import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} // tests the basic combinators on Try trait TryStandard { def testForeachSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) var res = 0 t.foreach(x => res = x * 10) assert(res == 10) } def testForeachFailure(): Unit = { val t = Failure(new Exception("foo")) t.foreach(x => assert(false)) } def testFlatMapSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = t.flatMap(x => Try(x * 10)) assert(n.get == 10) } def testFlatMapFailure(): Unit = { val t = Failure(new Exception("foo")) val n = t.flatMap{ x => assert(false); Try() } } def testMapSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = => x * 10) assert(n.get == 10) } def testMapFailure(): Unit = { val t = Failure(new Exception("foo")) val n = => assert(false)) } def testFilterSuccessTrue(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = t.filter(x => x > 0) assert(n.get == 1) } def testFilterSuccessFalse(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = t.filter(x => x < 0) n match { case Success(v) => assert(false) case Failure(e: NoSuchElementException) => assert(true) } } def testFilterFailure(): Unit = { val t = Failure(new Exception("foo")) val n = t.filter{ x => assert(false); true } } def testRescueSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) t.rescue{ case x => assert(false); Try() } } def testRescueFailure(): Unit = { val t = Failure(new Exception("foo")) val n = t.rescue{ case x => Try(1) } assert(n.get == 1) } def testRecoverSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) t.recover{ case x => assert(false); 99 } } def testRecoverFailure(): Unit = { val t = Failure(new Exception("foo")) val n = t.recover{ case x => 1 } assert(n.get == 1) } def testFlattenSuccess(): Unit = { val f = Failure(new Exception("foo")) val t = Success(f) assert(t.flatten == f) } def testFailedSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = t.failed n match { case Failure(e: UnsupportedOperationException) => assert(true) case _ => assert(false) } } def testFailedFailure(): Unit = { val t = Failure(new Exception("foo")) val n = t.failed n match { case Success(e: Exception) => assert(true) case _ => assert(false) } } testForeachSuccess() testForeachFailure() testFlatMapSuccess() testFlatMapFailure() testMapSuccess() testMapFailure() testFilterSuccessTrue() testFilterSuccessFalse() testFilterFailure() testRescueSuccess() testRescueFailure() testRecoverSuccess() testRecoverFailure() testFlattenSuccess() testFailedSuccess() testFailedFailure() } // tests that implicit conversions from Try to Either behave as expected trait TryImplicitConversionTry2Either { def testTry2RightMap(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = => x * 100) assert(n == Right(100)) } def testTry2LeftMap(): Unit = { val e = new Exception("foo") val t = Failure(e) val n = => x) assert(n == Left(e)) } def testTry2FoldSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = t.fold(x => assert(false), y => y * 200) assert(n == 200) } def testTry2FoldFailure(): Unit = { val e = new Exception("foo") val t = Failure(e) val n = t.fold(x => x, y => assert(false)) assert(n == e) } def testTry2SwapSuccess(): Unit = { val t = Success(1) val n = t.swap assert(n == Left(1)) } def testTry2SwapFailure(): Unit = { val e = new Exception("foo") val t = Failure(e) val n = t.swap assert(n == Right(e)) } // def testTry2MergeSucccess(): Unit = { // val t: Try[Int] = Success(1) // val n = (t: Either[Any, Any]).t.merge // connecting two implicit conversions // assert(n == 1) // } // def testTry2MergeFailure(): Unit = { // val e = new Exception("foo") // val t = Failure(e) // val n = (t: Either[Any, Any]).merge // connecting two implicit conversions // assert(n == e) // } testTry2RightMap() testTry2LeftMap() testTry2FoldSuccess() testTry2FoldFailure() testTry2SwapSuccess() testTry2SwapFailure() // testTry2MergeSucccess() // testTry2MergeFailure() } // tests that implicit conversions from Either to Try behave as expected trait TryImplicitConversionEither2Try { def testRight2FilterSuccessTrue(): Unit = { def expectsTry[U <% Try[Int]](rght: U): Try[Int] = { val n = rght.filter(x => x > 0) // this should be converted to a Try n } val r = Right(1) val n = expectsTry(r) assert(n == Success(1)) } def testRight2FilterSuccessFalse(): Unit = { def expectsTry[U <% Try[Int]](rght: U): Try[Int] = { val n = rght.filter(x => x < 0) // this should be converted to a Try n } val r = Right(1) val n = expectsTry(r) n match { case Failure(e: NoSuchElementException) => assert(true) case _ => assert(false) } } def testLeft2FilterFailure(): Unit = { def expectsTry[U <% Try[Int]](rght: U): Try[Int] = { val n = rght.filter(x => x > 0) // this should be converted to a Try n } val r = Left(new Exception("foo")) val n = expectsTry(r) n match { case Failure(e: Exception) => assert(true) case _ => assert(false) } } def testRight2GetSuccess(): Unit = { def expectsTry[U <% Try[Int]](rght: U): Int = { val n = rght.get // this should be converted to a Try n } val r = Right(1) val n = expectsTry(r) assert(n == 1) } testRight2FilterSuccessTrue() testRight2FilterSuccessFalse() testLeft2FilterFailure() testRight2GetSuccess() } object Test extends App with TryStandard with TryImplicitConversionTry2Either with TryImplicitConversionEither2Try { System.exit(0) }