val methodNode = getMethod(classNode, "foo") // there should be 2 copies of the finally block, each with the magic constant 3 // one for the "normal" exit // one for the uncaught exception exit // prior to this PR there would have been 4 since each exception handler would also get a copy val expected = 2 val got = countMagicThrees(methodNode.instructions) assert(got == expected, s"expected $expected but got $got magic threes") } def countMagicThrees(insnList: InsnList): Int = { def isMagicThree(node: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = (node.getOpcode == asm.Opcodes.ICONST_3) insnList.iterator.asScala.count(isMagicThree) } }